
Fashion, Lifestyle Fashion, Lifestyle

gift ideas for fashion girls

2016_11_16_lolomag7-273-edit2016_11_16_lolomag7-211-edit 2016_11_16_lolomag7-213-edit 2016_11_16_lolomag7-146-edit 2016_11_16_lolomag7-136-edit2016_11_16_lolomag7-113-edit

OUTFIT DETAILS: TOP (c/o) | DENIM (similar) | SUNNIES (c/o) | BOOTIES (similar)

hi friends! we are so excited to kick-off gift guide season with a list of gift ideas for that fashion girl in your life. whether it is your friend or sister or anyone else, these gifts will make that stylish lady smile this holiday season. xx images by felicia lasala

this bomber jacket

this leather bag

this fedora hat

this beanie

these mules

this tee

this vest

this suede skirt

these sunnies

this choker necklace

this sleeveless turtleneck

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Lifestyle, Travel Lifestyle, Travel

Sweet Home London, England

I am nearly two months into my move to London- a move that has been altogether undeniably frustrating, completely shocking, pleasantly surprising, and has affirmed my belief that I am truly meant to be here. I have had good days equally dispersed with bad ones. I am missing my family, the many comforts of my home and culture in Southern California, and the general normalcies of America as I begin, and still try to, settle into my new life in London. And while I look forward to this incredible year of opportunity, I have been reminding myself that it is okay to feel out of place.Something that peaked my level of unsettledness came after a day when everything was going right. I was having a good hair day, I found my way easily to my university, conquering the tube like a professional Londoner. I was falling in love with my Master’s program, enjoying all the friendships I was making across my department, I was enthralled with my classes and eager to begin to learn again about the world around me in an academic setting. I met people who again inspired the passion I had ignited for the study of journalism and the pursuit of a journalistic career. I had met with my program director who affirmed in the topic of my dissertation which I excitedly began to research. And at the end of the day, although I found myself on cloud nine, I could not shake this ominous feeling that this high, this deep level of satisfaction, this unshakable contentment would, in fact, be shaken. Before the happiness even wore off, I was reluctantly waiting for something to affect it.Almost as predicted, the next day did not nearly measure up to the previous one. Although little frustrations mounted throughout the day, it was an observed event at the end of the day that hurt my heart and took a blow to my ideality. As I sat in a convenient coffee shop down the street from my flat, I saw a woman begging for money outside the window. Over the course of the few weeks that I had been here, I noticed people approach the windows to restaurants and cafes as the begged for any spare change. While this woman approached the window, she was speaking to two men at a table inside and, unnoticeable to her, she was being mocked by the two men sitting on the other side of the glass. As she shook the change in her hand, with a countenance of desperation and plea, the men were leading her to believe that they would give her change. But, what she did not hear on my side of the glass were the two men laughing. What I knew, that perhaps she did not, was that they never intended to give her any change. And as they laughed and continued to mock her, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.“Where am I?”A question I found myself asking more than once throughout the course of my international move, but a question that became more prominent than ever in the moments of that interaction. I watched these men treat this woman in a way that I would never wish to see a woman being treated. I was appalled that, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, one human being could treat another with such haughtiness, disrespect, and neglect. But, as I processed what I had just witnessed, I was humbled. I was reminded that I am here for a purpose. I was gently reminded that by the grace of what I have been taught in my interactions with people different than myself, the world still has a lot more to learn about accepting, loving, and showing grace and compassion to people in wherever contexts they may find themselves. I hated what I saw, but I am grateful for open eyes to see the brokenness and the prejudice in that interaction through the window glass. I am grateful to be where I am, learning what I am learning, and fully immersed in an unfair and unjust world so that my compassion can continue to extend further, so that my love can reach deeper, and so that the understanding of the grace and love that I have received in my life can have a greater and more raw impact on the world around me.So, I find it okay to be unsettled, upset, or uncomfortable, for I know that these temporary feelings play a more prominent role in a much bigger picture. Alternatively, and somewhat unexpectedly, I find myself grateful for these unexpected and utterly frustrating moments for they are the necessary and foundational moments that altogether add to the depth of my experience here in London. I am grateful for each and every moment here- moments that make me mad, uncertainties that make me miss home, and equally those inspiring events of affirmation, for each of these, distinct from one another and equally important, give life to my purpose in this year abroad. So, while I allow myself to remain in a certain space of irregularity or frustration, I do not allow myself to wallow in it. But equally, I remind myself not to constantly look ahead, not to be in expectancy of what I hope is to come, but to allow myself to rest in the ‘now’. Since my move here, I have been compellingly, humbly, and gently reminded to be present in the present. For it is the present, the unexpected, and all the unpredictably frustrating, unsettling, amazing and invigorating moments that allow me to make the endless process of settling into a new home that much sweeter.

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10 tips for feeling good & healthy


Lo and I are constantly talking about certain habits or things that we do in our daily lives to feel our best. From recipes, to yoga, to getting a good night sleep, there are certain things that we swear by in order to feel good & healthy and we are each sharing our top five things with you today. Find them below + get the details for these over-the-knee boots and the rest of the outfit at the bottom // xo

images by felicia lasala


  1. I used to be all about high-intensity works outs, and even though I crave one every once in a while, I recently created a new work out routine that feels best for my body: hiking, practicing yoga, and a weekly pilates session. I have noticed such lengthening in my muscles and a more relaxed body and mind. Stressful days seem to affect me less!
  1. Making a nutrient-packed smoothie in the morning seems to start the day on the right foot. I feel so nourished and energy-filled to take on the day ahead!
  1. Getting a massage every couple of weeks is so important and necessary for my body. I found this place down the street that is extremely affordable, so that helps to fit it into my lifestyle without spending a fortune!
  1. Bath-salt-filled bubble baths are essential for me, especially when the weather cools down. Also, doing consistent face and hair masks bring me life, so I usually incorporate the two at the same time. All of these spa-at-home activities help me relax and wind down from the day.
  1. Good quality time with my man is something I can't live without. We try to change it up between last minute getaway trips, movie nights at home, sweet and intentional conversations around the table, evening strolls, or a spontaneous date night.


  1. Staying hydrated is key. I have a glass life factory bottle that I carry around everywhere with me and am constantly refilling it.

2. I have seriously not been sick since September 2015 and I truly believe it’s because how much I sweat. I do hot yoga about 3 times a week and do about 30 minutes in an infrared sauna once a week. Ridding the body of toxins and heating up your core is a good way to keep the common cold and viruses going around at-bay.

3. I typically always have a mug of Rishi turmeric ginger tea before bed + am in bed reading and unwinding around 9:15pm every night during the week. I usually sleep 7-8 hours- straight through. I am a major morning person so I am up at 5:30/6 ready to roll.

4. Eating a ton veggies is a must! I get a veggie fix with almost every meal, starting with a romaine, carrot, cucumber ginger smoothie in the morning. That is not my breakfast however, just my post-workout drink! It’s a great way to get veggies in first thing.

5. Worrying is a no no. Worry = stress, which does not make for a happy soul. I used to be a worry-er but spent many months praying about it and reading biblical verses/ listening to sermons about worry and fear. I have made a ton of progress and can truly say that I rarely feel worried now because of my increased faith. Faith and fear cannot coexist! I do believe that less worry makes for a healthier life + a happier soul.

the outfit: boots (c/o) // denim (c/o) // sweater (c/o) // sunnies

shop  + similar options: 

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Everlane gives back

Everlane's Black Friday Fund | lolo magazine

Happy Friday, you guys. We hope that you had a sweet Thanksgiving day yesterday, enjoying it with loved ones over good conversation and yummy comfort food.

As we all know, today is black friday and there are many amazing deals to be had. It's no secret that today and Cyber Monday are both great times to get going on that Christmas gifting list.

We were so excited to hear that Everlane is using today as a way to give back to the people in their factory in Vietnam. A few years ago Everlane started their 'Black Friday Fund' where they use the profits made that day and put them toward helping the workers at one of their factories in some way.

This year, they plan to give helmets to 8,000 workers in the factory that they use in Vietnam. Having a safe helmet is unfortunately not common in Vietnam, even though traveling by moped is extremely common. 35 million people travel by moped every day in Vietnam, but less than 20% do so with a safe helmet. This is clearly a very alarming statistic, so Everlane is doing something about it.

Shop at Everlane today and help them reach their goal and give 8,000 workers in the Vietnam factory a safe helmet. How amazing is that? Just by shopping on their site today you can be part of their incredible mission.

Below are our favorites and thank you, Everlane, for being so incredible.

This gorgeous sweater

These classy black pants

This cool bomber

These leather shoes

A chic sleeveless turtleneck

A stylish ribbed dress

This timeless coat


image via Everlane

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thankful for the love

2016_11_09_lolomag6-248-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-239-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-222-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-220-edit 2016_11_09_lolomag6-208-edit   2016_11_09_lolomag6-200-edit

This Thanksgiving we are feeling extra thankful for love- the unending love from the Lord, love for one another, love for life’s sweetest moments, and love for everyday moments as well.  We will definitely be counting our blessings all day long and we hope you will join us.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” Psalm 107:1

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the outfit:

 cape jacket // from anthropologie

 sunnies // (c/o)

denim // love levi's

 top // actually a bodysuit

belt // western inspired

 shoes // under $100


images by felicia lasala

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morning routine + favorite bomber


2016_10_28_lolomag5-606-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-644-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-670-edit2016_10_28_lolomag5-646-editbomber + skirt | lolo magazinebomber + skirt | lolo magazine2016_10_28_lolomag5-673-edit

the outfit: bomber (c/o) | skirt (c/o) | tank | sunnies (c/o)

shoes c/o (here, too) | necklace c/o (here, too)

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Hey guys! Lo and I both love our mornings, but spend them pretty differently. I live by myself in a one-bedroom apartment in Annapolis, MD and Lo obviously lives in LA with her husband, Jason! Below we are sharing a few details on a typical weekday morning for each of us.


I really love mornings because I usually get up a little bit before Jase, so I have that peaceful alone time to go in my favorite chair in my office and read and maybe start a few emails if the time allows! Then I go into the kitchen to make a lemon water and our morning smoothies! By this time, Jase is usually awake, so we chat and snuggle and get ready for the day together!


Mornings are my favorite. During the week I wake up at 5:30am. I have coffee first thing and make my bed. Two days a week I go to yoga at 6:15 and on the three days that I don’t, I go down to my apartment gym around 7 for 20-30 minutes. On gym days, I blog from 6-7am. I have to leave for work at 8:30, so I use the remaining time to shower, get ready, and make lunch and breakfast. It sounds like a lot, but somehow it all gets done and I feel super productive by the time I leave for work!

how do you spend your mornings? let us know in the comments below.

*images by felicia lasala 

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Interiors, Lifestyle Interiors, Lifestyle

how to decorate for christmas.

I can hardly believe that big red bows and pretty green garland are already lining the streets of California, and houses are already bustling with Christmas tunes, pine candles, and glistening trees! Doesn't it seem to be starting extra early this year?I am kin of loving it.So I have to be honest. This year is our first year to fully decorate for the holidays. Our first Christmas was a few days after we returned from our honeymoon, and our house had about three pieces of furniture in it and definitely no Christmas decor! It gets better. Last year, I made the mistake of ordering a tree online, and even after measuring, it was tiny. Oopsies! We made it work, but this year, we are going full force, and I must admit, I didn't even know where to start. Something that should be fun and joyful made me entirely overwhelmed, so I decided to reach our to my favorite interior designers in Dallas.how to decorate for Christmas | lolo magazine | image via www.digsdigs.comHere are some holiday decorating tips from the Blue Print Interiors team. Let us know some tips and tricks from you too in the comment section below!

-Always get a fresh tree & wreaths (if you are not allergic). You can pick them up at Whole Foods or a local nursery!

-Be sure to water your tree every day – especially in the first week!

-If you have the space in your entry, that’s a great place for a tree!

-Add a smaller tree in another room with sterling silver ornaments or “collectible” ornaments.

-If you are using ribbon accents, it’s fun to use hot pink and apple green, as opposed to the traditional red and forest green.

-You don’t have to go with a theme, you can just pick pretty ornaments that you love!

-It is fun to start new family traditions as a young couple. For example, make it a point of always selecting and putting up your tree the day after Thanksgiving and taking down the day after Christmas.

-Make sure any vent blowing hot air nearby your tree is closed off. #fireprevention101

-A dated picture frame ornament is a fun keepsake gift to place pictures of lovebirds or little ones in.

-Fresh cedar garland draped over mantles and stair banisters always add a special beauty to the season as well as fresh square boxwood wreaths on the doors.

-Tall vases with branches or peonies are always a must on the mantles.

-Keeping it simple is key when a house can so quickly become overtaken with Christmas decorations.

-Most importantly don’t forget the reason for the season!

See some of my favorite Christmas decor below. Happy holiday season!

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photo from www.digsdigs.com


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farmhouse kitchen inspo board

farmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazine

Hamilton and I are working on redoing the kitchen in his 1700's farmhouse and it's so much fun, as well as a lot of work.  We are making progress though (with the help of an amazing kitchen designer) and hope to have it completed by end of March 2017. I will definitely be sharing before and after pictures, but above is the first before picture. That vintage rug will definitely be staying, but the stove, floors, and cabinets will be replaced. I am forever thankful for that amazing old stove though! We have cooked up so many meals on that stove and it is where I taught myself to cook, so it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Below are inspiration images for now + a few things that I am loving from Williams -Sonoma. We are planning on wood floors, simple white cabinets, brass pulls and knobs, a custom made island, stools, marble counter tops, stainless steal appliances plus a few more special details like the vintage rug that is pictured above. As you can tell, the theme is very simple, neutral, timeless, casual and comfortable. We love having people over and look forward to making the kitchen a functional place, but also a place to hang out. We all know that somehow, people always end up in the kitchen over appetizers, wine, and good times. xo

farmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazinefarmhouse kitchen inspo | lolo magazine

*five inspo images are from Pinterest

favorite kitchen things from williams-sonoma:

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fall dress + precious weekend time


2016_10_28_lolomag5-525-editThe weekends are precious, you guys. Lo and I always look forward to them as I am sure do as well. It usually means more downtime, less work, more fun times with your friends and family, and quality time with your significant other. Weekends also allow more time for hobbies, errands, and things that you have been wanting to do, but didn't have time for during the week. Precious weekend time goes by fast though, and before you know it it's Monday morning once again.  To savor weekend time as much as possible, we try to intentionally put away phones every now and again through out the weekend. This isn't a "rule" by any means and it's not 100% of the time, because phone calls with friends/family members, Instagram moments, and other iPhone things are fun and part of weekend life. However, putting the phone away does open up time to fully appreciate the moment, your surroundings, and the people in your life. Give it a try this coming weekend and let us know how it goes. For us, our minds, hearts, and eyes always love the break from screen time. Details for this fall dress look are below // xo meliss + lo2016_10_28_lolomag5-521-edit    2016_10_28_lolomag5-497-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-512-edit   2016_10_28_lolomag5-477-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-480-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-459-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-455-edit 2016_10_28_lolomag5-443-edit

the outfit: 

dress // same one in different color (c/o)

booties // on sale! (c/o)

sunnies // old

bag // (c/o)

 similar sweater dresses:

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