
Implementing the Art of Needing Less


This year has brought about so many realizations and enabled the quest to be flexible, to leave my hands in an open posture and realize how out of control we are! I think we have all had to pull our big kid pants up a time or two. No? But when things don't go the way we planned, there is always a reason, redemption, and the best lessons learned!As I reflect on our house renovation time, we prepped to be out of our home for one month which turned into two, which turned into eight. Wowsa! To prepare for the initial predicted time frame, I packed what I suspected I would need for a month. I had a major light bulb moment during this time because one month's worth of basics STILL felt like too much during those eight months. I had never been in a situation like this where I was away from home for an extended period of time, and I could not have been more thankful for what it revealed. I remember moving into our house, and I was overwhelmed at the amount of things we had. I went through droves of boxes and gave away loads of clothes and shoes and bags and all the things. It felt like an entire weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and I loved knowing that these things were all going to someone who could use them! Fast forward to the beginning of summer. Jase and I spend a few months in Idaho during this time, and I again packed just the basics, from work out clothes to sweatshirts to swimsuits, and the other everyday necessities. The minimal amount of packing was still way too much, and I again was reminded of how little we need + how refreshing it is to lessen our material load. We arrived back home to LA, and Jase and I both went through our closets once again! These trips away from home have been so inspiring to us - we are on our fourth giveaway round since we moved in, and it is becoming a routine!From this point forward, we are going to purchase with greater intention and necessity, we are going to clean out our closets at minimum once a month and just keep things moving! How do you hope to minimize your life? Have you realized this same thing during this past year and quarantine season?I hope you've enjoyed following along on our home renovation process and all the thoughts and updates that have come along with it! It's been such a special season for us. For more updates, follow along right here on the blog in our Making A Home series or on my Instagram. I would love to hear from you. x

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Thinking Bigger: How Simplicity Changes Everything


I have been reflecting on this time a lot, and as I am sure most of us are, thinking about new routines and positive habits that we have developed during this stay at home order that we want to bring with us as we enter back into "normalcy," which I assume will never be the same. Although this time has so much heaviness and devastation that surrounds it, I continually think about how wonderful it has been to be forced to stop, to pause, and to be where we are.These reflections have led me to start a collection on the blog focusing on Thinking Bigger – Over the next few weeks, my hope is to cover topics that have been developed in this time like the power of simplicity, serving others, new rhythms and routines, and digging into new passions.Before this pandemic, the general answer from the majority of us when asked how we were doing would be, "we are so busy."Even though our days still remain full since Jase and I's work has shifted and continued, our days look so incredibly different. We are able to start our day in a more restful way, we have been spending hours in the fresh air and sunshine every day, we have been extra present and available for little Bennett doodle (our 5-month-old puppy), and we are more intentional with who we connect with virtually + having time and space to think about others more, to help small businesses, and the list goes on. Not to mention, shows such as The Today Show (the majority being filmed from their homes) and even my husband's show (currently transitioned to interviews on IG Live) have all felt so personal and so genuine, which I think we have all craved without even knowing it.I didn't realize how much mental space was taken from coordinating and deciding on social plans, organizing travel schedules, unpacking just to repack, going to appointment after appointment, and driving to and from everything. This realization has given me a little hint as to why I feel like we are doing things so differently during this time. I really had to sit and think about why we didn't spend our evenings outside before this since the time in the evenings have stayed quite similar from then to now, why cooking felt more like a chore then and is a joy now, why FaceTiming with family and friends felt distracted then and is longer and so focused now. As I have realized in the past through my own experience is that traumatic times seem to show us immediately what is important. It filters out the fluff and hones in on necessities to live – the simplicities that keep our joy kindled.The things that this time has brought that I feel so grateful for: hearing the birds outside, noticing things in nature that I have never had the time to enjoy before, listening to music all day, buying our groceries from a local farm, starting a masterclass that has taught me so much about cooking, planting a garden, going for long neighborhood walks while getting to know the neighbors from a distance, and reaching out more to friends and family to check-in.One last thought: isn't it so interesting to think that this is so similar to how our parents and grandparents grew up? Neighbors knew each other, people borrowed an egg from the person next door, so many gardened and enjoyed the simple things, cooking and dishes were day to day tasks...Questions to leave with:What has changed in your routine that you feel thankful for? What is one thing you want to continue when the world starts opening up again?Shop the tank here.[show_shopthepost_widget id="4023495"]

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New York City Trip Recap

This past week Jase and I went to New York for a work trip for him! He was promoting his new show- In The Room, which aired on E! this past week with an interview with Tom Brady. I am so proud of him!!


I Love The Big City

This past week Jase and I went to New York for a work trip for him! He was promoting his new show- In The Room, which aired on E! this past week with an interview with Tom Brady. I am so proud of him!!

Whenever we spend time in NYC, I am so happy. After living there twice, something comes alive in me reminiscing on all the life-giving memories and experiences. We stayed in the coziest hotel, 1 Hotel, and I couldn't of been more content! Plus we visited some of my favorite restaurants when we were there, including Springbone Kitchen + ABC Kitchen.

Trips With Jase Are The Best

Jase and I love traveling together. My happy place is definitely with him whether at home or away, but traveling together is always so sweet. We had just been in Idaho with our families before going to NYC, so we had two memorable trips back to back. Yay for the holidays! Traveling well together comes naturally to us which I am just so thankful for.

NYC This Time Of Year Is Magical

If you haven't been to NYC during the Christmas season, definitely add it to your list of things to do! It is truly magical. There are so many bright lights in the big city as it is, but add Christmas decor and the entire city is glistening at all times.

The hustle and bustle of NYC is real, and during the holidays is even busier! But the energy is so special and really puts you in the Christmas spirit. The restaurants feel cozier, the shopping is exciting, and the Rockefeller Center is a must-see.

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Healthy Traveling Tips

Hey friends! In the spirit of summer travels, I am sharing some of my tips for how to stay healthy and feel your personal best on vacation. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3680125"]


Hey friends! In the spirit of summer travels, I am sharing some of my tips for how to stay healthy and feel your personal best on vacation. Vacationing is of course a time to have fun, relax, and unwind, but I find that by incorporating a few things in my routine and by making a few wellness-focused choices, even while on vacation, I feel my best and end up enjoying the vacation as much as possible! 

it's all about the balance...


celery juice

-When it comes to my morning must-have celery juice, I can go a few days without it, unless the hotel is incredible and is able to provide it!


-The Larq water bottle for travel is so intriguing - it filters + cleans the water through blue light! However, if we are driving somewhere, we bring water in glass water bottles and refill them when we can.


-I bring my daily supplements in a daily supplement container to keep them contained and organized!


-When away, I generally bring two snack options: Paleo Puffs and Ohi bars are my go-to right now.

eating out

When eating out, it’s important to order whole foods and ask questions - is the fish wild? Is the meat pastured, grass-fed and finished? I always ask about the oils in salad dressings + if my food could be cooked in olive oil. However, I will say, splurge a little on vacation! Eat a pasta or a pizza one night if you want because... YOLO!


-My makeup routine gets simplified for sure! I just bring concealer, tinted moisturizer/foundations, RMS bronzer, Ilia lip tint, and an Ere Perez color pot.


-For exercise, we always aim to workout in the gym, walk on the beach, or go on a hike, but most of the time we take vacation as a time to relax and rest. Above all, we listen to our bodies!


-I bring essential oils for relaxation, this silk pillowcase + this amazing sleep mask.

 [show_shopthepost_widget id="3680125"]Hope you enjoyed this list and here's to happy and healthy traveling!xo, Lo.

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Why I Love Our Time In Idaho


Idaho is the place where I feel like I can fully shut down mentally and really open up relationally, spiritually, and emotionally. On many getaways, I still feel the urge to work and snap photos of our adventures and outfits, but this place makes it seem like responsibilities pause and relaxation sets in. For a getaway, this is so rejuvenating for the mind, body, and spirit! To me, Idaho feels like the good old days, where you don’t even know where your phone is! Instead, your heart is centered on card night with the family and friends, soaking in every bit of nature on the golf course, water skiing and boat riding until you are tanned, and ending with a night of cooking and sitting by the outdoor fire pits.I love having a routine, and I think my Idaho routine is my favorite of all, starting with a celery juice of course! And here I define routine as having an open hand to whatever the day might hold, and letting it unfold as it does. I love the communal aspect of this place, especially on the pickle ball courts. I love that physical appearance is not even close to a priority...hello, lake hair! Not to mention, nature is what fully rejuvenates me; as you may know, I love all animals with all my heart, so it’s extra fun spotting different ones throughout the day!Also, this place feels extra safe, peaceful, and absent of the stressors and troubles of the world. I couldn’t be more grateful for this getaway spot in the crisp air and beautiful mountains! It’s good for the soul, opens up space to think, and brings the important things into perspective: relationships, rest, and creating extra sweet memories.

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Lifestyle, Travel Lifestyle, Travel

Tulum: The Most Magical Beach Town


My recent trip to Tulum (AKA, the most magical beach town) may be one of the most special experiences of my life thus far. My best friend, Anna, invited me to join her in this magical, jungle town in Mexico for her 30th birthday, and it was full of the sweetest memories that I will never forget. We stayed at Sanara, which is truly the most peaceful and quaint hotel on the beach. I loved this boutique stay - every morning, they would have a beach bed reserved for us along with the most lovely staff who became immediate friends! They offered yoga with the ocean breeze in full effect (one of my favorite experiences), sublime wellness treatments, and the coziest rooms along with spa water galore made with Mexico's delicious limes as well as a bowl of homemade candies with local honey and sesame seeds. Sigh. Not to mention, an adorable straw beach bag sat at the bench below our bed filled with homemade essential-oil bug spray (much needed!), dead sea salt bath scrub, coconut oil for lotion, and toxin free shampoo and conditioner.Also, can we talk about their restaurant, The Real Coconut, for a moment? It is dedicated to all that is conscious living and follows the foundational health and wellness philosophy that plants form the key to our vitality and that gut health and digestion are paramount to optimum well being. Their entire menu is grain free, dairy free, gluten free, and GMO free + it is full of adaptogens, coconut everything, bone broth, wild locally-caught fish and pastured chicken. Everything I ordered was absolutely delicious. I would start off each morning with the coconut probiotic yogurt with fruit compote and the charcoal lemonade. We would either order the plantain pancakes or avocado toast for the table, too, which were both outstanding. I also loved the fish tacos made with their homemade coconut tortillas, and the golden broth was unreal. This hotel gets 5 stars from us!

Our day to day.

SATURDAY. We arrived in Tulum on Saturday afternoon after a day full of travel. Note to travelers: fly into Cancun rather than Cozumel. It is much easier and more direct + it cuts out the ferry ride! We checked into Sanara, and we were so hungry, so we immediately went to The Real Coconut for their nacho bowl, fish tacos, and homemade guacamole. With fully bellies, we went back to our room to unpack and settle in and explore the property. That evening, we walked down the beach and arrived at Casa Violeta for dinner. It was the most darling restaurant on the ocean. As we were headed that way, we saw a group of families and the cutest kids hovering over something on the sand, and it was a group of baby sea turtles being freed into the ocean. It was the most incredible thing to witness. P.S. Anna and I were about to head to dinner and came to the conclusion that we would stay in our beach clothes because we would be immersed in sand and the humid air anyways. I wondered if we would be allowed to eat in that attire and soon concluded that there are NO RULES in Tulum. The waiter at the restaurant wasn't even wearing shoes. Halleluiah! We enjoyed a homemade pizza and crispy brussel sprouts alongside the ocean and indulged in desserts back at our hotel.SUNDAY. The next morning we woke so rested and immediately put on our swimsuits and walked down to the beach for breakfast. Anna and I are both the type that enjoy relaxation on vacations rather than a line up of activities, so we started every day in the sun and would explore in the afternoon! We set up our beach chairs, listened to a podcast on detoxing heavy metals (lol), had the best conversations, and swam in the ocean (it is perfection!). Also, today was Anna's big 3-0, so the celebration was in full effect! In the afternoon, we decided to go explore the town, and by town, I mean a two-mile stretch of land lined with the most beautiful shops, delicious restaurants, and boutique hotels. I loved how both sides of the hotel were very contrasting in the best of ways: the peaceful ocean and the bustling street! Before walking into town, we made a quick stop to our room to grab some shoes and money, and the room was decked out in birthday decor! This hotel truly went above and beyond.We had the most incredible time exploring the shops filled with locally crafted dresses, swimsuits, cover ups, blankets, and straw bags that were all so beautiful! We passed by fascinating spas, burning incense galore, stunning restaurants filled with vintage rugs, twinkle lights hanging from the jungle trees, and local menus. We grabbed some matcha and chocolate coconut ice cream served in a coconut shell at the Matcha Mama hut and ended at BE Tulum, a gorgeous rustic hotel at the end of the street. Across from that was a spa that immediately caught our attention. Yaan Wellness was so dreamy. After talking to the lady who worked there, I realized you could come to Tulum specifically to detox and reboot your body. They offer everything from colonics with the necessary diet available to lymphatic flow massages to yoga. Yes please. I would come back to Tulum specifically to experience this.After a few hours of shopping and exploring, we went back to the hotel for a nutrient-filled smoothie and took the yoga class at sunset. It was a mix of challenging and relaxing vinyasa flow. Soon after, we walked down the street to eat dinner at Casa Jaguar, a beautiful eatery nestled in the jungle. This may have been my favorite food on the trip! We had the tuna fish tostadas, tacos de carnitas, prawns a la sal, and ended with the most delicious churros. Also, stop by their gorgeous hotel store, Todos Santos. It is interior goals. Anna and I walked back to the hotel for a surprise birthday cake we had made for her! It was one of the most special nights.MONDAY. We woke up and did what had become our Sanara routine: coconut probiotic yogurt, health shots filled with phytoplankton, and then straight to the beach bed to catch some rays. We worked on our tan for quite a while and had the most fun swimming in the crystal blue water. We ordered way too much lunch, but enjoyed every ounce - homemade sweet potato fries, hemp plantain bolitos, the super green salad, and the sopa de lima. We had a spa treatment in the early afternoon and left feeling so renewed. We ate dinner at the beautiful Gitano that night. It is a cozy spot in the jungle, and their handcrafted cocktails are must try and their food is sublime! We then walked down to Origami Gelato for some homemade ice cream and called it an early night after a lot of sun and walking! One thing I love about Tulum is that the stores stay open until ten, so you can pop in stores you discover to and from dinner! It makes you feel like you will never miss a beat.TUESDAY. It was our last day, and we wanted to soak in every moment! We started the morning off in the sun, and as we were laying out, we came to the decision that we should venture to a cenote. We took an afternoon trip about thirty minutes away to Casa Cenote and went snorkeling with our guide, Oswaldo, for almost two hours. It was one of our favorite experiences. We swam under the roots of trees and saw huge fish, a baby alligator, and a baby blue crab. The water was crystal clear! We loved this cenote but may want to go to a more private, rugged one next time. After our experience there, we had our driver drop us off at the opposite end of the road that we had not explored yet, and we shopped until sunset. We walked by Posada Margherita to eat, but they only take cash and we had just used it all that day and the near by ATMs were broken, so we tried to go to Hartwood, but they were closed two of the nights that we wanted to try! Those two places are most definitely on our list for next time. We were pretty exhausted, so we decided to have a cozy dinner at The Real Coconut and end the night with their coconut milk hot cocoa. It was one of the frothiest, most delicious drinks I have ever had and perfectly sweetened with the purest coconut sugar!WEDNESDAY. We woke up and had a few hours to enjoy the beach and the delicious food before we had to pack up and leave for the airport. What a gift this trip was. We left with full hearts, renewed energy, and the greatest memories! Oh! And a box of homemade coconut flour tortillas and chips for the road. xo


swim top | swim bottoms | one-piece (and similar)

beach pant (different pattern) | sunnies | head wrap (different color)

one-piece | swim top | swim bottoms

white tank (similar) | sandals | hat

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How To Stay Healthy When Traveling


Traveling is always such an adventure- full of amazing memories, new experiences, opportunities to learn and try new things, and so much more. However, it can be hard to stay healthy and feeling your best when you are on the road, taking a long flight, eating out a lot, and just off your normal routine. Today we are sharing a few tips to stay healthy when traveling- they are little things that make a big difference! Read on for our tips and scroll down to the bottom for Lo's travel-chic outfit deets, including this amazing suitcase from AWAY.

-Bring a candle to set a soothing atmosphere in your room in the AM and PM

-Bring moon dusts to add to your tea, smoothies, or juices!

-Bring Sakara tea bags- their sleep tea is perfect for unwinding at night

-Pack a sleep mask and essential oils to get the best possible sleep

-Remember cozy socks and comfy clothes to be comfortable at the hotel

-Stay hydrated by carrying a tote to keep a water bottle inside

-Walk as much as possible- skip the uber and taxi when you can!

-Pack snacks (healthy bars, nuts...) so you don't overeat at meals



Sweater | Denim | Sunnies (c/o) | Suitcase (c/o) | Boots | Bag (Persaman New York c/o)

images by felicia lasala

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Honesty Honesty

Ten Online Reads 1.13.2017


Happy Friday, friends! Below are ten online reads that we have enjoyed recently, and think that you will too. We hope that you have time to enjoy these articles this weekend, over a cup of coffee or tea + a delicious, healthy breakfast. xo

*not really a read, but we are loving this beautiful tumblr account

*sixteen ways Geri Hirsch simplified her life in 2016

*the travel section of Annie Bing's blog

*seven American castles that are so dreamy

*pretty planners for 2017

*declutter inspiration for 2017

*coming to peace with your body's ideal, natural weight

*a cool satin bomber look from Lo's bestie!

*simplicity inspo for the new year

*a gorgeous winter barn party

xo melissa


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Lifestyle, Travel Lifestyle, Travel

Sweet Home London, England

I am nearly two months into my move to London- a move that has been altogether undeniably frustrating, completely shocking, pleasantly surprising, and has affirmed my belief that I am truly meant to be here. I have had good days equally dispersed with bad ones. I am missing my family, the many comforts of my home and culture in Southern California, and the general normalcies of America as I begin, and still try to, settle into my new life in London. And while I look forward to this incredible year of opportunity, I have been reminding myself that it is okay to feel out of place.Something that peaked my level of unsettledness came after a day when everything was going right. I was having a good hair day, I found my way easily to my university, conquering the tube like a professional Londoner. I was falling in love with my Master’s program, enjoying all the friendships I was making across my department, I was enthralled with my classes and eager to begin to learn again about the world around me in an academic setting. I met people who again inspired the passion I had ignited for the study of journalism and the pursuit of a journalistic career. I had met with my program director who affirmed in the topic of my dissertation which I excitedly began to research. And at the end of the day, although I found myself on cloud nine, I could not shake this ominous feeling that this high, this deep level of satisfaction, this unshakable contentment would, in fact, be shaken. Before the happiness even wore off, I was reluctantly waiting for something to affect it.Almost as predicted, the next day did not nearly measure up to the previous one. Although little frustrations mounted throughout the day, it was an observed event at the end of the day that hurt my heart and took a blow to my ideality. As I sat in a convenient coffee shop down the street from my flat, I saw a woman begging for money outside the window. Over the course of the few weeks that I had been here, I noticed people approach the windows to restaurants and cafes as the begged for any spare change. While this woman approached the window, she was speaking to two men at a table inside and, unnoticeable to her, she was being mocked by the two men sitting on the other side of the glass. As she shook the change in her hand, with a countenance of desperation and plea, the men were leading her to believe that they would give her change. But, what she did not hear on my side of the glass were the two men laughing. What I knew, that perhaps she did not, was that they never intended to give her any change. And as they laughed and continued to mock her, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.“Where am I?”A question I found myself asking more than once throughout the course of my international move, but a question that became more prominent than ever in the moments of that interaction. I watched these men treat this woman in a way that I would never wish to see a woman being treated. I was appalled that, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, one human being could treat another with such haughtiness, disrespect, and neglect. But, as I processed what I had just witnessed, I was humbled. I was reminded that I am here for a purpose. I was gently reminded that by the grace of what I have been taught in my interactions with people different than myself, the world still has a lot more to learn about accepting, loving, and showing grace and compassion to people in wherever contexts they may find themselves. I hated what I saw, but I am grateful for open eyes to see the brokenness and the prejudice in that interaction through the window glass. I am grateful to be where I am, learning what I am learning, and fully immersed in an unfair and unjust world so that my compassion can continue to extend further, so that my love can reach deeper, and so that the understanding of the grace and love that I have received in my life can have a greater and more raw impact on the world around me.So, I find it okay to be unsettled, upset, or uncomfortable, for I know that these temporary feelings play a more prominent role in a much bigger picture. Alternatively, and somewhat unexpectedly, I find myself grateful for these unexpected and utterly frustrating moments for they are the necessary and foundational moments that altogether add to the depth of my experience here in London. I am grateful for each and every moment here- moments that make me mad, uncertainties that make me miss home, and equally those inspiring events of affirmation, for each of these, distinct from one another and equally important, give life to my purpose in this year abroad. So, while I allow myself to remain in a certain space of irregularity or frustration, I do not allow myself to wallow in it. But equally, I remind myself not to constantly look ahead, not to be in expectancy of what I hope is to come, but to allow myself to rest in the ‘now’. Since my move here, I have been compellingly, humbly, and gently reminded to be present in the present. For it is the present, the unexpected, and all the unpredictably frustrating, unsettling, amazing and invigorating moments that allow me to make the endless process of settling into a new home that much sweeter.

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