
10 Things I Love About Dallas


It blows my mind when my friends in LA have never been to Dallas, Texas; this sweet southern spot is full of so much charm mixed with city living. Texas is such a gem of a state (all of us locals are a bit biased), and it has the most safe, settling feeling about it. Can I get an amen? After moving to Los Angeles, I appreciate this lovely place more than ever. I miss the gentlemen opening doors, chivalry displayed at its best, predicted traffic, and the genuine smiles you pass on the daily. I was just talking with a local here in California this week about how Southern living is so centered around quality time with people rather than the next task, trip, or adventure. Both are beautiful, but the initial seems to be extra meaningful.Here are my top ten favorite qualities about the Big D.1. The people. There is nothing like the people in Dallas; this city is truly filled with the most genuinely sweet and warm people. I feel like everywhere I go, I run into some one I know - it makes the city feel like a cozy small town in the best of ways. Not to mention, my life long friends are there as well as my family. This is what makes the city the most wonderful place in my opinion!2. I love the little neighborhoods that branch off of the city; there are so many hidden gems such as Bishop Arts District, Trinity Groves, Highland Park, Legacy, Deep Ellum, Uptown, Knox/Henderson, and Preston Hollow. These suburbs each have their own sweet personality and create such special places to call home.3. Everything is so close by! No matter where you are, there seems to be several grocery stores within a five-minute driving span. Every thing is right at your finger tips! Also, a “far” drive in Dallas is on average twenty minutes with no traffic. #adreamcometrue4. Football is life here. For those of you that know me know that I am a huge Cowboys fan, so I love being in the city that represents this amazing football team + the stadium is my heaven. Everyone's schedules are determined around the games, and the watching parties are the most fun excuse to have big get-togethers with all of your loved ones! P.S. I loved growing up tossing the football with my dad and learning how to throw a solid spiral throw from my guy friends.5. My arm prosthetist as well as my eye prosthetist are in Dallas, and they are the best of the best! What a blessing they both have been in my life.6. Travel is extra easy from Dallas since it is in the center of the South.7. The city is so clean. Dallas is so well taken care of; it is one of the things I appreciate most about this city.8. When I land, I feel like I am home. It is so settling, cozy, and comforting. It is very family oriented and every place is filled with the most friendly faces!9. This city is known for its restaurants and shopping. A few favorites: R&D Kitchen, Bird Bakery, Nick and Sams, True Food Kitchen, La Duni, Mi Cocina, Crudo, Sea Breeze, Eight 11, and of course, Northpark Mall + all of the cute villages for shopping.10. I have an obsession with the Tollway. Is that weird? Lol. I know every swist and turn and the traffic patterns + it is just fun to drive. Even though I live in LA, I still thoroughly enjoy reading the Tollway update emails - I can’t help myself ha!11. Oopsies. Can I get a #11? I am so grateful for the Village Church. It was a tool and a community that helped to shape my faith. The staff feels like family, and the impact of their lives, the way they wrapped around my family during hardship, and the heart of the leadership has forever changed my life. 

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The Influencer Podcast: My Career Path


I was so honored to chat with the lovely Julie Solomon on her recently launched podcast, The Influencer Podcast. It is an innovative behind-the-scenes community with successful influencers, bloggers and industry elites in conversation to share how they engage, persuade and grow their unique influence. Each episode is filled with so much insight - I have already learned so much.Julie is such a dear friend and was the key component to my re-brand, which led to the launch of LSK, so it was extra special chatting with her about my career journey + important tips and tricks I have learned in the blogging industry from the beginning to the present. I also share how to create healthy business boundaries. Easier said than done, right? Listen here and check out the show notes here!

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Meet the Artist: Lindsey Meyer


Jason and I have absolutely loved choosing art for our home - it makes your living space so unique and meaningful. It is such a personal choice that brings joy to the soul + it is extra sweet doing it together. It definitely does not happen over night, but it is extra special when you find the perfect pieces for the right places. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lindsey Meyer last year, and she happens to be a fellow Dallas-ite! She has so much purpose in her creativity, is a precious mama to the most beautiful little ones, and is able to balance her talent with being a present mom and wife. I learned so much from Lindsey by reading the answers to the questions we sent her way - scroll down to read about her beautiful perspective on art, family, and life + see the painting in our home!

When do you first remember knowing that you were in love with art and painting?

I have vivid memories of art being my favorite class as a child. My mom painted an artist’s palette and a paintbrush on a smock for me to wear during class. I loved it! The smell of crayons brings back so many early childhood memories.As an adult, I decided to return to school a year after graduating college to study graphic design. I enrolled in a watercolor class the first semester back and it sparked in me a crazy love for painting. I began painting every minute I had time. I knew then that I was on to something.

What is the creative process like for you?

I am not really a process person. I basically get in my studio, pray that the work that is done that day would be pleasing to God and turn up some really great music. I'll flip through some inspiration I had set aside and pick out a color palette that draws me in in that moment.

What inspires you the most?

I would have to say that fashion and interior design inspire me more than anything. I am a clotheshorse! Chic put together outfits spin my mind into ideas for a  painting and Architectual Digest brings me inspirational overload. Getting lost on a Pinterest rabbit trail does my soul good too!

Before painting, I worked as a buyer for a small clothing boutique, an assistant for an interior designer and designed invitations for a card company. Design is in my bones and each of my work experiences have helped me so much as an artist.

What do you love most about abstract art?

I love the freedom of abstract art. For me, it’s all about color and the movement of a piece mixed with the relationships of space. I like to paint my mood and bring in the thoughts and feelings of the day into my art. Looking back at pieces and remembering what was going on in my life is an amazing way of remembrance.

Your paintings are truly beautiful! Do you have a favorite piece or a favorite project that you have done? If so, why is it your favorite?

Thank you so much. I just recently finished a painting that is my new favorite. It was quick and free and just felt really good. Like a sipping a smooth glass of wine, and I had sand and water on my mind!

The colors that you use are gorgeous. How do you go about determining the color scheme for a painting?

That is the ultimate compliment for me, thank you! There is a quote from Keith Crown that says, “Color is a language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege”. I could not agree more. It’s almost like color is God’s love language to me. I have stacks of inspiration all over my studio that I shuffle through. I’ll pick an idea that begins the painting that day and the direction comes and go from there. There in no real plan or premeditation.

What do you love most about painting? What about it brings you so much joy?

Art is so exciting! I love the feeling of standing back after the day and literally seeing my creations. It is simple but completely gratifying. I am so grateful for a job that is flexible and allows me to be a present mom and wife, but also feeds my soul as a creative. 

It has been such a joy and privilege for me to be able to use my gifts to give back to organizations that I am passionate about. After the adoption of our daughter two years ago, the Lord began laying on my heart the desire to help support and be an advocate for other orphans/adoption here and abroad. It  has taught me so much and given my work an immense purpose. #artforadoption

Do you have a favorite place to create your artwork? If so, where is it and why?

We recently built a studio behind our house where I work. I share it with the paraphernalia that comes with having three children! I am so grateful for my own space to just be. It is my first real studio and I love it.

Who are some of your favorite artists? What do you love about their work?

I recently went to the Dieberkorn/Mattise exhibit at the SFMOMA and it blew my mind. I was literally standing in the presence of sheer brilliance. I love Joan Mitchall, Helen Frankenthaler, Ivon Hitchens, Gabriel Goddard, Charlotte Seifert to name a few. Each of these artists use color with ease and genius. The greats were paving a new way in their time. Gabriel Goddard has a way with landscapes that in my opinion, no one can match. Charlotte Seifert is a friend of mine and is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a professional artist. Every new piece of her work takes my breath away.

What piece of advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming an artist?

If I had any advice to give someone who aspires to be an artist I would tell them to be patient, pay your dues and be true to yourself. It takes time to come to the place of knowing which path you want to take. What medium do you feel at home with? What style of composition do you want to make your own? What genre does your art reflect? All of these questions and others will be answered with hard work, failure and time.

What is your advice on choosing art for your home? What is the importance of it?Choose art that makes you happy and evokes an emotion in your soul. Ask yourself the question, “What would I love to walk into a room and see on my walls every day?" I believe that artwork is the crowning glory of your space. Let it be the component that allows your personality to shine!Check out her artwork here, and follow her on Instagram here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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You Be You


You be you. This is so much easier said that done, isn't it? But, why? I have really been digging into this ever since I moved to Los Angeles, as I initially felt surrounded by people that just didn't "get me" - they didn't know me growing up, they didn't know my twin, they didn't know my parents, or what healing was like after the accident like my best friends did at "home," and the list continues on.This is such a real feeling but a binding excuse to keep falling back on. After countless conversations with my sweet husband, I realized I was trying to take the easy way out. I would avoid the effort rather than the pursuit; I was seeking easy comfort (AKA watching Friends cuddled on the sofa at home), which in turn, developed into loneliness. I was exhausted from the daily adjustment to a brand new city and often depleted of energy to put in the effort of being vulnerable with new friends. Not to mention, the root of the problem was fear of man coupled with the desire to be accepted as I walked into a community of Jason's friends who felt like family to him, but not to me yet. This all seemed so intimidating at the time, but Jason encouraged me to just be me. Simple clarity: that is what everyone desires. For you to be you.What I came to discern is that I was making this so complicated. It really is quite simple. How do you act around your best friend or your closest family member? You can be free and honest and thoughtless (in the beautiful sense of the word). I still have to remind myself to be this way sooner rather than later with new friends. What are your fears of being fully who you are? What holds you back?Tips to be you:

  1. Keep it simple. Take it at your own pace. Have grace on yourself for not doing it perfectly. New friends are not being your harshest critic.
  2. Go outside of your comfort zone. You will be so glad you did!
  3. When you are overwhelmed, remind yourself of why you are grateful. This mind set has changed my life and depletes so much negativity!
  4. Don't doubt yourself. It is so easy to get in your head, questioning if people like you.
  5. Admit your fears and aim to conquer them.

I have to share with you this brilliant Ted Talk where Renee Brown discusses the power of vulnerability. #gamechanger


jacket (and here) | top | denim | sunnies | boots (similar)

images by felicia lasala 

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

gifts for the littles.


This month was so incredibly special. I flew home to Dallas because my twin sister, Brittany, and her sweet husband, Shaun, were about to have their first little one. Initially, it was so surreal to process that my sister was pregnant. It is such a beautiful reality, yet at the same time, I feel like there is no way we could be old enough! Who's with me?So I must admit, I have a slight obsession with buying baby Kate bows. I can't stop, and it's becoming a problem. This store is my weakness, and the size of these bows gives me all the feels, but these fringe booties are the cherry on top. Thank you, Minnetonka! Baby Kate is going to look beyond precious in these little shoes, and I couldn't help but introduce her early to these perfectly cozy fall booties. That's one of my jobs as an aunt, right?img_73092Let's talk baby gifts. Because I don't have any toddlers running around, I am going to stick with what I have become most familiar with (babies!). To start off, I believe books are the sweetest presents for a little one. Reading is so important for their minds and creativity even when they are still itty bitty. A child can never have enough books in my opinion! That is one of the things I remember most as a child - my parents reading me stories! Christmas Eve was always my extra favorite, too, because we would all snuggle up in bed and read some holiday classics. It was the perfect way to count down Santa's arrival. See some of my favorite books below; classics included.

I must admit that I have a major love for baby blankets. They are so adorable and snugly and never go to waste. An extra bonus: they are the cutest accessory on a stroller or in the nursery. See my cozy baby quilt picks below.

Clothes and bows are yes, yes, and amen. SO fun! Sorry I am sticking with the super girly gift suggestions, but I am so enamored with hunting for baby Kate, so I am not branching out too much! Are you guys ready for these outfit options? Contain yourself :)

The little extras are so fun. I am so drawn to the precious stuffed-animal rattles or the tooth fairy in a box! See my favorite present picks that would also be perfect stocking stuffers (I can't believe I am saying that phrase already). Hooray for the holiday season!

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

growing roots in LA.


Have any of you moved from the comfort of your home town to a brand new city? It's hard and exciting, scary and exhilarating all at the same time, right? A melting pot of emotions in full effect. The unknown creates such drive and adventure, but at the same time, bursts of homesickness creep in. Before my move two years ago to beautiful Los Angeles, I had only experienced short term city swaps from Dallas to the Big Apple. Knowing I would be there for a few months created this ambition to experience all I could before I would arrive back home. Now, I am in for a new situation - coming to grips with the reality that Los Angeles might be home for life.exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazineSo how do you begin?PRIORITY #1: FRIENDSHIPSCorrect me if I am wrong, but the people that closely surround you develops the comfort of home. Yes, the local coffee shop or the running trail adds to the familiarity, but community at large is what settles you in. I must brag for a minute on my sweet man; Jason has been the most patient and grace-filled husband who has pushed me to grow in comfort with his already created California community (12 years and counting), and has been the one I run to to be reminded of how to make new friends. But, seriously! {enter laughing emoji}.Side note: as you know, it takes intention and vulnerability to develop new close relationships! If we are honest, it can be utterly intimidating and exhausting. My piece of advice: stop expecting friendships to immediately be the same as your life-long ones at home, don't lose hope, and enjoy the process! Allow yourself to be vulnerable + allow yourself to go outside of your comfort zone. That's what builds the depth and fights against loneliness.exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazineI was talking to a friend today who moved to LA at the same time I did about two years ago, and we were confirming that it takes TIME to feel at home in a new city. The two of us have walked this journey together, of one day despising the traffic-filled canyons to the next day obsessing over the beach towns and stunning hiking trails in the neighborhood. The conclusion: we have learned to be patient with ourselves, realize the beauty around us and great progress we are making (even if it feels slower than we expected).exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazine exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazinePRIORITY #2: FIND YOUR SPACESLet's be honest. It takes time to create a new home - to find and decorate a living space, to discover a new Pilates studio and juice shop, or your go-to breakfast cafe. Although they take research and test-tries, when you connect with a place, it's such a victory!exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazineMoving can be such a hard, yet beautiful thing. Focus on the positives of the accelerated growth it brings and keep yourself open to change. Be grateful for the opportunity that takes you outside of your familiarity and adds more depth and strength to your life. P.S. It's okay to still have those missing home blues, too! The streets you grew up on will be home forever.exploring your neighborhood | lolo magazine


splendid dress (c/o)| tom's sunnies (similar) (c/o) | superga sneaks (non-platforms, here)

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Recap: the Blueprint Event in Dallas.

First of all, Blue Print might be the most darling furniture store in Dallas. It sits on the cutest street that is filled with so much character, and the talent of interior design inside this gem of a spot is on another level. It truly is inspiring and gives me so many design ideas for our own house!Lauren Sims and I had so much fun hosting this event with two of the precious owners, Cynthia and Leslie. We took a break from mingling with the most lovely ladies and discussed fall fashion trends and for the most fun part - Cynthia and Leslie filled us in on where interior trends are heading. Thank goodness it doesn't shift as fast as the sartorial world - we would be broke! They also gave us tips on how to design well. The keys: have good foundational pieces and start with a neutral palette (hint hint: white walls allow for fabulous textures and colors in fabric and furniture).Last night was such a special time! Thanks for everyone who came out to join! xx4KUhVEmCUTB2ogHSS1txKCB-3OcPz2fyg-M_Cydc2qU_gb_gWex1Ft8RBpTQF26qBBxFybKxdnxxysIHbwjBmE 36UsO77XB1p3aVMNfhY1bidTjRly00XFFIgNmG6E3q8 _-zsdBBKRnNQJV7MvSplQVt7sbF00vWoLzxyRuw1XT0bSWVKhj-T9jzpr-tFNNY8TI9ZIEqP5Vq3jhqKxOtUXE G5Rutdb8IwYHyxnhrtEFJJO7BRTfWYSTP529qkmoBrQ IunbnourG0qhPLOjqLqHoNhog-Eh7cpvvRQ5vzZpNnkvtVb0F8ef1C8-Ffmfl1WxSwRJQPzufDcJXwQpqz8sus kFDdMT42t1qYa9uRp_PbyfI0lFkUZIv4OYY_hkNwrOE

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Honesty Honesty

circle seven five


I've come to discover recently that a large majority of you guys are fellow Dallas-ites! Which is why I'm so excited today to talk about Circle Seven Five. I'm assuming most of you have heard of it by now, but just in case you haven't...allow me to introduce you to this wonderful network of women!To quote one of our members: “Circle Seven Five is a group of women from the DFW area who desire friendships, non-competitive environments, good laughs, and networking.” Honestly this is a group of women like I've never experienced before. I grew up in church and had that circle of friends, I was in a sorority in college and had that circle of friends, but honestly ya'll, finding a good network of girl friends after college is tough. I was so happy when I met Cassidy (founder and creator of CSF) and she told me about this wonderful group!circle-seven-fiveHere's how I can explain this group in a nutshell: it's amazing for professional networking and finding connections, it's great if you're just needing a solid group of girl friends in the Dallas area, and it helps you get to know Dallas through all of the fun events we do at different restaurants or parks or fitness studios. It's one of those groups that "you get out of it what you put into it." You could go to every event and probably meet your new bff, or you could just go to a few here and there just to have something to fill an empty night!Regardless though, I cannot say enough good things about this group of women. Fun-loving, encouraging, and just a great group of girls. I highly recommend you look into it if you're wanting to network with other women in Dallas, or if you're just looking for a good group of girl friends!To give you a peek into what a regular month is like for CSF members: Circle Seven Five hosts an average of 4 events per month, and has partnered with Dallas names like Pure Barre Preston Hollow, Matthew Trent Jewelry and Riffraff for exclusive experiences for members. Events range from fitness activities, monthly member lunches, and macaroon baking classes to happy hour events focusing on first time home buying and a new series called “For Curious Minds” educational information for the young professional.If you're interested in signing up to join CSF or learn more about it, click this link to get all the info! ALSO if you're not in Dallas but you think you'd be interested in joining CSF, you can vote for CSF to come to your city!

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dallas favorites


Whether you've lived in Dallas your whole life, or you're brand new here, finding your "regular" spots in a city can be a struggle. I want to share with ya'll today some of my absolutely favorite spots in Dallas (or what I think are some of the best spots in Dallas - specifically for food, hair, nails, and lashes. you know - the important things in life!)Speaking from personal experience here: I've lived in Dallas my whole life but it wasn't until recently when I finally found my "regulars", and honestly, they are just too good to not share with ya'll! So, if you're like me and have forever been searching for the perfect hair stylists, or nail salon, look no further.best-spots-in-dallasbest-spots-in-dallas

best-spots-in-dallasDress c/o Splendid | Clutch c/o Clare V | Earrings c/o Kendra Scott | Bracelets | Sunnies (endless eyewear subscription! use code "laurenkaysims" to get first month free!)


  1. Hair salon - Charleigh at FORM salon does my balayage color and she has been my hair hero! Going from dark brunette to "bronde" (brown/blonde) was a process but she has been amazing at really listening to and giving me exactly what I want! I personally think FORM is the best hair salon in Dallas, because of Charleigh, because of the location, and because I'm super happy with my hair everytime I leave there!
  2. Nail salon - Bellacures Dallas is the first nail salon I have ever been a "regular" at. The location is super convenient (in Preston center) and the people who work there are all so nice and friendly! Everything is super clean (and cute!) on the inside. They have tons of color options and they always do the best job with my mani/pedi. Lasts me 3 weeks at least! In my opinion, Bellacures is the best nail salon in Dallas.
  3. Lash extensions - Okay, I know what you're thinking. This is not something that would be on most people's "must" lists. I thought the same thing until I found Amanda at Southern Belle Lash in Plano. I first got lash extensions before going on a girls beach trip to Mexico. The lashes were amazing and I didn't have to wear eye make-up the whole trip. After realizing how long they stayed on and how low maintenace they were, I decided I wanted them all the time! You basically wake up and go to the gym looking like you have full eye-make up on when you're wearing none.

Now for the food. This dress was shot last night at R+D Kitchen in Dallas. Absolutely in my top 3 favorite restaurants in Dallas.best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallas best-spots-in-dallasI'll be real with ya'll - I'm a foodie, and I'm pretty picky when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat anything but I really, really enjoy good food. R+D Kitchen has been my favorite for a while for a few reasons:

  1. Ambiance - it's not too casual but it's not too fancy. It's the perfect date night spot, but could also be the perfect "mom's in town, let's go to brunch" spot. You can dress up if you want, or jeans would also be just fine!
  2. Service - I've never had a bad waiter at R+D. They are all so kind and helpful, but not in a way that interrupts your meal. They make the best recommendations and always take such good care of us
  3. The food, duh. If you can't tell by these pictures, their food is OUT of this world. They have a smaller menu, but everything on it is a 10 on a 10. (My favorite is the Thai Tuna roll!)

I hope this guide helps you find some new favorite spots in Dallas and enjoy this city even more! Comment with any questions you might have, or let me know some of your favorite Dallas spots!

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