
The Process Of Moving In

Just wanted to chime in with a quick update on our process of moving in!


Hi friends!Just wanted to chime in with a quick update on our process of moving in! If you follow Jase and I on Instagram you will have seen that it has been a lot of work with a lot of stuff (especially pillows...!), patience, time, help, energy, understanding, and LOVE. We are so thankful for this new home and cannot wait to see the chapters of life that unfold within these walls.The main words I keep thinking about during this move are patience, grace, and gratefulness. My acupuncturist a few weeks ago talked to me about the act of “reframing,” which is taking a situation and turning it into a positive perspective rather than a negative. I keep saying that I am so grateful that I get to unpack and create a space for my family.For instance, the dust has been a nightmare for me, and it’s somewhat helpless to avoid it at the beginning of the move and after a renovation (no matter how much you clean). The stores and dusty boxes bring in more dust, the items in the box that have collected dust do the same, and the foot traffic brings in all the things too! We just keep cleaning and continue being grateful for the progress!I am the type that diligently finishes every project I start. And y’all probably know, my home reflects the Marie Condo theme that everything has a place. Organization, creating a home, cleaning, and feeling settled is in the heart of who I am so this process can be mentally tough. I keep reminding myself that this is a process and I am so grateful for this space now and what it will develop into. It’s such a parallel for life. We often want something to be complete, but the time of work and waiting is often times a struggle.My parents came in to help and it was a game changer. My dad literally did over 30 hours of laundry (he is a pro!), and my mom is the best organizer of coordinating the rooms. She also set boundaries for us to stop when we were tired and to rest when we needed it so we didn’t fully exhaust ourselves every day. I could not be more thankful on how well we work together and how much they sacrifice for us, even though they just view it as a gift to help!Our method in unpacking was to unpack everything first, and then organize it into categories in the appropriate room. We also first vacuumed and cleaned every cabinet thoroughly. And P.S. we are only using Branch Basics in our clean up! Then we organized drawers and cabinets + write a list of organizers we needed to order to make it fully complete.It’s so nuts to me because we purged so much before the move, and so you think you are good to go with purging when you move, but this was not the case for us! We are continuing to purge items, which is the best feeling in the world.Other keys to a successful move-in: blasting music throughout the house, laughing, making sure you get enough food and water, rest when you need to, and HAVE FUN!!Also, last but certainly not least, I have been praying over our house as we unpack - such a special and powerful thing to do, inviting Jesus into the process.Thanks for reading and share this post with anyone who is preparing for and praying over an upcoming move themselves!xo, Lo.

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Serena & Lily Bedding: A Guest Room in the Works

Moving brings up so many feelings, right? It’s so rewarding yet so overwhelming, and project manager mode goes into full gear (at least for me!). But the biggest blessing after a tedious renovation is that the furnishing and decorating process starts now.


Moving brings up so many feelings, right? It’s so rewarding yet so overwhelming, and project manager mode goes into full gear (at least for me!). But the biggest blessing after a tedious renovation is that the furnishing and decorating process starts now.

I have realized over time that one of my favorite things to do is to make a house a home. I learned so much from both my mom and dad about how to make your house a sanctuary; extra cozy, personal, and full of peace!
Another thing I have realized (and definitely got from my parents) is the love of hosting someone in our house. The main goal? Making them feel so at home and covering every need they may have (hi, Puracy toiletries, essential oil diffusers, coffee and tea, and Boll & Branch robes just to name a few). And on that note, a comfy bed is the KEY.
All that to say, one guest room is getting started. This process is just at the beginning since we are only ten days out from moving, but it’s so fun to already start to see little spaces coming together. We used Serena & Lily bedding for the guest rooms in the past, and we (and more importantly, our friends and family) couldn’t have loved it more.
My favorite part about it besides the comfort is that it is Oeko-Tex certified and free of harmful chemicals! And P.S... the bedding right now is 30% off until Monday! It’s the perfect time to invest in some bedding refreshments!
*Thank you Serena & Lily for gifting me this beautiful bedding! 
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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

How To Experience Real Rest

Just last week, one of our favorite authors and speakers, Rebekah Lyons, came out with a new book. Her book, You Are Free, is one we have recommended here on the blog before and her new book, Rhythms of Renewal, is once again a must-read. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3768565"]


Just last week, one of our favorite authors and speakers, Rebekah Lyons, came out with a new book. Her book, You Are Free, is one we have recommended here on the blog before and her new book, Rhythms of Renewal, is once again a must-read.We are so excited to soon be asking Rebekah a few questions, so of course the Q&A will be posted here on the blog, but until then we had to share an excerpt from her book that we keep re-reading. Focused on four rhythms: rest, restore, connect, and create, this new book from RL encourages readers to incorporate these four ways of being in their lives in order to truly rest, experience restoration, deeply connect, and beautifully create.Just from the dedication page, it is clear this book is one that your soul is going to soak up. She shares this psalm in the opening page:"Show me the right path, O LORD;point out the road for me to follow.Lead me by your truth and teach me,for you are the God who saves me.All day long I put my hope in you."Psalm 25:4-5 Then on page 21, just in the introduction, Rebekah writes this:"Through study and experience, I've come to understand four rhythms that help us replace stress and anxiety with life-giving peace and purpose. They help us nurture and sustain lasting emotional health. These rhythms aren't complicated- Rest, Restore, Connect, and Create...however, these rhythms do take practice. Practical acts like fasting from media (Rest), exercising (Restore), sharing a laugh (Connect), or recovering an old talent (Create) can help us break the anxiety-inducing cycles of the world around us and bring balance to our otherwise hectic lives. They can help us cultivate the spiritual and mental space needed to allow God to bring us through complacency and fear and into freedom." -Rebekah Lyons Here's to breaking "the anxiety-inducing cycles of the world around us" that are so easy to slip into. Instead, root yourself in these rhythms and find yourself flourishing and truly living from a place of peace, rest, and strength! Thanks, Rebekah, for writing such a faith-filled and much-needed book.With love,Team LSK.

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Take Good Care Of Yourself

The other day someone in passing said to me when saying goodbye, "take good care of yourself"! Their words made me think: what does "take good care of yourself" actually mean? How does one do that well? [show_shopthepost_widget id="3755958"]


The other day someone in passing said to me when saying goodbye, "take good care of yourself"! Their words made me think: what does "take good care of yourself" actually mean? How does one do that well?


...means different things for different people at different times. But man oh man, is it important. Our loving Lord of course is our great caretaker; He takes care of us in multiple ways from His throne. I believe though that He equips us to take care of ourself AND in His great provision, surrounds us with people who will also care for us. It's our responsibility, though, to care for ourselves to the best of our human ability. This includes caring for our physical bodies, emotional selves, spiritual souls, and our God-focused minds.


...for all of us to fight off the guilt that the enemy uses when we do focus on and care for ourselves. Don't be surprised when the devil tries to tell you you are selfish or you should be doing something else for someone else. It's simply NOT TRUE. Taking good care of yourself by rest, relaxation, taking time to do your favorite hobby, investing in yourself, doing something that makes you smile...all of those things fill up your energy tank in order to take care of others in your life well! You have to be filled up in order to fill others up.xo


*gifted by the brand!

sunnies*| hat* | bag* | top* | jeans | shoes* sold out, but love these & these

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Five Questions With Bianca Olthoff

Friends! We are so excited to bring to you an amazing Q&A we had the honor of participating in with author and speaker Bianca Olthoff [show_shopthepost_widget id="3739511"]


Friends! We are so excited to bring to you an amazing Q&A we had the honor of participating in with author and speaker Bianca Olthoff. While we have not met Bianca in person, we feel as though we know her from interview her, reading her new book, and following her on Instagram and that is because she is real and honest in everything she writes and says and THAT, my friends, is a gift and a treasure. Her new book, How To Have Your Life Not Suck: Becoming Today Who You Want To Be Tomorrow, is one of those books that you think about constantly once you start it and one that you tell all your girlfriends about. Bianca is encouraging, inspiring, and convicting; she writes in such a way that makes you want to hit your knees, praying and crying out to God, praising Him for all he has done, and trusting Him for all that He will do. Her words makes you want to stand firm in your faith, obey with endurance, and step out in courage. Keep reading to meet Bianca Olthoff and be inspired to read her incredible book.


Let's talk about your Instagram. We are loyal followers and your posts always do things: 1) make us LOL so hard and 2) inspire us beyond words, motivating us to fight the good fight and love the Lord with all our hearts. What do you love sharing and interacting with others on your Instagram platform and what has inspired your approach to your IG posts?

First of all, I don't have followers—I have FRIENDS! I love that we are cyber friends. Secondly, the fact that you laugh at my posts SOLIDIFIED us as forever friends.But the reason I love social media is that it has really leveled the playing field of communication within social class, nationality, and popularity. Within seconds you can commenting and engaging with a superstar in Brazil by leaving Instagram love, Snapchatting your roommate in the bunk bed next to you, or inspiring someone you’ve never met via Facebook live. Social media has many pitfalls, but there’s a lot of amazing ways to connect, inspire, and be encouraged by new friends we wouldn’t have otherwise met if it wasn’t for the good ol’ world wide web.For me personally, I  know my online friends don’t really go to church. And if they do, it’s not very consistent. So I  bring church to them! Yes, I post silly things that I love, but I also posts clips of me teaching the Word of God, sharing inspiring quotes, or sharing stories of life transformation. Why? Because we have this awesome tool called the internet and we can make a really big world feel really small if we take time to engage with people.--

Tell us about the title of your new book, How To Have Your Life Not Suck: Becoming Today Who You Want To Be Tomorrow. Did it come to you right away or as you started to write? It is an extremely powerful title and fits so well with the content. Did you always intend for it to a guidebook to living one's best life? Because that is definitely what is was for us when reading!

First of all, can I put y’all in my pocket and pull you out anytime I need encouragement?! All this flattery will get you EVERYWHERE. Just kidding! (Well, half kidding.)The very first bible study I taught was on the book of Ruth over 15 years ago. I discovered that the Bible was FULL of practical wisdom, truth, and humor that could have me not just survive my quarter-life crisis, but THRIVE in a difficult season. So I guess you can say it was a 15-year process to write this book! But I set out to write a playbook that I wish I had when I was in a really sucky season of life. Being single, moving back home, not working my dream job—those were all very normal struggles, but no one talked to me or mentored me in a way that impacted me.This is my playbook for women who want to get their life together and a primer for those who want to understand and connect with the next generation.


As we started to read, we couldn't put the book down! Your vulnerability and willingness to share your story, as well as your strong faith and passion for God's Word, are so evident in these pages. I am sure there are many, but if there is one thing that you want readers to take away from your book, what would it be? YES! Without a doubt, I  want people to understand the power of legacy. This isn’t fully obvious in the book of Ruth, but in the New Testament we see that this pagan, barren, widowed Moabite (basically she was HOT MESS EXPRESS) ends up in the lineage of Jesus Christ?! The decisions she made in her everyday effected her tomorrow—she wasn’t living for a good weekend, she was building a good legacy.If people read one chapter of my book, I would suggest reading the very last chapter. Go ahead! I give you permission. My hope is that people understand that all decisions, all disillusionment, and despair can be redeemed. Because if you are not dead, then God is not done.--

Your writing style is the perfect balance of straightforward, tell it like it is, preach it type of wisdom, with a side dose of humor that makes what you say incredibly moving and memorable. Your relationship advice in particular is always spot-on! What is it about single women and the dating world that inspires you to speak into their lives with such Truth and passion? It is such a gift!

Hand to heaven, I  told Jesus that when I would preach, teach, write, or create, I will NEVER ostracize my single sisters. I love the Church, but it felt like I was less-than, unwanted, or diseased during my single years (I didn’t get married until 30 and instantly inherited two step kids). The enemy will have a field day with our mind if we believe that narrative. So I’m always intentional to include as many voices to the conversation as possible. And dating SUCKS, man. Let’s share wisdom and stories with humility and candor so we can learn how to date well!

--Did the story of Ruth always hold a special place in your heart? You weave Ruth and her story so well into your personal stories throughout the book. When did you first realize that God had placed on your heart to write this book and how did Ruth become a central role in it? I’m a first generation American with a family that wasn’t religious. My parents came to this country with nothing, but chose God to be their God, the United States to be their land, and God’s people to be their people. That was Ruth’s story. Scrappy, hard-working, and not like those in her community, she showed up. Her chutzpa inspired me and I hope everyone who reads this book finds a piece of their story in her story. Redemption isn’t just for the perfect, polished, and pretty. Redemption is for all of us.


follow Bianca on social // buy her book

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

One Week Only: The Wellness Bundle!


You guys!! I have such exciting news to share. You know my Clean Sweep Program well by now: a clean living 90-day guidebook to clean up the foods you eat, the products you use, and the self-care practices you follow...normally priced for $129.99. However, today I am sharing an opportunity to get the Clean Sweep + 29 other wellness-focused programs created by wellness gurus for just $99.99!! YES. You read that correctly. It's the deal of a lifetime and only available this week. Keep reading for the details!

The Bundle Co.

I have teamed up with The Bundle Co: a company that works with influencers to package their programs (like my Clean Sweep!) with like-minded programs into a bundle, creating a community of influencers, causing awareness for the incredible content they have to share, and making it accessible and affordable for YOU!

30 Wellness Programs for $99.99

You can read more details HERE, including all of the amazing programs included in the bundle. A few of my favorites include:

The Confidence Master Class by Namaste Jenay

Yoga For Beginners by Yoga By Candace

Say Goodbye To Your Period Problems by Monica Yates

& so many more!! By purchasing all 30 programs in this bundle for $99.99, you are saving a total of 98%! YES, all of this must-know wellness & information for 98% off! It's such a smart investment for your mind, soul, and body.

Over a $5,000 value

I know how much heart and soul I put into creating the Clean Sweep and believe that all other 29 creators in this bundle did the same with the incredible health-focused content that they curated. In total, all of the programs together are valued for over $5K. You would be purchasing all 30 programs, with forever access to the information, for $99.99. That is seriously INCREDIBLE. It's a deal only available this week, so hurry and don't miss it!! Here is the link and I will be talking about it on Instagram all week long.

 xo, Lo.   

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A Wellness Story: Stop Eating Gluten & Pray


Hey LSK readers!Melissa, here- Lauren's friend and blog contributor! When Lo asked me to share this story with ya'll on the blog, I was so excited and thankful for the opportunity. As you know, health and wellness are at the heart of LSK! My wellness journey and migration toward mostly clean living started several years ago, but I have learned SO much through Lo in the past couple of years, especially through the creation of her Clean Sweep Program. It's SUCH an incredible resource for everyone who is on their own wellness journey. Speaking of wellness journeys, my health took a major turn south this past March. When symptoms set in and I started to feel very unlike my normal self, I was shocked and a little scared since I have always felt "good" and am pretty healthy.Without boring you with too many details, I basically all of a sudden felt awful. With what I now can clearly see as the perfect storm of bad allergy season in Maryland, high stress, delayed response to emotional trauma, not fueling my body with the proper nutrients, not resting enough + a very busy schedule, I was left feeling completely depleted and pretty convinced that I was going to receive a diagnosis of some kind. When it came to symptoms, here is the summary: one morning and almost all at once, I experienced extreme fatigue, daily headaches, major moodiness and emotional rollercoasters, bouts of depression and anxiety, an extremely irregular menstrual cycle (when I am ALWAYS a 28 day cycle), constant digestive struggles, incredibly bad brain fog, muscle weakness, some tingling in my feet and hands, body aches, sinus problems, dizziness, and probably a few more things that I have mentally blocked out. These symptoms came in waves of intensity, on and off, but occurred on most days over the course of four months, leaving me in a pretty consistent feeling of being unwell.After MANY frustrating doctor's appointments including an anti-anxiety prescription that I never filled, a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy that appeared fine, a negative celiac test, and a negative lyme disease test, I felt answerless and frustrated. Then came a life changing statement from a very well-respected doctor here in Maryland that my brother had recently become connected with through work. He told the doctor all my symptoms and his advice? Stop eating gluten and pray. Despite testing negative for celiacs, he still thought eliminating gluten could help me. It's worth noting, too, that he referred me to an amazing endocrinologist to rule out autoimmune and thyroid issues as well. Again, everything came back fine. Blood tests did show though that I was on the low end of some important nutrients, including iron.On July 4th, I stopped eating gluten and stepped up my prayer game when it came to my health, telling the Lord that I surrendered to not feeling good right now and trusted that this season of feeling so bad was temporary. I spoke my trust that He would lead me to green pastures of feeling healthy again. I spoke it and prayed it until I really believed it. A week after cutting out gluten, the thought came to me that I needed to supplement my diet since I had cut out some foods. Side note: months ago when I first told my wise and loving older brother, Doug, that I didn't feel well, he semi-sarcastically (but mostly seriously) told me to go eat a steak. I laughed because I didn't eat red meat and hadn't for years. He told me the same thing again (and again!) and finally one day I listened. I walked over to Whole Foods, bought a grass-fed tenderloin and cooked it in my cast iron skillet in ghee. And it made me feel good. My stomach didn't even flinch after close to 10 years of not eating red meat. In fact, I felt like my body was literally soaking it up. Note: it was grass-fed, high quality, and well-sourced meat, of course, but at that moment I started to regularly incorporate red meat in my diet.Also, I started to really pay attention to my protein intake in general from red meat, to chicken, to fish, to plant protein powder, and more. I apparently missed the protein train along the way and am pretty positive that for years, on most days, I was not getting enough protein to fuel my busy days. How insane is that!? Essentially, I was felt like I was running on E and I pretty much was. Now, I consciously make sure I am getting adequate amounts of protein (from quality sources) at every meal. Important to note, this remedy might not be for everyone and I am not a doctor! What works for me might not work for you, but there is power in sharing our stories of healing and figuring out our own personal health stuff. Every situation is different and every body is different, but hearing stories of healing is inspiring and empowering.To summarize: removing gluten and increasing protein has made a world of difference in my life. All of the symptoms I listed earlier have literally disappeared...all of them, including my irregular menstrual cycle (within a month of the diet change) + a lifelong rash I've had on the back of my arms...poof, gone. Even more than all of that good news, I feel better than I ever have before: strong, happy, healthy, sharp, positive, calm, and equipped to take on the challenges of life. The photos in this post are from a trip to Aspen, Colorado that I took in August; once I was feeling like my new, strong, healthy self!Whatever you might be going through health wise, I pray that you find people in your life to help you get good advice. I pray that you give yourself time to figure it out for you. And I hope this story, plus Lauren's Clean Sweep program, encourages you that food is powerful and medicinal. Food is not always the answer of course, but in my case and many cases it is. Explore what foods you are fueling yourself with and see where the journey takes you. It might just surprise you and lead you to feeling better than ever before.Thanks for reading :) xo, Melissa.

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Healthy Traveling Tips

Hey friends! In the spirit of summer travels, I am sharing some of my tips for how to stay healthy and feel your personal best on vacation. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3680125"]


Hey friends! In the spirit of summer travels, I am sharing some of my tips for how to stay healthy and feel your personal best on vacation. Vacationing is of course a time to have fun, relax, and unwind, but I find that by incorporating a few things in my routine and by making a few wellness-focused choices, even while on vacation, I feel my best and end up enjoying the vacation as much as possible! 

it's all about the balance...


celery juice

-When it comes to my morning must-have celery juice, I can go a few days without it, unless the hotel is incredible and is able to provide it!


-The Larq water bottle for travel is so intriguing - it filters + cleans the water through blue light! However, if we are driving somewhere, we bring water in glass water bottles and refill them when we can.


-I bring my daily supplements in a daily supplement container to keep them contained and organized!


-When away, I generally bring two snack options: Paleo Puffs and Ohi bars are my go-to right now.

eating out

When eating out, it’s important to order whole foods and ask questions - is the fish wild? Is the meat pastured, grass-fed and finished? I always ask about the oils in salad dressings + if my food could be cooked in olive oil. However, I will say, splurge a little on vacation! Eat a pasta or a pizza one night if you want because... YOLO!


-My makeup routine gets simplified for sure! I just bring concealer, tinted moisturizer/foundations, RMS bronzer, Ilia lip tint, and an Ere Perez color pot.


-For exercise, we always aim to workout in the gym, walk on the beach, or go on a hike, but most of the time we take vacation as a time to relax and rest. Above all, we listen to our bodies!


-I bring essential oils for relaxation, this silk pillowcase + this amazing sleep mask.

 [show_shopthepost_widget id="3680125"]Hope you enjoyed this list and here's to happy and healthy traveling!xo, Lo.

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The Natural Deodorant You Need To Try

If you are a regular LSK reader, you know my love for all products by Primally Pure, but especially their toxin-free deodorant. It is seriously SO EFFECTIVE, toxin-free, and the natural deodorant you need to know about.



Why I Love Primally Pure Deodorant...

If you are a regular LSK reader...you know my love for all products by Primally Pure, but especially their toxin-free deodorant. It is seriously so effective, toxin-free, and truly the best natural deodorant that you need to try!

Deodorant Stains No More.

Also, I am happy to report, that if you ever get any of it on dark clothing (#inevitable), a little spray of All Purpose spray by Branch Basics (another pure brand I adore) + a little rub-off action with a natural brush like this one, and problem solved. That's a win!

Subscriptions Now Available...

And the news just gets better- Primally Pure is now offering a subscription program for their deodorants. This is such a blessing because the end of all deodorant sticks have a way of sneakin' up on ya, right before a trip...you've been there? It's the worst! This subscription will put an end to those unfortunate situations once and for all.

Plus A Discount To Enjoy!

The best news of all is today, tomorrow, and Wednesday (through the end of July), use code HALFOFF for 50% off one of the deodorants in your subscription. Enjoy! Your armpits will thank you :)


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