
morning routine + favorite bomber


2016_10_28_lolomag5-606-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-644-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-670-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-646-editbomber + skirt | lolo magazinebomber + skirt | lolo magazine2016_10_28_lolomag5-673-edit

the outfit: bomber (c/o) | skirt (c/o) | tank | sunnies (c/o)

shoes c/o (here, too) | necklace c/o (here, too)

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Hey guys! Lo and I both love our mornings, but spend them pretty differently. I live by myself in a one-bedroom apartment in Annapolis, MD and Lo obviously lives in LA with her husband, Jason! Below we are sharing a few details on a typical weekday morning for each of us.


I really love mornings because I usually get up a little bit before Jase, so I have that peaceful alone time to go in my favorite chair in my office and read and maybe start a few emails if the time allows! Then I go into the kitchen to make a lemon water and our morning smoothies! By this time, Jase is usually awake, so we chat and snuggle and get ready for the day together!


Mornings are my favorite. During the week I wake up at 5:30am. I have coffee first thing and make my bed. Two days a week I go to yoga at 6:15 and on the three days that I don’t, I go down to my apartment gym around 7 for 20-30 minutes. On gym days, I blog from 6-7am. I have to leave for work at 8:30, so I use the remaining time to shower, get ready, and make lunch and breakfast. It sounds like a lot, but somehow it all gets done and I feel super productive by the time I leave for work!

how do you spend your mornings? let us know in the comments below.

*images by felicia lasala 

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

melissa's love for decluttering

love for decluttering | lolo magazine

I am crazy for decluttering. The farmhouse, my apartment, my wardrobe, my desk at work, my email inbox, photos on my phone, the kitchen pantry, the refrigerator, my handbag, my wallet, drawers at home and at work, my car, and so on. It's pretty amazing how a neat and tidy space translates (for me at least) to a peaceful heart and calm state of mind. Call me a neat freak, but one of my favorite things to do is declutter a space and organize it, because I know how good it feels after it is done.

I love clothes and home decor, but I definitely tend to lean toward the minimalism side of things. I have not and probably never will  implement a capsule wardrobe, but I do fully believe in only owning things that you love and wear. If you live by that motto, only owning things you love, the number of things you own will definitely stay pretty tight. What to do with the rest? Consign it or donate it!

We've all heard it before and it's definitely true- owning less things makes life easier. Another mantra that I love is appreciate more, accumulate less. I have trained myself to keep this in mind before making purchases and it definitely helps reign in my shopping bug in at times. Another thing to consider if you want to lighten your load is to be creative when it comes to clothes and possessions. Certain things can be used more than one way, which will lead to needing less. I read this article recently that I really love from becoming minimalist. It will inspire you to tackle a place that needs some decluttering love. Share your thoughts on decluttering and owning less in the comments below // xo

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farmhouse kitchen inspo board

farmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazine

Hamilton and I are working on redoing the kitchen in his 1700's farmhouse and it's so much fun, as well as a lot of work.  We are making progress though (with the help of an amazing kitchen designer) and hope to have it completed by end of March 2017. I will definitely be sharing before and after pictures, but above is the first before picture. That vintage rug will definitely be staying, but the stove, floors, and cabinets will be replaced. I am forever thankful for that amazing old stove though! We have cooked up so many meals on that stove and it is where I taught myself to cook, so it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Below are inspiration images for now + a few things that I am loving from Williams -Sonoma. We are planning on wood floors, simple white cabinets, brass pulls and knobs, a custom made island, stools, marble counter tops, stainless steal appliances plus a few more special details like the vintage rug that is pictured above. As you can tell, the theme is very simple, neutral, timeless, casual and comfortable. We love having people over and look forward to making the kitchen a functional place, but also a place to hang out. We all know that somehow, people always end up in the kitchen over appetizers, wine, and good times. xo

farmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazine

*five inspo images are from Pinterest

favorite kitchen things from williams-sonoma:

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fall dress + precious weekend time


2016_10_28_lolomag5-525-editThe weekends are precious, you guys. Lo and I always look forward to them as I am sure do as well. It usually means more downtime, less work, more fun times with your friends and family, and quality time with your significant other. Weekends also allow more time for hobbies, errands, and things that you have been wanting to do, but didn't have time for during the week. Precious weekend time goes by fast though, and before you know it it's Monday morning once again.  To savor weekend time as much as possible, we try to intentionally put away phones every now and again through out the weekend. This isn't a "rule" by any means and it's not 100% of the time, because phone calls with friends/family members, Instagram moments, and other iPhone things are fun and part of weekend life. However, putting the phone away does open up time to fully appreciate the moment, your surroundings, and the people in your life. Give it a try this coming weekend and let us know how it goes. For us, our minds, hearts, and eyes always love the break from screen time. Details for this fall dress look are below // xo meliss + lo2016_10_28_lolomag5-521-edit    2016_10_28_lolomag5-497-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-512-edit   2016_10_28_lolomag5-477-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-480-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-459-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-455-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-443-edit

the outfit: 

dress // same one in different color (c/o)

booties // on sale! (c/o)

sunnies // old

bag // (c/o)

 similar sweater dresses:

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General, Lifestyle General, Lifestyle

currently loving

currently loving | lolo magazine

Friday feels! Here is what we have been loving lately-


This is my favorite daily morning read

My favorite non-toxic concealer

I truly don't know how I used to do my makeup without this blender

Yes, this is a little bit of a different one, but even with blind spot 'sensors' on my car, I still can't imagine driving without these. They make me feel extra safe! 

We use so much lavender oil in our home. We put it on our temples and the bottom of our feet at night, and we love to diffuse it to make our room smell like a spa :)


Lysa Terkeurst's latest book, Uninvited, is a must-read

This laptop case keeps my Macbook Air safe & secure

I just purchased this dressy maxi skirt for fall/winter and I love it so much

A pretty tray from Pottery Barn for a bedroom dresser or a bar cart

Lo had this candle on her list a few weeks ago, so I gave it a try! It's amazing.

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dreamy fall color combo

dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine  dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine  dreamy fall color combo | lolo magazine

I absolutely love simple statement pieces, like this kimono jacket. It's one of those unique, special pieces that you just slip on and you instantly feel stylish, confident, and comfortable. I've paired it here with Paige denim, Everlane boots, and a striped bodysuit.

The dreamy, classic combo of black and white stripes, denim, and camel is one of my all time favorites. This is a look that I would definitely wear during the day, but it could also transition to a dinner date outfit or happy hour with girlfriends. Since I live in LA, light layers like this kimono are perfect for fall, since it's not too heavy but it still has a fall look and seasonally appropriate vibe.  xo

the outfit: jacket (c/o) | denim (c/o) | bodysuit (c/o) | boots (c/o)| sunnies (c/o)

images by felicia lasala 

click to shop:

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10 Questions With Rachel Cruze

10 questions with Rachel Cruze / lolo magazine

Lauren and I were so thrilled to receive copies of Rachel Cruze's new book with incredible financial (and life) advice- Love Your Life, Not Theirs.  Rachel's book is one of those resources that you will keep going back to for sound, smart tips for keeping your finances in order and staying focused on your situation instead of comparing yourself (and your finances) to that of others. This is a very important and timely reminder due the large presence of social media in our lives, which makes getting caught up in the comparison game extremely easy. With Rachel's help, we can tune out the desire to want more and spend more, and instead be content and make wise choices when it comes to our finances. Below are our questions + Rachel's answers!

  1. We are so inspired by the concept of not comparing your life to another person’s life. That is so crucial for not just financial happiness, but happiness in general! What made you want to write a book focused around that idea?

As I travel around the country and talk to people, I’ve noticed the comparison living trend. Twenty years ago you actually had to see the Joneses in person to compare our lives to them. Now we carry them around in our back pockets on our phones. We’re letting other people dictate how we spend our lives and our paychecks. I want people to realize that when they’re scrolling through social media, they’re seeing people’s highlight reels, not the entire picture. When they see a friend’s newly remodeled kitchen, they don’t see the second mortgage they took out to fund the project, which may be causing money fights and stress on their marriage. I want to empower people to have tunnel vision when it comes to their money. I want them to focus on their own values and spend their money according to their values, not someone else’s. 

  1. Tell us a little bit about your history- what led you to be interested in personal finances and helping others manage their money?

Growing up as Dave Ramsey’s daughter, I saw the positive impact he made on people’s lives. I was born the year my parents filed bankruptcy and spent my life watching them rebuild their financial lives by avoiding debt and living intentionally. When I was in college my “financial bubble” was popped. The lack of knowledge people had when it came to their money was shocking. This gave me a passion to help people understand the importance of handling money wisely from an early age. 

  1. What do you see as the biggest danger of the “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality?

The road of comparisons always ends with debt. It’s almost impossible to be satisfied with your own life when you are constantly looking at what someone else has or the lifestyle they’re living. In our culture, we often let other people dictate our values and priorities. You have to know what you value most in life because all of your money habits flow out of what’s important to you: career choices, purchases, and investments. To steer clear of debt and meet your financial goals, you sometimes have to say no to your wants and make sacrifices for your needs. Every decision you make will bring you closer or pull your further from your ultimate financial goals. 

  1. What would be your biggest piece of advice for women in their mid to upper twenties?

You have the opportunity to create the life you want. Though it may not feel like it right now, it’s within reach—not thirty years from now, but right now. Change happens when you own up to the choices you make. If you don’t like the outcomes you’ve created for yourself, such as debt, money stress, or dissatisfaction in general, then start making different choices that will create new habits in your life. 

  1. Finances are obviously a big part of a serious relationship and especially marriage! What advice do you have for women when discussing finances with their significant other?

One of the quickest ways married couples can put a strain on their marriage is to not be on the same page about money. In fact, one of the top reasons for divorce is money fights and money problems. So couples need to communicate about their finances. They should sit down and talk about their financial goals and make a plan to reach them. They should also make a budget together, every month before the month begins. A budget gets a bad rap, but all a budget does is tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. Getting in the habit of talking about money is tough.  But you have to be intentional when it comes to talking about money—even when it’s hard. 

  1. What personal experiences brought you to the place of really valuing financially smart decision making and planning?

Over the years, I’ve come in contact with so many people who are struggling to make ends meet because of debt and poor decisions with their money. I feel so grateful that I was given this information early on, so I could make wise decisions with my money and avoid the debt, stress, and worry so many people live with. Because of the planning and choices my husband and I have made, we’re able to enjoy our money and make it work for us. 

  1. The comparison game is a very real, dangerous trap. Do you feel that social media has made this problem worse, and if so, how do you suggest people remain active on social media, without falling into the comparison trap?

Social media has definitely made it easier to compare our lives to others, but it isn’t entirely to blame. Comparisons is a heart issue. Social media is just the vehicle that can take you down the road to comparisons. Comparisons bring discontentment. To be content you have to be grateful; and in a heart filled with gratitude, there’s no room for discontentment. Some people look for contentment in their income and possessions, but they’ll never find it there. Contentment happens on the inside, and when you have it, it’s there no matter how much money you make or how much stuff you have. 

  1. When it comes to saving first and spending second, what is your biggest piece of advice for people who sometimes don't feel they have enough to save first?

You have to make savings a priority. I’ve met so many people who tell me they make a budget each month and just don’t have the money to save when they finish paying all their bills. That’s because their budget is upside down. I understand people may not have a lot of money to save right away, but it’s important to start the habit. And making it the first item on their budget will help them find places where they can cut so they have the ability to save. 

  1. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home with parents who always lived within their means and shared that mentality with me. In your mind, what does “living within your means” look like exactly?

In our culture, debt is normal. People think they “need” debt to make it in the modern world. It’s so normal that the average American family sends almost 25 percent of their paychecks right back out the door to consumer debt. But living within your means is all about being clear and intentional about how you’ll use your money. It doesn’t mean living within your credit limit. It’s being proactive with your money instead of reactive and not overspending. 

  1. What is your biggest wish when it comes to what people will take away from reading Love Your Life, Not Theirs?

Habits affect every part of our lives, including our health, careers, productivity, relationships, and especially our money. We all have money habits. Some are good, and some are bad. Some take us closer to where we want to be, while others take us further and further away.The truth is, though, breaking bad money habits and replacing them with good ones can be easier said than done—especially if you don’t realize how much your bad money habits are wrecking your life. But if you want to change your life, if you want to do the things you’ve always wanted to do and buy the things you’ve always wanted to buy and go to the places you’ve always wanted to go to, then you’re going to have to find that motivation to change your money habits.I want to encourage people to make wise choices—and to build healthy habits—moving forward. I can’t promise it’ll be easy, but I can promise it will lead to a happier, healthier, more peaceful life—a life without all the debt, stress, and worry that so many of people are dealing with right now. 

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black basics for fall & winter

black basics for fall & winter | lolo magazineblack basics for fall & winter | lolo magazineblack basics for fall & winter | lolo magazine

black leather crossbody: the city girl bag by hobo

black leather booties: accordion booties by seychelles

faux leather skirt: [old] from mango | similar | similar

moto jacket: [old] from loft | similar | similar


Wardrobe necessities are a real thing and these four items fall into that category- black leather bag, black booties, a cool black skirt, and a moto jacket. All four are timeless, versatile, and forever in style. The key is to invest in quality styles that you really love, to ensure that you will keep reaching for them time and time again // xo melissa

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

a daily morning prayer


Dear God, I give You this day. For Your glory, Your fame, Your will, Your way ... I humbly submit my plans, desires, and wants. May You increase as I decrease. Today is Yours, Lord. Please guide me. Direct me. And help me to use each day for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen. - Lysa Terkeurst

I recently came across this prayer on author, Lysa Terkeurst's facebook page, and I was immediately captivated by the powerful words. Surrendering each day to the Lord is something that I desperately want to intentionally do each day. It is a lot easier said than done, due to the very things that Lysa mentions in the above prayer- plans, desires, and wants. Those things can so easily get in the way of completely surrendering the day to the Lord and His plans, desires, and wants for us which are always the best. As a girl who loves her plans, it's an on-going journey to loosen my grip on plans and give God room to work. Whenever I do give Him the reigns on my day, the results are beyond me and truly amazing in every way. I can't wait to memorize this prayer and repeat it each morning, making it a daily routine and habit to let God be God.  xo melissa

// happy monday //

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