
Implementing the Art of Needing Less


This year has brought about so many realizations and enabled the quest to be flexible, to leave my hands in an open posture and realize how out of control we are! I think we have all had to pull our big kid pants up a time or two. No? But when things don't go the way we planned, there is always a reason, redemption, and the best lessons learned!As I reflect on our house renovation time, we prepped to be out of our home for one month which turned into two, which turned into eight. Wowsa! To prepare for the initial predicted time frame, I packed what I suspected I would need for a month. I had a major light bulb moment during this time because one month's worth of basics STILL felt like too much during those eight months. I had never been in a situation like this where I was away from home for an extended period of time, and I could not have been more thankful for what it revealed. I remember moving into our house, and I was overwhelmed at the amount of things we had. I went through droves of boxes and gave away loads of clothes and shoes and bags and all the things. It felt like an entire weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and I loved knowing that these things were all going to someone who could use them! Fast forward to the beginning of summer. Jase and I spend a few months in Idaho during this time, and I again packed just the basics, from work out clothes to sweatshirts to swimsuits, and the other everyday necessities. The minimal amount of packing was still way too much, and I again was reminded of how little we need + how refreshing it is to lessen our material load. We arrived back home to LA, and Jase and I both went through our closets once again! These trips away from home have been so inspiring to us - we are on our fourth giveaway round since we moved in, and it is becoming a routine!From this point forward, we are going to purchase with greater intention and necessity, we are going to clean out our closets at minimum once a month and just keep things moving! How do you hope to minimize your life? Have you realized this same thing during this past year and quarantine season?I hope you've enjoyed following along on our home renovation process and all the thoughts and updates that have come along with it! It's been such a special season for us. For more updates, follow along right here on the blog in our Making A Home series or on my Instagram. I would love to hear from you. x

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Inspired Inspired

The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation


After my accident, my prosthetic arms brought another level of healing and wholeness, and it broke my heart to know insurance failed to provide for many. I couldn't be more excited to announce that the Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation has launched! We exist to bring hope, restore dignity, and ignite faith in girls and women by providing beautiful cosmetic coverings for prostheses. Read more about our story and mission on our website to see how you can get involved, or maybe you know someone we can serve. P.S. Any Stranded purchase gives a percentage to the foundation!

*image by felicia lasala*

THE OUTFIT: cape | denim (c/o) | shirt (c/o) | booties

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Save More, Spend Less



*all images by felicia lasala*

THE OUTFIT : sweatshirt (c/o) | denim (c/o) | sunnies | sneaks

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Following up on our thoughts for the new year post from Tuesday, I want to chat a little bit more about saving more and spending less. Anyone else making this a priority in 2017? I would love to hear from you in the comment section below. Saving money is a hard thing, as needs and wants are real. However, this year I am making it my heart's mission to resist most wants and stay strictly to the need list when making purchases. Working in the fashion industry is a major blessing and I am so thankful for what I do, but it does make the desire for new sartorial items quite strong. This year, I want to be more aware and conscious of the desire to shop, and have the control to reel it in when necessary. Something that I *try* to always keep in mind is this: appreciate more, accumulate less. I plan to write this down and repeat it on the regular, when something new catches my eye that I don't actually need / xx meliss


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Practicing Patience


Yesterday we shared a post on thoughts for the new year and one of those things was practicing patience. Something I have been praying for a lot lately is patience. Having patience, showing and feeling patience, and giving patience has always been a struggle for me. However, I completely realize the importance of it and lately I have been craving it hard, and seeking it wholeheartedly. Most of all, I want to be patient in faith, as I wait on God’s timing. His timing is by far the best, but my head sometimes does not always get this memo. My heart does though, because His timing is what my soul needs and wants. Sometimes I lose sight of the big picture, and get so caught up in my “plan” and what and when I think things need to happen. Instead, I want to be much more intentional in putting my “plans” on the backburner, and wait patiently for Him and His plan. It’s laughable how much better His plan is for me, compared to mine! I am making 2017 the year of patience and I hope you will join me, if patience is something that you want more of as well / xo


*images: felicia lasala*

THE OUTFIT: trench (c/o) | sweater (c/o) | denim (c/o) | booties | sunnies

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Thoughts for the New Year


The new year is always a chance to refocus our hearts and minds and this year I have a few things that I plan to focus on in the months ahead. You can read my list below and I would love to hear you thoughts in the comments! xx Meliss

*Take care of my body and soul- this includes eating well, sleeping well, spending time in the His Word, surrounding myself with positive people, making time for yoga 2-3 times a week, and dwelling on the positive.

*Save over spend- I thankfully grew up with parents who taught me good financial habits, but I really want to make 2017 of saving more money than ever before. This includes taking a major break from shopping for wants.

*Practice patience- this is something that I am really devoted to and committed to working on in 2017. Patience is such an important characteristic, and it is something that I personally need to work on.

*Slow down- 2016 was an amazing year, but definitely a busy one. It has left me with the best memories and a full heart. I am definitely craving a slower pace this year though, with a lot of time at home, cooking, in comfy clothes and just generally taking things slower and savoring the little things.

thoughts for the new year | lolo magazine | image via VOGUE

image via vogue

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