
Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

Stay In The Training


What do you you think of when you think of training? We envision hard work, long hours, mental discipline, plenty of focus, an openness to learning, the willingness to change, a desire for strength, and the endurance to keep going even when it gets really hard. All of these elements obviously apply when you are physically training and working out, but it also applies emotionally and personally when you are going through a season that is challenging, intimidating, and confusing. The good news is that with the realization that we are being trained during these seasons, we will be able to stay in the training and keep moving forward!We are so excited to share this message from Judah Smith with you: Trained By His Training. This message has spoken to us so much lately and has caused us to start viewing challenging seasons as opportunities for growth. This change of perspective results in seeing hard seasons as preparing and training us in order for us to becomes the person that the Lord created us to be.The most amazing thing is that no matter what you are going through right now, no matter what your personal circumstances are, this message will hit your heart in the biggest, most loving way. We have sent this link to so many loved ones in a variety of emotional situations because it is a message that brings so much encouragement, hope, and promise. In his message, Judah encourages you to stay in it and keep going and realize that you are being trained by the Lord because He loves you so much.Here is the Scripture from Judah's message + an amazing quote from Judah, but we highly encourage you to take the time (about 40 minutes) to listen to the entire message! We are excited to read your comments in the comment section below. xoHebrews 12: 7-11 (NLT)As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn't discipline you as he does all his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn't we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits and live forever? For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God's discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in His holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. "You know who God is preparing? Those He loves. God told me to tell you tonight, you are in training right now and that is why you feel the way you that you feel. You have been searching your soul thinking, this is the weirdest season- I'm in a funk- what is going on- and I am here to tell you that NOTHING is wrong, you're in training! And it is a form of a compliment from your Father, because He is preparing you for things that you otherwise could not do without Him and His preparation. God is preparing you.- Judah Smith



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Fitness, Honesty Fitness, Honesty

Why I run


Nothing defines a "love/hate relationship" like running does, for me. There are days when the thought of going for a run literally makes me want to cry, and there are days when a good run makes me feel like I can conquer the world. So, what makes me keep consistently running when there are days that I absolutely hate it?FullSizeRender-5I recently signed up for my first half marathon (The Dallas Marathon - December 14th), so I've been in training for a few weeks now. Today I did a 9 mile run, which is the farthest I've run in years now. Up until mile 8, it really wasn't that bad, but I was definitely dying between 8 and 9. Once I made it to mile 9 though, I got that "runners high" and suddenly it became clear to me why I love running, and in general, why I run.FullSizeRender-6I have been told on more than one occasion that I'm very "wound up". Like most girls, my mind tends to race and race about anything and everything. I discovered today that running "unwinds me". Especially on these long runs, I go through my list of things that my mind races about, and bring each one of those things specifically to the Lord - my family, work, insecurities, fears, friends, etc. It's a time specifically set aside that I have with just me, the pavement, and the Lord. And I unwind."Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7FullSizeRender-4 copyAlso like most girls, I struggle with insecurities about my body fairly often and consistently find flaws or things I wish were different. When I run though, I'm thankful for my body. Thankful that it is strong, it is carrying me, it is healthy. Running reminds me that the Lord has blessed me with a healthy body and I need to praise Him for that...not constantly complain about its shortcomings."I praise you, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made." - Psalm 139:14So, maybe you're one of those people that running makes you want to cry. But, let me challenge you to lace up your tennis shoes, and try it. Maybe it's just a mile the first time, or running for 5 minutes. But finding time to take care of our bodies, be outside in this beautiful Fall weather, and connect with our Maker truly enriches life tremendously. And I hope each one of you find that enrichment whether it be in running, or something that is equally inspiring and freeing to you.

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Fashion Fashion

in the gym.

Who's with me? Cute work out clothes make exercise way more appealing and exciting...maybe even fun (what?). If I am honest, though, my wardrobe doesn't keep me from total boredom, so I have to change up my get-in-shape training sessions during the week (I see better results this way too). Here are my favorite outfit combos for each:

Screen Shot 2014-01-10 at 3.51.37 PM'Just Do It' Tank/'Pro' Racerback Compression Bra/Nike 'Legend 2.0' Capris/'Flyknit Lunar1' Running ShoeScreen Shot 2014-01-12 at 4.32.43 PM

Nike 'Leg-A-See Signal' Leggings from JD/Nike Free from JD/'Luisa' Draped Tank

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'Sporty Stripes' Organic Pants/Peace Hem Top/'Upbeat' Seamless Compression Tank

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