in the gym.
Who's with me? Cute work out clothes make exercise way more appealing and exciting...maybe even fun (what?). If I am honest, though, my wardrobe doesn't keep me from total boredom, so I have to change up my get-in-shape training sessions during the week (I see better results this way too). Here are my favorite outfit combos for each:
'Just Do It' Tank/'Pro' Racerback Compression Bra/Nike 'Legend 2.0' Capris/'Flyknit Lunar1' Running Shoe
Nike 'Leg-A-See Signal' Leggings from JD/Nike Free from JD/'Luisa' Draped Tank
'Sporty Stripes' Organic Pants/Peace Hem Top/'Upbeat' Seamless Compression Tank
One Simple Way to Tone Your Arms
Two months ago, I hit a work out wall. I was B-O-R-E-D. So I started boxing with the incredibly talented, hard-core Rudy Barrientes. Can I just say this has renewed my excitement for exercising? This fun, challenging, personally competitive and stress relieving addition has revealed to me that my body can perform to extremes that I never thought was possible.I never expected these lessons would come with daily homework. I guess that resulted from my inability to do ten "real" pushups in my first session.Here is the assignment that took my arms to a whole new level: Do 100 pushups a day for one week. You can spread them out. Make sure your form is correct. The next week, increase to 150 pushups a day, and increase to 200 the following week. Once you have hit this point, maintain the pattern every day or every other day. Now I do 200 pushups in every session, and my arms have dramatically toned up without adding bulk!Make this a part of your everyday routine! Side note: push-ups are guaranteed to strengthen your abs and chest as well.Photo