
Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

10 Non-Fiction Books To Add To Your Amazon List

Hey guys! We are constantly adding books to our "to read list" note on our iPhone and emailing one another titles that we have heard great things about. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3077629"]


We have recently been adding so many non-fiction titles to our "to read list", so we thought it was time to share them with you! These are all titles that we have heard good things about time and time again, so we have no doubt that they are going to be that good. That being said, below are 10 non-fiction books to add to your Amazon list, ASAP. I am currently reading one of the books on the list, Daring Greatly, and Melissa is reading another...Daring to Hope. Have you read any of these books or heard about them? Let us know in the comments section at the bottom + find outfit details down there, too! xo

  • She is Free by Andi Andrew // I heard about this book on Jamie Ivey's podcast, The Happy Hour, and immediately added it to my list. Andi has an incredible story...moved to NYC from Australia with her husband and they ended up planting a Church in NYC called Liberty Church. 
  • Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson // We are constantly inspired by and in awe of Sadie Robertson...girl is sharing the Gospel fearlessly and relentlessly and we love it! Her website, Live Original, is an amazing resource of inspiration and hope so we can only imagine how amazing her book is.
  • If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey // Speaking of The Happy Hour, we are dying to read Jamie's book, If You Only Knew! We have heard her talk about it on her podcast and it sounds like a heartfelt and super honest, real book that looks shame straight in the face and says, "nope, not today!" and we are all about that.

  • The Road Back To You by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile // Okay, Enneagram enthusiasts, this one is for you. If you have taken the personality test or have been wanting to, this is definitely a book to read ASAP...their podcast is awesome, too. 
  • Unshakeable by Christine Caine // A daily devotional by the incredible Christine Caine that invites you to have a closer relationship with Jesus and find strength and hope in God's Word.
  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown // I had been wanting to read this book for so long and am currently in it and cannot recommend it enough...being vulnerable is such an act of courage and Brene Brown shares this transformative truth so beautifully.

  • The Dream Of You by Jo Saxton // Another discovery c/o The Happy Hour, this book is on my list because she writes all about the journey of discovering who we are meant to be through the letting go of broken identities...how fascinating!
  • Daring To Hope by Katie David Majors // Wow oh wow is Katie an inspiration! Her story is truly incredible and her love for Jesus and courage to follow His will no matter what is beyond encouraging.

  • You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons // This book invites us to rest in the freedom that Christ promises us through a relationship with him instead of reaching and striving for the approval of others...what a gift!
  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis // The reviews on this book are unreal and makes me so excited to read it. Rachel Hollis' book inspires women to focus on truths about themselves that instill confidence and therefore tear down false mindsets that hold us back.

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Radiant With Joy

When spending time in my She Reads Truth Bible the other day (while listening to All Sons & Daughters on repeat), a line in Psalm 34 really took hold of me. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3073642"]


When spending time in my She Reads Truth Bible the other day (while listening to All Sons & Daughters on repeat), a line in Psalm 34 really took hold of me. Psalm 34:5..."Those who look to Him are radiant with joy, their faces will never be ashamed."Those who look to Him are radiant with joy. WOW. What seems like a simple statement is really filled with so much power, truth, and hope. We have probably all read Psalm 34 many times, but this line stopped me and caused my heart to flutter a bit and my mind to fixate on the words. As children of God, we have the gift, opportunity, and blessing to truly be radiant with joy, as we look to Him.This truth fills me with so much joy. If we look to Him, we will be radiant with joy. This is freedom, this is life, and this is truly the only way that I want to live! Focusing on Him, thanking Him, worshiping Him, loving Him and loving others like He does, and keeping Him first and foremost in our minds and hearts everyday is some of what looking to Him involves. Spending time in His Word, spending time with Him in prayer, and ultimately living with Him by inviting Him into every aspect of our days and lives.As we do this, He has promised that we will be radiant with joy. The real, sustaining, never-ending, fulfilling, deep kind of joy that is true despite our circumstances. Even in hard times, we will be radiant with joy if we look to Him. The more I think about this, mediate on it, and let this truth take deep roots in my heart, I start to become emotional and overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness, greatness, and grace. He loves us so much and so perfectly and has promised us so much. We just need to look to Him always.We would love to hear your thoughts on this verse in the comments section at the bottom of this post. You can find outfit details down there as well! Thank you Felicia Lasala for taking these photos. 


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Spiritual Fasting

Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions.[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"]


Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions. Spiritual fasting has always seemed like this incredibly powerful biblical act, and therefore quite intimidating. Part of the intimidation factor could be a fast metabolism and the reality of hanger...it is so real, guys!In all seriousness though, we have been in awe of, talking about, and researching spiritual fasting a lot lately and came across this article. These words really spoke to us about the value of the act of fasting and conveyed freedom in the fact that we can make fasting our own- there really isn't one way right way to do it and the duration and frequency is up to us. The most freeing realization is that it is a building process...start slow and then grow into it. Once we realized this, the intimidation factor went away.Melissa recently fasted a few times by skipping dinner...so she went about 18-22 hours without solid food, but still had water, matcha, tea, and even a cup of bone broth one day. She said that when she would normally be ravenous after work, she had a mug of bone broth or tea instead, then focused on prayer and reading the Bible and a devotional before bed and upon waking up. Getting over the initial hunger was hard, but she stayed focused on Jesus and really enjoyed the experience. Even though it wasn't a full day, she described having a very clear mind during it and after it, plus a sense of being free of worry, extremely trusting and calm, and able to tune out the noise of the world and focus on her relationship with Jesus. As with anything like this, consult a loved one and/or doctor before fasting. We are definitely inspired by spiritual fasting and would love to hear from you in the comments section. Have you tried it? xo


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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"] images by Felicia Lasala 

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

We Find Rest In Him

You guys probably know by now our love for the devotional by Paul Tripp-  New Morning Mercies. We could go on and on about what an incredibly well-written, spiritually sound, and filled-with-hope resource it is...[show_shopthepost_widget id="3038857"]


You guys probably know by now our love for the devotional by Paul Tripp-  New Morning Mercies. We could go on and on about what an incredibly well-written, spiritually sound, and filled-with-hope resource it is, but for now we will just stick to raving about one entry in particular! If you love devotionals or are looking for one, this is the one to get, no questions asked.If you have the book already, February 18th's entry spoke to me so much. It is about about the idea that we are always trying to figure out our lives. Whether it is going through the past, dealing with the right now, or worrying about the future, there is always something about our lives on our mind. Tripp's writing style and truth-filled thoughts are so incredible and mind-opening, that there is no way I am doing the topic justice right now, so definitely get a copy for yourself and be blown away! In the meantime though I had to share, because it caused me to have one of those "Wow, Yes, Amen." moments.He goes on to explain that of course it is okay to try to understand our circumstances, but the issue comes when we think or expect that we will find rest and peace through doing that. His point is...not going to happen. There is just no way! Life will continue to be unexpected and surprising no matter what. So sure, we might figure something out and that might temporarily give us rest, but not longterm. Tripp confirms the truth that true rest is only found through Him, in Him, and by His grace alone! Tripp says it perfectly here: "Rest is only ever found in trusting the One who has everything figured out for your good and His glory." Amen to that!What a blessing, a gift, and a relief that He has it figured out for us and we can access perfect, peaceful, sweet rest...but only through Him. We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments below! xo

OUTFIT // top (c/o) | sunnies | pants (c/o) | boots (similar)

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Faith, General, Wellness Faith, General, Wellness

10 Recent Reads On Faith + Wellness


Hello, LSK readers! Today we are sharing 10 recent reads on faith + wellness...five for faith and five for wellness! As you know, both are topics that we are so passionate about and enjoy writing about and discussing with you here on the blog. We hope you enjoy these articles as much as we did and as always, let us know your thoughts in the the comments section below. xo


heavenly-minded thinking via brilliant perspectives

be brave & wait via live original

finding beauty in the struggle via proverbs 31

when we can't change our circumstances via live original

growing closer to God via proverbs 31


the power of a clean fringe via because I'm addicted

boosted self-confidence via cupcakes & cashmere

staying healthy when your other half has the flu via well + good

five energy-boosting morning drinks via well + good

all about adaptogens via lee from america

 image by Felicia Lasala 

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Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

Inspiring Instagram Accounts To Follow


Hey LSK readers! We are excited to share a list of inspiring Instagram accounts to follow. Below, you will find a group of Christian accounts ran by people that love Jesus and share their faith and belief in the Lord on their social platforms. We find daily inspiration, encouragement, and hope in these accounts + their posts and hope that you will as well. Enjoy, xo.











image by Christy Johnston  

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Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

Him First

One of my favorite readings in the devotional, Jesus Calling, speaks to the commandment of loving God with all of our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). It reads as this: "Stay Ever So Close to Me, and you will not deviate from the path I have prepared for you. This is the most efficient way to stay on track; it is also the most enjoyable way."  [show_shopthepost_widget id="2939961"]


One of my favorite readings in the devotional, Jesus Calling, speaks to the commandment of loving God with all of our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). It reads as this: "Stay Ever So Close to Me, and you will not deviate from the path I have prepared for you. This is the most efficient way to stay on track; it is also the most enjoyable way."  These words are such a comfort and blessing in so many ways. Not only are we not alone in this life, but as believers, we have Jesus right by our side in all seasons. Loving the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and strength and staying close to Him during all of our days is so crucial to our spiritual life. There is truly nothing else that will satisfy or make us happier than putting Jesus first- always. Plus, it pleases Him so much when we do this, that is all that He wants for us- to be glued to His side!This has been on my mind more than ever this holiday season, because there are a lot of things this time of year that work to pull our attention away from Him. Of course these things are wonderful gifts from Him- special time with friends and family, festive parties, gift giving and receiving, cooking comfort food, giving back in the community, and decorating our homes for Christmas. All of these things are amazing and so joyful, as long as we keep Him before everything else and keep Him in everything that we do, thus giving all glory and praise to Him.We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below + links are below to shop the look + book, xo.


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images by Felicia Lasala [show_shopthepost_widget id="2939961"]

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December Thoughts

Oh, December. What a magical time of year! From cozy clothes, to comfort cooking, Christmas decor, extra time spent with family, and shorter days and longer nights, this time of year is without a doubt so special and always one that we look forward to each year. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2934529"]


Oh, December. What a magical time of year! From cozy clothes, to comfort cooking, Christmas decor, extra time spent with family, and shorter days and longer nights, this time of year is without a doubt so special and always one that we look forward to each year.In one way this time of year is so busy between holiday parties, gift shopping, family plans and everything else, but in another way this season is also marked by rest, relaxation, peace, and reflection. We pray that this year we prioritize time to rest in order to focus on the reason for joy this time of year.Similar to our note about Thanksgiving and Black Friday, we believe that there is a way to exist in the "busy" without getting caught up in it. When we do this, we will have a peace that lifts us up above the chaos. We also hope that we stay close to loved ones this time of year and lean on friends and family, for that is what this time of year is designed for- rejoicing in Him with those that we love!Sometimes the holidays can be difficult if you are experiencing a challenging season personally, and if that is the case, we are praying diligently for you and know that the Lord is wrapping his arms extra close around you with His great comfort, love, and peace.There is a song that we are totally obsessed with right now on Hillsong Worship's holiday album, The Peace Project, called Seasons. It is linked to Spotify there and I highly recommend listening to it. It has been on repeat lately!! It is also on our LSK Worship Playlist that we are constantly adding songs to. Here are lyrics from Seasons that we absolutely love--

I can see the promiseI can see the futureYou’re the God of seasonsI’m just in the winterIf all I know of harvestIs that it’s worth my patienceThen if You’re not done workingGod I’m not done waiting

We hope that this month is a wonderful one for you and we look forward to spending it with you here on the blog! With love, xo.

THE OUTFIT (c/o Nordstrom):

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Letting Go


I think sometimes we only think of letting go when it comes to BIG specific things, like a dream that didn't come to life or an opportunity that didn't turn out as we had wished. However, what if we were to "let go" more than just when we have to? Scroll down to read more!If we make letting go a daily way of life, it will become habitual and natural to release the tight grip that we have on our own dreams, plans, and thoughts. Doing so will ease our burden and allow us to surrender control of our lives over to the One who is actually in control. "Letting go" can be a constant lifestyle and a forever frame of mind, versus just an act when you are in a situation or circumstance that forces you to let go. A yoga teacher once said during class, "Let go and let God", and that has forever made an impact on my life. If we choose to live in a "let go" state, we open ourselves up to all that He is capable of doing! A few thoughts on how to actually do this...

-Praise Him each morning by praying, giving thanks, reading His Word, and turning on worship music as you get ready for the day;these things put the focus on Him versus ourselves and set our minds in a place that is open to His direction.

-When you start to feel stress over figuring something out, or obsession over an outcome, or worry over what could happen "if"...stop, breathe, and say out loud "Jesus, I give this to you. I lay it down." Or something like that! It is amazing how the act of saying those words actually changes our mindset and causes peace to settle in.

-Keep Moving. This is a funny one because at the same time that we are to "move forward" we are also called to "be still" in waiting for His guidance and direction. Even though they sound opposite, they actually can be and should be lived out simultaneously. Read this previous post for more!

-If you feel like your mind can't let go of something, journal about it or call a friend or family member to talk it out. I had a great conversation with a friend recently and she made a comment about letting things work themselves out, which is another aspect of letting go. Give things time to happen, but in the meantime, write down your thoughts and seek wise counsel.

We would love to hear your thoughts on letting go in the comments section! Here is a passage of scripture that we find so comforting and encouraging when it comes to letting go, surrendering, and trusting Him:

My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. 

I will teach you wisdom's ways and lead you in straight paths. 

When you walk, you won't be held back; 

when you run, you won't stumble. 

Take hold of my instructions; don't let them go. 

Guard them, for they are the key to life.  

Proverbs 4:10-14 (NLT) 



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