
Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

The Truth about Transformation


Growth and transformation are two of the most beautiful, yet challenging, parts of life and the human spirit. Similar to when we were little kids going through physical changes and development, growing pains were real then and are real now! However, real change and true growth come from enduring those growing pains (hopefully with grace!), as we journey through life and become who we are created to be. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? YES, YES, and more YES.Last week we discussed living above worry, stress, and fear by clinging to faith in Him, and the week before that we discussed the idea of staying in the training and seeing challenging seasons as opportunities from God for growth. Both of those concepts are related to the journey of personal transformation and the beauty that comes from holding onto unwavering faith as we go along the journey.I recently heard this sermon on the concept of life-changing transformation and it spoke to the core of my being. The truth about transformation is that it comes from Jesus' unfailing love for us and happens when we fully surrender to Him and His plan for us. True transformation occurs on a soul level, when our spirit has been re-wired to be able to see the hope and change that only Jesus can bring.In the sermon, Pastor Tomassoni describes how life-changing, real, and deep transformation occurs when Jesus takes the journey to the center of our beings, our lives, our souls, and our minds. This truth is a breakthrough realization, because believing this allows us to not only have an incredible relationship with Jesus, but it is how we really transform and develop into who He wants us to be. Our responsibility? Make Him the center of our worlds. There is no other way! Plus, the joy of Him being at the center of our worlds is truly like no other. It is the most beautiful, joyful, comforting, and peaceful way to live.The sermon makes me think of this verse of Scripture from Romans 12:2...Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect (NLT). No matter what our personal journey is and no matter what we are going through, God is constantly at work in us to transform us into who He created us to be. Knowing this and believing this enables us to endure hard times with grace, to see challenging times as His way of molding us, and to keep going because we know that His plan and will for us is good and pleasing and perfect. Are you going through a particularly transformative season right now? We would love to hear about it in the comments below so that we can pray for you! With love, the LSK team. 


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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Living Above Worry, Stress, and Fear


We can all agree that feelings of worry, stress, fear,  anxiety, and doubt are unfortunately normal and natural parts of life. There are very real reasons in our lives and in our world to feel these feelings, but thankfully there is a bigger Truth at play. There is only one way to live above worry, stress, and fear and that is by faith in God.  It is by faith in Him that we can get through the very real feelings that hard situations and challenging circumstances bring. Our God promises to be with us through everything and that is a promise that is bigger than anything in this world! When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior (Isaiah 43:2-3 NLT). By faith, we are able to cast off worry, stress, and fear by turning away from those negative feelings and turning to our all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God. When we put our trust and confidence in Him, we become free from having to bear the hard parts of life on our own shoulders. Faith allows us to give all worries and cares to Him, believing that He is capable of handling what is too much for us to bear. We are not designed to carry God-sized worries, but He is! Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you (1 Peter 4:7 NLT) What a blessing that our God is willing, wanting, able, and made to carry our heavy burdens. Matthew 11:28 reads: Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light" (NLT). This verse is so powerful because it is calling and inviting the weary souls and the burdened hearts to come to Jesus. If we start to view moments of worry, fear, and stress as opportunities to become closer to Jesus and cling on to Him, our souls will be able to find rest and we will also grow in faith. When you feel fear, run to Jesus. When anxiety attacks, run to Him. When doubt is determined to sneak in, call out to Jesus.It is only in Him and by faith that we are able to find true rest and real freedom.   The truth that His yoke is easy and His burden is light is such a source of comfort during our hardest moments. When we feel the burdens of this world weighing down on us, we are to immediately lay everything down at the feet of Jesus.

The lyrics of Chris Tomlin's song, "Home", speak to this truth so well:

Lay down my burdens, I lay down my pastI run to Jesus, no turning backThank God Almighty, I'll be free at last.

Another worship song that beautifully depicts the power of faith is "He Is With Us" by Love & The Outcome. The below lyrics portray the most beautiful picture of His outstretched hand in times of fear, worry, and doubt. We don't know what is coming and we might be heartbroken over what has come to pass, but no matter what, we can find comfort in the truth that we have Him through it all.
Remember when your hope is lost and faith is shaken,Remember when you wonder if you're gonna make it,There's a hand stretched out through your deepest doubt.We can't pretend to see the ending or what's coming up ahead,To know the story of tomorrow,But we can stay close to the One who knows. 

If you have't checked it out already, here is the link to our LSK Worship playlist on Spotify. Worship music is so powerful and we pray that the songs speak to you and bring you hope, love, and comfort always, but especially during moments of worry, fear, and doubt.
I will be your God throughout your lifetime- until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you (Isaiah 46:4 NLT).


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Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

The Gift of Reading Time


The gift of reading time is something that we really value, appreciate, and try not to take for granted! Settling into our reading nook and opening up a book that we have been looking forward to reading is such a special experience; it opens up the doors for personal growth, enjoyment, relaxation, peace, and so much more.Regardless of what kind of book it is, our minds open during the reading process; either to new knowledge, new experiences, and new ways of thinking, or our minds can open up to a fictional world that we become immersed in, serving as a brief break from our own worlds. Fiction or non-fiction, books are truly such a gift to us, crafted by authors with God-given talents!We always feel rejuvenated, full of life, and inspired after taking the time to read. We love Christian books here at LSK and there are a few that have really shaped our lives, our faith, and our relationship with the Lord. These books in particular are gifts from Him, and we cannot give enough praise for the authors of these books! Three titles that have especially made a big impact on our lives are Present Over Perfect, New Morning Mercies, and Uninvited.A few other books that we highly recommend are The Plant Paradox, The Person Called YOU, and Reclaiming Conversation. These books are extremely different and unique in subject matter, but each one is a gift of a new perspective about health (The Plant Paradox), personal development (The Person Called YOU), and relationships (Reclaiming Conversation).

What do you love most about reading? We would love to know what your favorite books are, too, so please share those recs in the comment section below. If you enjoy reading as much as we do, we pray that you can carve out the time to do it as much as possible/as much as you want. Reading time can be a very important part of self-care; a relaxing activity that reaps emotional, mental, and spiritual gifts. xo
images by Felicia Lasala 
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Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

Stay In The Training


What do you you think of when you think of training? We envision hard work, long hours, mental discipline, plenty of focus, an openness to learning, the willingness to change, a desire for strength, and the endurance to keep going even when it gets really hard. All of these elements obviously apply when you are physically training and working out, but it also applies emotionally and personally when you are going through a season that is challenging, intimidating, and confusing. The good news is that with the realization that we are being trained during these seasons, we will be able to stay in the training and keep moving forward!We are so excited to share this message from Judah Smith with you: Trained By His Training. This message has spoken to us so much lately and has caused us to start viewing challenging seasons as opportunities for growth. This change of perspective results in seeing hard seasons as preparing and training us in order for us to becomes the person that the Lord created us to be.The most amazing thing is that no matter what you are going through right now, no matter what your personal circumstances are, this message will hit your heart in the biggest, most loving way. We have sent this link to so many loved ones in a variety of emotional situations because it is a message that brings so much encouragement, hope, and promise. In his message, Judah encourages you to stay in it and keep going and realize that you are being trained by the Lord because He loves you so much.Here is the Scripture from Judah's message + an amazing quote from Judah, but we highly encourage you to take the time (about 40 minutes) to listen to the entire message! We are excited to read your comments in the comment section below. xoHebrews 12: 7-11 (NLT)As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn't discipline you as he does all his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn't we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits and live forever? For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God's discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in His holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. "You know who God is preparing? Those He loves. God told me to tell you tonight, you are in training right now and that is why you feel the way you that you feel. You have been searching your soul thinking, this is the weirdest season- I'm in a funk- what is going on- and I am here to tell you that NOTHING is wrong, you're in training! And it is a form of a compliment from your Father, because He is preparing you for things that you otherwise could not do without Him and His preparation. God is preparing you.- Judah Smith



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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Taking The Time To Journal


We always feel so renewed after a great conversation with someone that we love and trust. Our souls are made to take part in deep, connecting conversations with one another. It is such a blessing to be able to talk through challenging times, reflect upon happy times, praise the Lord for what He is up to in your lives, and share wisdom. In addition to talking through life with loved ones, we are also big believers in taking the time to journal.Taking the time to journal is such a beautiful way to develop your inner self and become the person who you were designed to be. With the help and guidance of Jesus, journaling can be such a private and beautiful time to connect with Him and be led by Him! One of our favorite things to do is to get still (and comfy), turn on worship music, open up His Word, and grab our journal and pen.Journaling is a personal experience and will look different for everyone. The best part is that your journal is completely yours. Journal about anything you want. Just start writing, reflecting, rejoicing, thanking, wondering, praying and see what happens. The more you do it, the more freeing it will become!My journal is a mix of personal thoughts, verses from Scripture, prayers, inspirational quotes from authors/bloggers, poems, wisdom from others, and more.  But again, everyone's journal will be unique, which is another reason why journaling is such a beautiful work of written art. We also love the idea of a gratitude journal, especially this one from Papyrus. A gratitude journal is a wonderful way to actively express our gratitude for everyday things, which leads to a greater sense of overall happiness and peace.

Here are a few journals that we love: one | two | three | four | five

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Leave comments below and we will be praying with you along your journaling journey! xoimages: felicia lasala 

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The Power and Joy of Worship Music


Worship music is such a beautiful gift and lately we have been in awe of its power and the joy that it brings. There are so many talented artists in the worship music community and we are so thankful for their artistry! Listening to worship music is a big part of our lives and we hope to share just how transforming and heart-filling listening to worship music is.We were inspired to write this post after reading this blog post from Hope Houser. She shared her playlist and it inspired us to share our favorite worship songs. From Hillsong United to Elevation Worship, We Are Messengers, Lauren Daigle, United Pursuit, MercyMe, Mandisa and so many more, there are truly so many artists who are sharing their God-given talents with the world. It is overwhelming in the best way!Whether you are going through a particularly challenging season or not, listening to worship music will fill your heart with courage, hope, and faith. We have found that by listening to these positive, praising songs our minds become saturated with beautiful words of truth as we focus on Jesus and His amazing nature. My favorite thing is to turn on worship music  first thing in the morning while I open up His Word and spend time in it. I also love to have worship music on while driving, doing chores, and cooking. It makes for the sweetest atmosphere.We hope you enjoy our playlist! Let us know your favorite songs in the comment section below. Thank you, Hope, for the inspiration! xo M

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images by Felicia Lasala 

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Isaiah David by Hannah Burton


You know those moments when you meet someone and you immediately click and feel like you have known that person for a lifetime? Enter Hannah Burton. She has a true heart of gold for Jesus and for other people, is full of adventure, and intentionally lives out her vision like I have never seen before in the most fearless of ways. What a special time we had photo-snapping on Mulholland in the middle of the beautiful LA canyons - her internal confidence and the nature of her heart made me feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever had before + it was a deep, magical experience I will never forget. What a gem she is, and not to mention, loads of fun!Today is such a special day on LSK. Meet our dear friend, amazing photographer, and beautiful soul, Hannah Burton. Hannah is the creative heart and brilliant mind behind Isaiah David, a collection of scripture-inspired photographs.  The collection consists of eleven bespoke, limited edition art prints that all have bespoke concepts based on Psalm 23.  The images are beyond powerful and Hannah's inspiration for the collection is heartfelt and deeply meaningful. Learn more about Isaiah David and get to know Hannah by reading our q&a with her below. Enjoy! xoHey Han! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Such as, what do you love most in life and where did you grow up?I love my friends and family. I am blessed with incredible leadership and am thankful for the gifts I have been given to steward. I love what I do and am so passionate about making Jesus famous through photography.I have been fortunate enough to grow up in the countryside of England and the city of London; I loved having the best of both worlds. It has helped me appreciate both environments and has influenced my work greatly!Tell us how you and Lo met!I reached out to Lo when I was in LA last year and had the privilege of working with her. I was challenged and inspired by her courage, her work ethic, her bravery, and her contagious joy. What do you love most about being a photographer?I LOVE what I get to do. I love that everyone I photograph has become a friend, and I love that every shoot is unique. I love that I get to show people the way God sees them, that I get to concept and research and create with no limitation. I love that I am able to travel the world, too! When you think about your favorite photography memory, what comes to mind?There are a few:The most humbling memory was a trip to Uganda, where I was able to capture beautiful stories of restoration.  It impacted me so much personally, and I left changed and challenged.The most inspiring memory creatively was with Isaiah David; it has been so rewarding as I get to study the Word so intimately.The most bizarre memories range from shooting with Katy Perry, throwing paint on a man, shooting with tigers, and holding a bond girls bra.Did you always want to be a photographer/ how did you discover your love for photography?I wanted to be an interior designer from the age of 14, and I studied it and really did not enjoy it.  I fell into photography and fell in love. I trained with amazing people and was blessed to learn from the best. I loved being around people, and I loved getting to know new people. I don’t believe you can be a photographer without having a relationship with your subject, expecting great results. You need to have fun and build trust in order to really show a true reflection of who they are. Tell us about the inspiration behind Isaiah David. What is the mission of the photography project?For some time, I had struggled to understand the Bible for myself. For many years, my prayer was to know God’s word deeper and more intimately. I struggled to understand Him for myself.  One day I remember reading about Gethsemane and was able to see visually in my mind what that could look like. As a visual person, I struggled to comprehend the Word of God just as text. I have always admired the adaption of the word as visuals so people like me could see it better. I wondered if others had struggled too. I wondered if I could create Scriptures as visual mandates - creating reminders of the faithfulness of God's Word. I also thought that this could be an amazing talking point. Knowing that specific Scriptures have carried you enables easy conversation to others that don't know Jesus. What inspired the philanthropic component of Isaiah David?I have been inspired by Lo, her courage and bravery, and her tenacity to help others. I love that through her story, she is able to help walk others through their own story. Something that we take for granted every day is the use of our limbs. I love that she is helping restore dignity and ignite faith in others. I can't imagine walking through what Lo and these women have walked through, so I knew I had to support in any and every way I can! I am behind LSKF 100%.The photographs are incredible and beyond beautiful. What was the creative process like when creating the photographs?I have LOVED this creative process. I get to read, study and dissect the Word and within that, grow deeper with God. I pray and ask God for direction in what He want me to create. I want the images to speak power and gentleness to people; I want the photographs to have a timeless simplicity. Once I feel like I had a strong concept to each picture of Scripture, I bounce each of them off of a few strong theologians and pastors.I would then start to bring a team together briefing elements of the shoot. This collection was shot over a year in NY and LA with different teams. My heart for this is to build a creative community, to inspire others and work together to build the Kingdom creatively.It has been a labor of love. The next collection is going to be shot in London, and it will be easier now considering there is a structure to the process.The scripture verses for each photograph are so powerful. How did you decide on the verses to include?I wanted to start with Scriptures that were well known whether someone is Christian or not. I want to give the viewer the option to appreciate either the image first or the Scripture first because it is so well known.The alignment of the Scriptures has also been very prophetic for me personally, and I am so pumped to see how God uses the images to reveal things to others.What is your hope when it comes to the impact that Isaiah David photographs have on individuals that purchase them?My prayer is that questions are asked, hearts are softened, salvations are made, conversations happen, faith is strengthened, and that people will know the faithfulness of God through His word and are visually reminded of that through these images.  I am so passionate about Isaiah David. I have vision to see exhibitions, books, testimonies, more donations to LSKF, visual bibles, and the formation of a creative community. I hope to inspire others to create and communicate the Word in a new way.  


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The Beauty and Power of Transparency


Thanks to a recommendation from a friend, I recently listened to this incredible TED talk from Brene Brown and it has impacted me so much. Her books Rising StrongDaring Greatly, and The Gifts of Imperfection are now on my list to read ASAP. I am definitely late to the party, as her books have been out for a while (same with her TED talk) but better late than never. I am so thankful that I have discovered Brene Brown and her message about vulnerability. Thinking about vulnerability has led us to thinking about transparency and the beauty of being completely transparent in relationships and in life in general.It might be scary and feel uncomfortable, but what better way to live than completely honestly, openly, authentically, and truthfully? We have all had seasons where we go into our shell, put up walls, or paint a pretty picture. Doing this is a way to inform the world that: all is well here, no need to know more, I am fine! Sometimes we do this without even knowing that we are doing it! It becomes a natural reaction to discomfort. However, in the long run, that sort of behavior won’t help us. It might feel safe in the moment, but it actually robs us of true joy that comes from living full lives as our real, genuine, 100% selves. We will grow more if we let our true selves be exposed. There is nothing more real or more beautiful than that! Jesus want us so desperately to cling to Him instead of feeling the need to hide. He created us just the way we are, so of course He wants our inner beauty to shine completely to the world.  Step into the place of being vulnerable with a real, raw, “this is me, world!” kind of way! Quirks, messes, insecurities, fears, mistakes, oops’, lessons, and whatever else can easily lure us into a mindset of uh oh, I gotta cover this one up, but I pray for all of us that we won’t fall for that trap. Instead, pray about it, own it, repent of it, forgive yourself for it, or whatever the case may be. We are not designed to hide. We are designed to live in His light and experience joy!!What are your thoughts on transparency and living genuine lives? We would love to hear in the comment section below. Xo

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[show_shopthepost_widget id="2764741"]images by felicia lasala

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

The Gift of Grace


Oh, sweet grace. The gift of grace is the best kind of gift. We have been thinking lately about how thankful we are for grace and the freedom that it brings, even when we don't deserve it. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you aren't particularly pleased with a situation or person? These situations can bring about hurtful feelings of disappointment, critical feelings of judgement, heartbroken feelings of confusion, or heavy feelings of bitterness and resentment. However, there is a sweet way to avoid these negative, soul-weakening feelings! The answer is grace.Give the gift of grace to others freely, abundantly, and always. Even when your mind might be raging, tap into your heart and give grace to someone. This will not only be so good for them, but it will be so good for you as well! You will feel light and unburdened and will be able to carry on, instead of being stuck in an unforgiving rut. It is harder said than done, and it takes patience, so we encourage all of us to praise the Lord for the sweet grace He gives us and pray for Him to give us the strength and the tenderness to give grace to others constantly.Here is a quote from the daily devotional, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young that really spoke to me: 'When someone mistreats you, try to view it as an opportunity to grow in grace. See how quickly you can forgive the one who has wounded you."  I love the picture that this quote creates; each hurtful situation is an opportunity for us to grow! It is a challenge because we have two choices: to feel hurt, angry, and hold on to negative feelings, or to release the negative by forgiving, giving grace, and in return we will grow in grace.Lysa Terkeurst has an amazing quote on grace: When to give grace? I'd rather stand before God knowing I loved others too much than regretting that I judged too harshly. Amen to that. Loving others by showing them grace in every opportunity that you have is the sweetest display of love. May we all keep this quote in mind as we live and interact with others, giving grace and loving people even when they let us down or hurt us. xo


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