
Thoughts for the New Year


The new year is always a chance to refocus our hearts and minds and this year I have a few things that I plan to focus on in the months ahead. You can read my list below and I would love to hear you thoughts in the comments! xx Meliss

*Take care of my body and soul- this includes eating well, sleeping well, spending time in the His Word, surrounding myself with positive people, making time for yoga 2-3 times a week, and dwelling on the positive.

*Save over spend- I thankfully grew up with parents who taught me good financial habits, but I really want to make 2017 of saving more money than ever before. This includes taking a major break from shopping for wants.

*Practice patience- this is something that I am really devoted to and committed to working on in 2017. Patience is such an important characteristic, and it is something that I personally need to work on.

*Slow down- 2016 was an amazing year, but definitely a busy one. It has left me with the best memories and a full heart. I am definitely craving a slower pace this year though, with a lot of time at home, cooking, in comfy clothes and just generally taking things slower and savoring the little things.

thoughts for the new year | lolo magazine | image via VOGUE

image via vogue

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Thank You and Here's to 2017!


We want to thank everyone for an amazing year in 2016! We have so much fun writing posts and connecting with you on social media. We are truly thankful for your support and interest in lolo mag! The blog journey would be nothing without you and for that we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. There is something exciting coming in January, too! Lo has been working super hard on rebranding lolo mag, with a focus on wellness, honest talk, and balance. We could not be more excited for the refocused direction, and we hope that you continue this journey with us.

Have a fun, safe, and relaxing weekend and see you back here next week! XO


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