
Implementing the Art of Needing Less


This year has brought about so many realizations and enabled the quest to be flexible, to leave my hands in an open posture and realize how out of control we are! I think we have all had to pull our big kid pants up a time or two. No? But when things don't go the way we planned, there is always a reason, redemption, and the best lessons learned!As I reflect on our house renovation time, we prepped to be out of our home for one month which turned into two, which turned into eight. Wowsa! To prepare for the initial predicted time frame, I packed what I suspected I would need for a month. I had a major light bulb moment during this time because one month's worth of basics STILL felt like too much during those eight months. I had never been in a situation like this where I was away from home for an extended period of time, and I could not have been more thankful for what it revealed. I remember moving into our house, and I was overwhelmed at the amount of things we had. I went through droves of boxes and gave away loads of clothes and shoes and bags and all the things. It felt like an entire weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and I loved knowing that these things were all going to someone who could use them! Fast forward to the beginning of summer. Jase and I spend a few months in Idaho during this time, and I again packed just the basics, from work out clothes to sweatshirts to swimsuits, and the other everyday necessities. The minimal amount of packing was still way too much, and I again was reminded of how little we need + how refreshing it is to lessen our material load. We arrived back home to LA, and Jase and I both went through our closets once again! These trips away from home have been so inspiring to us - we are on our fourth giveaway round since we moved in, and it is becoming a routine!From this point forward, we are going to purchase with greater intention and necessity, we are going to clean out our closets at minimum once a month and just keep things moving! How do you hope to minimize your life? Have you realized this same thing during this past year and quarantine season?I hope you've enjoyed following along on our home renovation process and all the thoughts and updates that have come along with it! It's been such a special season for us. For more updates, follow along right here on the blog in our Making A Home series or on my Instagram. I would love to hear from you. x

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The Sense of Home


I think we can all agree that 2020 has been quite the year. Alongside the craziness, there have been so many important silver linings. I look back to the beginning of quarantine, and I remember thinking over and over again how I didn't want to miss the positive parts and what we were supposed to learn, shift, and observe. I wanted to keep my eyes and heart wide open.As y'all might know after following along with us here on the blog, we purchased our new home in November of 2018. We closed three days after the Woolsey fire, which caused significant smoke damage to our home, burned down the home next door along with two other houses on our street. It was a wild undertaking. We moved out of our previous home in LA in February of 2019 and started renovating our new home. As we were told, renovation takes way longer than expected + adding fire remediation and doing all with a nontoxic approach devised an entirely new level of time, research, and logistics. I think my half glass full mentality from my excitement to start this project didn't want to believe that, but man was it true. It actually took four times longer than we were told. Because of this, we doubled our stay at a hotel, then moved into an apartment with one of our best couple friends – we both needed a 6-month place to stay, so it was a perfect way to save some money in the process. We moved into our home in October 2019 with a lot of moving parts still + we didn't know if any of our previous furniture would work, and it turned out most sizing was not suitable (insert tear emoji here). We began the furnishing process about a month later in December with COVID-related delays on shipping, and I can now say we are almost complete (mid-November is the last delivery-hooray)! What a process, but truly we feel so grateful we had this opportunity, learned so much, and are extra appreciative to be settled.I am extreme homebody, so this year I really had to develop a new sense of home – and while my circumstances were different, I realized that so many are also experiencing this at the current time. I learned that any place can be a cozy home. This past year, we lived in a hotel room, an apartment, a room above a garage, and our home (which was quite an organization nightmare and an endless list of to-dos), and every place felt just as doable and cozy and perfect for the time. I was forced to go against my comfort, and I am so thankful because it always transforms my perspective and increases my appreciation.In my opinion, one of the most amazing parts about the pandemic restrictions has been the time at home. What a learning journey for traveling, working men/women to be at home with the fam more, for marriages to exist side by side 24/7, for kids to be out of school and sports, for jobs to be lost or relocated to the house. Not to mention, it left space to think and process and reflect on what is important, which can be super uncomfortable but ultra-redeeming.It has been so interesting to watch how everyone copes so differently. Jase was FaceTiming his buddies non-stop, using the stay-at-home orders to develop funny social media content while grieving the loss of not getting to use his gift and passion of hosting. I, on the other hand, am an innate introvert, so with the tragedy set aside, being homebound was my version of heaven. I was trying new healthy recipes, discovered a biodynamic organic farm that is 15 minutes from our house, saved emotional energy from having to decide on a social plan, and had more quality time to connect with my family and friends virtually. Oh! And puzzles! And my work has always been at home, so my adjustment was a little less severe.Also, I was grateful for the unifying feeling that every single person was in this together. We were both more alert to reach out to others, to take flowers to the neighbors, to thank the mailman. This whole journey has taught me two things that no other circumstance could have taught me: be grateful for ALL services, provisions, people, and love – and, ANY place can be home. Perspective is everything.To see more of our home renovation follow along with our Making A Home series, right here on the blog.

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Linens and Towels: Magic Linen


Last week, we got so extra close to finishing our home - we are 80% complete and waiting for a few final things. It was the most rewarding feeling and extra fun to see the vision come to life. As y'all know, creating cozy guest bedrooms is a passion of mine, and Magic Linen has been such a game changer in this process.We decided to give even extra love to the upstairs bedroom because our parents will stay there when they come into town, so the comfort must be at an all-time high. Enter Magic Linen bedding - the coziest in all the land + I love how it sits on the bed and it naturally is not wrinkly, which can always be one of the downsides of linen.Their towels are also a dream and make the bath experience extra lovely! And I am also majorly heart-eyeing this apron and their tea towels, which are stonewashed for extra softness! This brand is a win on every level, and I couldn't recommend it more!To see more of our home and some of our favorite brands we've included along the way throughout our renovation check right here on the blog in our Making A Home series.

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Cleaning Out Your Kitchen: Clean, Safe Kitchenware


It's been so fun to be able to share these past few weeks about Jase and I's process of renovating and filling our home. While this process has been much longer than expected, it really began, not when we decided to renovate our home, but when I made the switch to Clean Living. When I think of how much we've changed over time, from products we use in our home, to practices and more, we really have been on this journey for a while! If I've learned anything it's that Clean Living isn't just a one time switch, it's really a lifestyle you adopt and constantly adapt to.As we've renovated our home, we've been so fortunate to use materials that are toxic-free and to fill it with clean, modern products and brands that we've come to love. This has inspired the current series we're in on the blog that we're calling Making a Home. For the past few weeks, I've been able to share with you just a few of these products and brands, and in the next couple weeks, I'll continue to share with you more about specific areas of our home, as well as a few before and afters of our renovation!I also love that I've been able to share with you so many things that I'm constantly getting questions about whether here on the blog or over social media – from clean mattresses that I love, to everyday clean products that I use in my own home. One of the other topics that I am always getting questions about is our kitchen! And of course, the kitchen is such an important topic in all our homes. It's where we prepare our meals, share time with family, and partake in practices and routines that bring us so much joy. I'm excited to share with you this week a  few clean products and brands that I love to use every day in my own kitchen, and really have become a staple in our own home.I love these pots and pans from Food52. They are absolutely the best when it comes to using nonstick, cookware that doesn't contain any added chemicals or toxins that cook into the food we eat or the air we breathe. They're actually made from sand with diamond-infused ceramic coating, and they promise to never peel or tear like other traditional nonstick pans – which is such a win-win!No kitchen is truly set without a cast-iron skillet, and I love this one! It's right on Amazon and super affordable when compared to other brands and competitors. I use mine for a variety of different recipes and dishes in my home and it's simply the best.I just love this kitchenware set that is made from natural wood. The spoons and spatulas not only work perfectly when cooking or serving up different dishes, but they're cute enough to leave on your kitchen counter or to use when hosting. They're handmade, along with a variety of other cute items from this brand that you can use in and throughout your kitchen!Rikumo is a brand that I've come to love for their kitchenware especially with a few items from them that I use in my kitchen on a regular basis! Again, I love a good cast iron, and while their cast iron pan is a just little more expensive than the skillet I listed above, it's definitely worth the investment. Other items from them that are on-hand in my kitchen is their copper graiter as well as their stainless steel kitchen tool set – All of which work just as great as they look!This is something I use absolutely every day in my kitchen, my Vitamix blender! It can seem like a bit of an investment for a blender, but when it's something you use every day, it's worth having an item that's durable and gets the job done! Seriously the best and available amazon – Need I say more?Lastly – I love having these towels on hand, especially because it cuts down on our paper waste. They're a great neutral color that works well in my kitchen, but they also have a few other color varieties to choose from!I hope you're enjoying following along with our Making A Home process and learning more about all the clean, safe steps we've taken along the way! If you're interested in learning more or making the switch to Clean Living, take a look The Clean Sweep, my 90-day program where I walk through practices, products, and food that create a clean lifestyle. And for more on specific clean products I'm loving right now, follow along at The Clean Stuff Instagram. x

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Everyday Clean Products for the Home


These past few weeks I've been sharing about Jase and I's processes of renovating our home on the blog in a collection of talks we're calling Making A Home – While we're still very much in the process, things are slowly but surely coming together and I'm excited to share more with you here in the upcoming weeks! Throughout this time, we've really discovered that creating a home isn't just about the paint you put on the walls and the furniture you fill it with, but even the everyday items you use that make it feel like home. I know we all have our go-to cleaning products, whether they're ones we've grown up using in our childhood homes or those we've come to love on our own – Here are a few of the everyday items that are always stocked in my home!1. Force of NatureI know I talk about this brand a lot – And it's because I am absolutely in love! It's always been a priority to me to keep things extra clean, and with the rise of recent attention towards disinfecting and cleansing, it was important for me to find an all-purpose cleaner that really does its job without being full of chemicals and harmful to the body. Force of Nature is a nontoxic disinfecting solution that cuts through just about anything while also working on virtually any surface – Which I do, trust me! It is an equivalent to the power of bleach and kills viruses, but the only ingredients are salt, water, and vinegar.Plus an extra bonus, it keeps chemicals out of our water system, cuts down plastic waste, and is shipped using materials that are 100% recyclable – So what's not to love? This has easily become one of my household staples that I will always have on hand.2. Branch BasicsAnother nontoxic cleaning brand that I have stocked in my home is Branch Basics. From all-purpose cleaner to laundry detergent and bathroom cleaner – I love it all! Their multipurpose cleaning solution is plant and mineral-based, free of harmful preservatives and their reusable bottles make it extra sustainable. It also can be used on just about any surface, but their options make it super easy to target cleaning specific areas of your home without having to compromise on using toxic cleaning products instead. And like Force of Nature, it's very affordable! Proving that you don't have to compromise on safe cleaning to stay within budget, which is always a win.3. Revive Essential OilsThere's a lot of essential oil brands out there today, but Revive Essential Oils has actually become the only one I use! Made without any fillers, synthetic fragrances or odor enhancers (which can actually be found in a lot of essential oils today), Revive is also locally sourced and directly sold without the middle man – So it's oftentimes cheaper and more affordable than other brands, and the quality is an A+.It's also 100% pure therapeutic grade, free from any additives, adulterants, synthetics, or dilutions. I love being able to use them without having to worry if I'm compromising myself in doing so – Which is why they're my all-time favorite!4. EquilibriaI mentioned this brand last week in my post on The Clean Sweep for Clean Sleep – but I wanted to jot it down again here because it has quickly become a staple item in my home! Implementing hemp oil into my regular routine has been such a game-changer, not just for my sleep but for my mental and physical well-being. Like I mentioned above, there's a lot of brands out there today that make promises about what they can offer, then you end up finding out you're actually harming yourself rather than helping! The journey of clean-living can be so discouraging in this way, so when you find a brand that actually works, and is as clean and sustainable as it promises to be, it's so exciting! Equilibria has been one of those products for me, and I cannot recommend it more!5. SupernaturalAnother cleaning brand that I love! This one is scented with essential oils, so for anyone who prefers a healthy scent, this is perfect. With a variety of different solutions like counters and granite, glass, bath and tiles, wood and floors, and stainless steel – I love that supernatural makes it easy to know that the product I'm using in specific areas of my home is catered just for that area. Like the other brands, it's 100% all-natural, plant-based and made from minerals, and sustainable.All of these brands are actually the only products I use in my home! I hope these help you in the journey to clean-living, especially in times where we've all spent a bit more time at home than usual. I talk more about my own journey to clean-living and give specific advice, practices, and products from my years of research in my 90-day program, The Clean Sweep, but I'm constantly updating my knowledge and looking for ways to make clean-living easy to understand and accessible to everyone.As always, following along with my journey right here on the blog or on my Instagram, @LaurenScruggs or @TheCleanStuff for a peek into the everyday clean beauty, health, and wellness products I currently have my hands on!

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Native Union: Simple Technology for the Home


guest room

I'm excited to continue week three on the blog with you of Making A Home. For those of you who have been following along, you know what a special process it has been for Jase and me to renovate our home and take extra care in filling it with clean, safe, and simple items that we love. Though it has been a longer journey than expected, many of you have been asking, and I'm excited to finally share! Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing all things home, before and afters, and brands we've come to love along the way.Jase and I were shopping one day in Malibu, and we walked in the coolest store. I came across the most high-quality wireless chargers, and the rest is history. Nothing takes the coziness out of a room more than technology cords, and I always have the hardest time finding USB chargers, cases, and wireless chargers that actually look nice in a home.It was like a whole new world opened up when I discovered Native Union. It is our go-to brand for all technology needs, and the quality is an A++. My most favorite thing we use are the drop wireless chargers we put in our room and the guest rooms. It is such a nice feeling when you don't have to find a place to charge your phone. First world problem by far, but I am so thankful for these inventions that add a classic twist to something we use every day.Here are the pieces we love:

I hope you’re enjoying following along with our home process – And, more to come over the next few weeks on my Instagram and right here on the blog. Xo 

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Tiles of Ezra: Texture on the Walls


We've been so grateful to be able to take extra time in creating our home. Though it's taken longer than expected, the process of getting to put care and intention into every area has been so special. As it's finally coming together, I wanted to take time on the blog to share this exciting project. So many of you have been asking for before and after pictures – coming soon, I promise! In the meantime, over the next few weeks, I wanted to feature a few areas of my home and brands that I have come to love so much, in a series we're launching on the blog: Making A Home.One of my most grateful finds has been Tiles of Ezra because their sustainable and handmade tiles completely inspire me. In the aim to make our home-renovation free of toxicity, discovering this company that cares just as much about a healthy homemade my heart explode! In the process of creating a new home, Georgia Ezra was at the top of my list to gather imagination and inspiration.I am such a person of minimalism, and I remember fearing that tiling the entire wall in the powder bath would create too much materiality in that space. I was DM-ing Georgia (praise hands to small businesses!), and she was the one who showed me how amazing it would be – And she was right!! Now it might be my most favorite room in the house, and the bonus of all bonuses, the tiles make me feel like we brought nature in. It makes it extra peaceful, serene, and meaningful! It is such a gift when a company aligns so well with organic and non-toxic lifestyle values, and Georgia is now such a sweet friend, and that is the biggest blessing of it all!Hope you're enjoying tagging along with my house updates – More to come as we're launching our Making A Home series here on the blog.  What are some design risks you have taken that turned out to be the best decision?

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Dear Keaton: Daybed Haven


It has been such a special process (emphasis on process ha!) decorating our home. We unexpectedly needed to start fresh with furniture because of sizing issues with the furniture we brought from our previous home. One of the parts of the decor equation that I am most grateful for, especially during this global pandemic, is discovering some incredible small businesses. There are so many gems of companies that I wouldn't have known about, but my time on Pinterest has been on an all-time high, which expanded my awareness.Dear Keaton is one of the shops that I have come to love so much. They have the most beautiful neutral furniture (key to my heart), textures, and shapes! Not to mention, such lovely rugs and lighting and things to style on your living room console or in a cozy nook of the house.Especially in light of current times have such great effect on businesses, buying small adds purpose beyond the purchase. I think it is so key + it only adds more meaning to each piece in your home.I have gotten to the place where I only buy a piece that I know without a shadow of a doubt will add coziness and neutral warm to our home. This daybed and coffee table each caught my eye for our upstairs guest room. Oh! And the pillows added a bit of color and pattern to the area too.I hope you are loving this as much as I do. Our ultimate goal is for everyone that stays in our home to feel like it is their home away from home; a getaway oasis, and these pieces do just the trick![show_shopthepost_widget id="4063805"]

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