
General, Honesty General, Honesty

Good Online Reads


good online reads // image via darling mag

Just a few days until Christmas! Can you believe it? We are so excited. Lo is in Florida for the holiday and I will be home in Maryland. In between all of the holiday errands and festivities, take a moment to scroll through these online reads. There are some true gems in this list! I don't know about you, but I love being cozy and comfortable on the couch with my laptop, discovering great articles on the web. Enjoy!

*image via darling magazine*

the links //

inspiration from dallas shaw

when worries come knocking on your door

three hobo bags to keep in mind this holiday season

a yummy looking recipe for Mediterranean pull apart bread

a lovely thanksgiving spent in Paris

13 things to help you live a less hectic life

major holiday tablescape inspo from gal meets glam

a wellness-focused gift guide from because I'm addicted

holiday cocktail round-up from camille styles

the reformation X haim collab is too good

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Honesty Honesty

From Where We Stand


During a particularly sensitive time in our nation, emotions from Americans have been stemming from delight, hope, and expectation to despair, fear, frustration, and confusion.I sat on my living room couch with my roommate, streaming CNN’s coverage of the US election well into the early morning, London time. We both knew this election was a defining one for our country, so while we could not peel ourselves away from our computer screens, our hearts began to sink. With every minute, we watched our nation decide what the next four years were going to entail. When I woke up the following morning, I could not help but feel that a tidal wave ushered in what I could only gather as a world of difference. Though I did not know what that difference would look like or how it would precisely manifest itself, I felt its ominous weight upon me and upon the rest of my country from thousands of miles away. More than that, this was a complex sense of difference as some felt this change would altogether benefit our country and others felt this change would usher in years of oppression and discrimination that existed before, but went unnoticed or unacknowledged.I felt entirely homesick. I wanted to be with the rest of my country as we all were processing this change. I wanted to experience what everyone was feeling- all the polar and divisive emotions that fell on a spectrum that no single person could possibly experience. I wanted to embody each person’s thoughts and feelings- what they hoped for, what they envisioned, and equally what they feared, how they felt lost or displaced, and how their hearts were broken.It is important to recognize that the election panned out in vastly different interests of the American public. Like any election, some people were thrilled to have voted in their preferred candidate to the presidency, while others’ hopes were put to rest. But, unlike any election, the process that began over a year ago revealed some pressing and undeniable truths about the state of our country. We have seen news of hateful actions morph into repeated and not-so-shocking headlines. We have grown weary, and maybe insensitive, of the same stories that point out unresolved issues in our nation. But, while we may feel that we have been bombarded by a ceaseless flow of information about issues that we cannot possibly begin to tackle, at some point, the stories and testimonies became real. Some of us heard testimonies, personal and public, of hateful speech directed at people who share the same nationality as us. And so, we watched these stories shift from those of remote fiction from an unbridled media to stories from real people- our friends, our families, our neighbors.As I continued to process what these next four years would look like for our country, I looked for some form of hope I could grasp. I also looked for a point of action- something we could work towards, tactical things that we could work to change. I felt a weight upon my generation to act and to assure that freedom, compassion, understanding, equality, and peace would be the defining aspects of our country. But as I searched for answers and solutions, I began to realize that I was overlooking the source of it all.The following Sunday I attended church just like any other Sunday. But that afternoon, the Lord spoke to me so distinctly and purposefully. In revealing the desires of my heart, the condition of my heart was reoriented so that my worries were not founded on a wavering future, but that my hope rested in the constant and everlasting promise of our Heavenly Father. Tim Chaddick, our pastor, spoke on Revelation 5 and relayed his heart on what we should do in an age of uncertainty and how we should respond to the world’s need as the church. His reminder, that we must have a clearer understanding of our need, spoke truth and life into my heart. “We need a clearer understanding of our need,” he passionately affirmed, “because it keeps us from placing our hope in all the wrong things.” He continued to speak to this reoriented mindset by allowing us to imagine where we stand before the holy throne of our perfect Father. He asserted that the way we rid ourselves of self-righteousness and cultivate true humility is through realizing where we stand before a holy and mighty God: “When you see God for who He is- He’s perfect, He’s holy, He’s absolutely pure- you realize it doesn’t matter how you compare yourself to others . . . When you see yourself before God, you realize you are in need of mercy and you are in need of grace.”Positioning ourselves before the perfect love God allows us to realize that we are completely undeserving of that love, but wholly and comprehensively loved through his grace all the same. I believe that this reorientation is necessary in order for us to love and serve the world in the exact way that it needs us to. As followers of Christ, we must continually put ourselves before the throne in the light and love that Jesus has donned on us, so that through grace, we may be able to boldly declare and display the perfect love of God to a world that desperately needs it.In an uncertain present with an unpredictable future, the demand for us to more boldly represent and display Jesus’ love and grace amid a broken and needy world is now that much greater. But when we find ourselves in a position where we understand our brokenness, our faults and, equally, where we find unending love, acceptance, and freedom, we are able and empowered to answer the overwhelming burden of the world’s every need. As Nelson Mandela said, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” As followers of the One who paved the most gracious, humble, compassionate, and forgiving way for us, let us enhance the freedom of every single human being on this earth through the light, power, and unending love of Jesus.

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the wine country.


To preface this post, Jase and I are not big "wine" people (enter laugh emojis). We like it on occasion, and my dad has taught me a lot about it, but we still have not developed a big desire to enjoy it often. Enter the wine country + I am going to tell you what won us over.c699d4ec-b2ab-4a3c-bc64-9e1800329656Living in the beautiful state of California has so many benefits, one being the stunning destinations within hours of our backyard. We have heard the most lovely reviews of Napa Valley and the charming little towns surrounding it, so we decided that we would escape for a week early celebration of J's birthday and our two year anniversary. December is always so full of the most wonderful festivities!img_9023Jase and I flew into San Francisco and had the most beautiful drive to the wine country. Side note: our trip started out on an extra good note because I noticed an R&D Kitchen when we were starving and nearing our hotel. It is one of my favorite restaurants in all the land. After a fun dinner, we drove into our home for the next few days - the magical Auberge du Soleil. They totally spoiled us with a room upgrade for the special occasion, and we slept like babies in the coziest bed. P.S. Their bathtub was a dream, and the bathroom floors were heated. Those little details made the weekend extra special and relaxing.img_9068On the first day, we had the yummiest breakfast at the hotel overlooking the valley. Then we adventured to Del Dotto winery first. We had a dry-humored tour guide who made the excursion and wine tastings extra fun and informative. It was such an experience to try the wine from aged barrels that were stationed in a cave. We then went to Cakebread. The sweetest man took us on such a lovely tour; it was extra special, and their wine is delicious. What I love most about the wine country is the stories behind the wineries and the families that started these farms so long ago. We ate at Press that night, and it was such a sweet time together, and it was the coziest atmosphere accompanied by the most delicious food.img_9003img_9056Day two was our most favorite. We went to Nickel & Nickel and had the time of our lives. Our tour guide, Walt, was so passionate about wine and grapes and people + he was an absolute blast. We were with a group of Georgian dads who go every year and knew Walt well, so it was such a bonus! I was so thankful for our time there. We laughed our hearts out and cancelled our next winery because spa time at Auberge sounded just perfect. After a restful afternoon, we indulged in the most wonderful Italian food at Bottega. We couldn't recommend it more.img_9135Day three was our final day, and we loved the outdoor infinity pools and steam rooms too much to part. We each had the most incredible massages, packed up, and explored the darling town of Yountville. Also, I must say the wine country has extra delight in the holiday season. Beautiful wreaths, fully lit trees, and the comforting smell of garland only added to the stunning scenery of these farm towns. We had so much fun making this trip our own, and we are already excited to go back soon!Save

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

good online reads

Hey there! Finding a good article to read online always inspires us.  Get the list below and leave links in the comment section to any articles you are loving // xo meliss

good online reads | lolo mag

A dreamy wedding inside an art studio

Interior inspo from Apartment34

12 things to declutter ASAP

What to eat when you’re not feeling 100%

Gift guide via Nate Berkus

Style inspo from Damsel in Dior

Anthropologie decor tips

A tasty-looking pasta recipe with kale

The shoe for ladies on the go

Apartment inspo via The Everygirl

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Hallmark: The Not So Ordinary Cards

This post was sponsored by Hallmark Signature through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Hallmark Signature, all opinions are my own.I can hardly believe the holidays are upon us. I came to a big realization this year: fall is my favorite season. I love the cozy holiday feels; the hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream, the warmth of fireplaces, the constant burn of pumpkin or pine candles, evening strolls, game nights with friends, football season, special time with family, classic Christmas movies, baking pies. Oh, I could go on and on!Ones of the best perks this time of year is finding special gifts and cards for sweet friends and loved ones. It makes it extra fun to start far in advance. Who's with me? Rushed gifting is obvious and takes the meaningful purpose out of finding personal presents and not so ordinary cards. Wrapped surprises are so special and temporarily exciting, but I remember the words in a card forever (and I keep it forever!). So I must admit, I have a slight obsession with Hallmark Signature holiday cards. They are truly one of a kind for the people in your life who are anything but ordinary.Can we talk about how adorable this nutcracker card is? I can't wait to sit down and spend time wording how grateful I am for those closest to me - my family, my precious husband, my twin sister and her husband, my dearest friends. Card writing is such an amazing way to not only bless someone else, but it is a beautiful reminder of why we should never take the relationships in our life for granted.2016_10_28_lolomag5-398-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-382-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-367-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-375-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-365-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-386-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-357-edit Save

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thankful for the love

2016_11_09_lolomag6-248-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-239-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-222-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-220-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-208-edit   2016_11_09_lolomag6-200-edit

This Thanksgiving we are feeling extra thankful for love- the unending love from the Lord, love for one another, love for life’s sweetest moments, and love for everyday moments as well.  We will definitely be counting our blessings all day long and we hope you will join us.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” Psalm 107:1

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the outfit:

 cape jacket // from anthropologie

 sunnies // (c/o)

denim // love levi's

 top // actually a bodysuit

belt // western inspired

 shoes // under $100


images by felicia lasala

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10 Questions With Rachel Cruze

10 questions with Rachel Cruze / lolo magazine

Lauren and I were so thrilled to receive copies of Rachel Cruze's new book with incredible financial (and life) advice- Love Your Life, Not Theirs.  Rachel's book is one of those resources that you will keep going back to for sound, smart tips for keeping your finances in order and staying focused on your situation instead of comparing yourself (and your finances) to that of others. This is a very important and timely reminder due the large presence of social media in our lives, which makes getting caught up in the comparison game extremely easy. With Rachel's help, we can tune out the desire to want more and spend more, and instead be content and make wise choices when it comes to our finances. Below are our questions + Rachel's answers!

  1. We are so inspired by the concept of not comparing your life to another person’s life. That is so crucial for not just financial happiness, but happiness in general! What made you want to write a book focused around that idea?

As I travel around the country and talk to people, I’ve noticed the comparison living trend. Twenty years ago you actually had to see the Joneses in person to compare our lives to them. Now we carry them around in our back pockets on our phones. We’re letting other people dictate how we spend our lives and our paychecks. I want people to realize that when they’re scrolling through social media, they’re seeing people’s highlight reels, not the entire picture. When they see a friend’s newly remodeled kitchen, they don’t see the second mortgage they took out to fund the project, which may be causing money fights and stress on their marriage. I want to empower people to have tunnel vision when it comes to their money. I want them to focus on their own values and spend their money according to their values, not someone else’s. 

  1. Tell us a little bit about your history- what led you to be interested in personal finances and helping others manage their money?

Growing up as Dave Ramsey’s daughter, I saw the positive impact he made on people’s lives. I was born the year my parents filed bankruptcy and spent my life watching them rebuild their financial lives by avoiding debt and living intentionally. When I was in college my “financial bubble” was popped. The lack of knowledge people had when it came to their money was shocking. This gave me a passion to help people understand the importance of handling money wisely from an early age. 

  1. What do you see as the biggest danger of the “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality?

The road of comparisons always ends with debt. It’s almost impossible to be satisfied with your own life when you are constantly looking at what someone else has or the lifestyle they’re living. In our culture, we often let other people dictate our values and priorities. You have to know what you value most in life because all of your money habits flow out of what’s important to you: career choices, purchases, and investments. To steer clear of debt and meet your financial goals, you sometimes have to say no to your wants and make sacrifices for your needs. Every decision you make will bring you closer or pull your further from your ultimate financial goals. 

  1. What would be your biggest piece of advice for women in their mid to upper twenties?

You have the opportunity to create the life you want. Though it may not feel like it right now, it’s within reach—not thirty years from now, but right now. Change happens when you own up to the choices you make. If you don’t like the outcomes you’ve created for yourself, such as debt, money stress, or dissatisfaction in general, then start making different choices that will create new habits in your life. 

  1. Finances are obviously a big part of a serious relationship and especially marriage! What advice do you have for women when discussing finances with their significant other?

One of the quickest ways married couples can put a strain on their marriage is to not be on the same page about money. In fact, one of the top reasons for divorce is money fights and money problems. So couples need to communicate about their finances. They should sit down and talk about their financial goals and make a plan to reach them. They should also make a budget together, every month before the month begins. A budget gets a bad rap, but all a budget does is tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. Getting in the habit of talking about money is tough.  But you have to be intentional when it comes to talking about money—even when it’s hard. 

  1. What personal experiences brought you to the place of really valuing financially smart decision making and planning?

Over the years, I’ve come in contact with so many people who are struggling to make ends meet because of debt and poor decisions with their money. I feel so grateful that I was given this information early on, so I could make wise decisions with my money and avoid the debt, stress, and worry so many people live with. Because of the planning and choices my husband and I have made, we’re able to enjoy our money and make it work for us. 

  1. The comparison game is a very real, dangerous trap. Do you feel that social media has made this problem worse, and if so, how do you suggest people remain active on social media, without falling into the comparison trap?

Social media has definitely made it easier to compare our lives to others, but it isn’t entirely to blame. Comparisons is a heart issue. Social media is just the vehicle that can take you down the road to comparisons. Comparisons bring discontentment. To be content you have to be grateful; and in a heart filled with gratitude, there’s no room for discontentment. Some people look for contentment in their income and possessions, but they’ll never find it there. Contentment happens on the inside, and when you have it, it’s there no matter how much money you make or how much stuff you have. 

  1. When it comes to saving first and spending second, what is your biggest piece of advice for people who sometimes don't feel they have enough to save first?

You have to make savings a priority. I’ve met so many people who tell me they make a budget each month and just don’t have the money to save when they finish paying all their bills. That’s because their budget is upside down. I understand people may not have a lot of money to save right away, but it’s important to start the habit. And making it the first item on their budget will help them find places where they can cut so they have the ability to save. 

  1. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home with parents who always lived within their means and shared that mentality with me. In your mind, what does “living within your means” look like exactly?

In our culture, debt is normal. People think they “need” debt to make it in the modern world. It’s so normal that the average American family sends almost 25 percent of their paychecks right back out the door to consumer debt. But living within your means is all about being clear and intentional about how you’ll use your money. It doesn’t mean living within your credit limit. It’s being proactive with your money instead of reactive and not overspending. 

  1. What is your biggest wish when it comes to what people will take away from reading Love Your Life, Not Theirs?

Habits affect every part of our lives, including our health, careers, productivity, relationships, and especially our money. We all have money habits. Some are good, and some are bad. Some take us closer to where we want to be, while others take us further and further away.The truth is, though, breaking bad money habits and replacing them with good ones can be easier said than done—especially if you don’t realize how much your bad money habits are wrecking your life. But if you want to change your life, if you want to do the things you’ve always wanted to do and buy the things you’ve always wanted to buy and go to the places you’ve always wanted to go to, then you’re going to have to find that motivation to change your money habits.I want to encourage people to make wise choices—and to build healthy habits—moving forward. I can’t promise it’ll be easy, but I can promise it will lead to a happier, healthier, more peaceful life—a life without all the debt, stress, and worry that so many of people are dealing with right now. 

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

a daily morning prayer


Dear God, I give You this day. For Your glory, Your fame, Your will, Your way ... I humbly submit my plans, desires, and wants. May You increase as I decrease. Today is Yours, Lord. Please guide me. Direct me. And help me to use each day for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen. - Lysa Terkeurst

I recently came across this prayer on author, Lysa Terkeurst's facebook page, and I was immediately captivated by the powerful words. Surrendering each day to the Lord is something that I desperately want to intentionally do each day. It is a lot easier said than done, due to the very things that Lysa mentions in the above prayer- plans, desires, and wants. Those things can so easily get in the way of completely surrendering the day to the Lord and His plans, desires, and wants for us which are always the best. As a girl who loves her plans, it's an on-going journey to loosen my grip on plans and give God room to work. Whenever I do give Him the reigns on my day, the results are beyond me and truly amazing in every way. I can't wait to memorize this prayer and repeat it each morning, making it a daily routine and habit to let God be God.  xo melissa

// happy monday //

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