
Fashion Fashion

Mother's Day + Kendra Scott


Happy {almost} Mother's Day! My mom, sister, and I had the most special girl's weekend in beautiful Santa Barbara this last weekend. I so cherish time with my mom + am incredibly honored to partner with Kendra Scott on this special upcoming day to celebrate her! As I get older, I become more grateful for our relationship and more aware of all she has poured into my life. So much love!Processed with VSCO with m3 presetDon't you love how jewelry can make a simple outfit look complete? This necklace has become my mom's new staple + these earrings look darling and make even more of a statement. These earrings I am wearing are the perfect addition to an all neutral outfit (aka the clothes I live in ha!). Not to mention, these ear cuffs are my new go-to's.Who are you celebrating this Mother's Day? Celebrate the woman who's hugs you never outgrow...celebrate the role model who's words of wisdom never fail...celebrate the sister or friend welcoming her own bundle of joy...celebrate your better half who takes each day with incredible strength and grace...Visit my Instagram (@laurenscruggs) to see how to enter this 3 gift card contest at $200 each. Thank you Kendra Scott for partnering with us for this post!

Shop a few Kendra Scott favorites below: