
Current Color Scheme That We Love


There is a current color scheme that we love...red, ivory, and camel. There is something so cozy and warm about this combo that makes us think fall and holiday season, while still keeping things light and bright. Below are a few pieces from a few favorite retailers that fit into this color scheme including a red mock-neck top from Free People, a camel cardigan from Abercrombie, and ivory (AKA, the most perfect shade of winter white...) pants from Anthropologie.


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image via Pinterest 

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Letting Go


I think sometimes we only think of letting go when it comes to BIG specific things, like a dream that didn't come to life or an opportunity that didn't turn out as we had wished. However, what if we were to "let go" more than just when we have to? Scroll down to read more!If we make letting go a daily way of life, it will become habitual and natural to release the tight grip that we have on our own dreams, plans, and thoughts. Doing so will ease our burden and allow us to surrender control of our lives over to the One who is actually in control. "Letting go" can be a constant lifestyle and a forever frame of mind, versus just an act when you are in a situation or circumstance that forces you to let go. A yoga teacher once said during class, "Let go and let God", and that has forever made an impact on my life. If we choose to live in a "let go" state, we open ourselves up to all that He is capable of doing! A few thoughts on how to actually do this...

-Praise Him each morning by praying, giving thanks, reading His Word, and turning on worship music as you get ready for the day;these things put the focus on Him versus ourselves and set our minds in a place that is open to His direction.

-When you start to feel stress over figuring something out, or obsession over an outcome, or worry over what could happen "if"...stop, breathe, and say out loud "Jesus, I give this to you. I lay it down." Or something like that! It is amazing how the act of saying those words actually changes our mindset and causes peace to settle in.

-Keep Moving. This is a funny one because at the same time that we are to "move forward" we are also called to "be still" in waiting for His guidance and direction. Even though they sound opposite, they actually can be and should be lived out simultaneously. Read this previous post for more!

-If you feel like your mind can't let go of something, journal about it or call a friend or family member to talk it out. I had a great conversation with a friend recently and she made a comment about letting things work themselves out, which is another aspect of letting go. Give things time to happen, but in the meantime, write down your thoughts and seek wise counsel.

We would love to hear your thoughts on letting go in the comments section! Here is a passage of scripture that we find so comforting and encouraging when it comes to letting go, surrendering, and trusting Him:

My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. 

I will teach you wisdom's ways and lead you in straight paths. 

When you walk, you won't be held back; 

when you run, you won't stumble. 

Take hold of my instructions; don't let them go. 

Guard them, for they are the key to life.  

Proverbs 4:10-14 (NLT) 



jeans (c/o) | boots | sunnies (similar, similar) | top (c/o...print sold out, sadly!)

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General, Lifestyle General, Lifestyle

Crane and Lion Giveaway


It has been such an honor partnering with Crane and Lion active wear to create a capsule collection. They are truly the most lovely company with the biggest hearts, and the most exciting part of this partnership is that 30% of all sales from this capsule collection will be donated to The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation through the month of November! This is such a blessing because we will provide for three recipients by January of next year, and we can only continue giving to these sweet girls through donations, and this avenue is such a fun way to participate.I am so thrilled that you can enter to win an entire Crane and Lion outfit (the Keyhole Sports Bra, a pair of Original Tights, the Modern Pima Tank, and the Quilted Pullover, which is a $325 value) by doing the following:

  • Follow @craneandlion and @laurenscruggs on Instagram
  • Tag at friend in comments of my IG post on @laurenscruggs
  • Sign up for the Crane & Lion newsletter

Check out the sweet interview we did together on their website, and be sure to take a look at the capsule collection I created.P.S. Here is a fun shopping surprise: use this discount code to receive 20% off your entire order: Lauren_Scruggs_Kennedy, and this is limited to one use per customer. Happy shopping! 

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10 Questions with Angela Lanter


Hey guys! We are so excited to have one of my besties on the blog today, Angela Lanter! Ang and her husband, Matt, are two of my and Jase's closest friends and we absolutely love doing life with them. Read the Q&A below to get to know Ang as she dishes on all things love, beauty, pregnancy, and blogging. xo- How did you and your husband meet and when did you know that he was the one?Matt and I have a mutual friend from church, Courtney, who played matchmaker.  She was convinced that we were perfect for each other…  Turns out she was right!  I knew very early on that Matt was the one for me.  I didn’t have a moment, per se, that it dawned on me.  I could feel that something was different about our relationship than any other relationship I’d ever been in.-When did you start your blog and what was the journey of becoming a blogger like for you?I launched Hello Gorgeous in January 2013, just a few months before our wedding.  I didn’t have much time to put into my blog at first because I was planning a wedding and working full-time as a fraud investigator.  After we were married, I quit my job and we moved to New Orleans for Matt’s show, Starcrossed.  I had time to focus on my blog and turned my passion into my career.  I launched my YouTube channel in September 2013 and never looked back.  I’ve always loved beauty, so I knew this was the field I wanted to be in, I just didn’t know how to make that a reality.  Blogging has allowed me to take the things I love and turn them into my own business.-We love your Instagram so much! What is your approach to managing that social platform and connecting with your followers?I try my best to keep my posts as real as possible.  Social media has a way of making things look so perfectly perfect…  But that’s not reality.  I love connecting with my followers, my Gorgeous Girls, on real-life issues, so I focus on creating content that’s relevant to what’s currently going on in my life that others can relate to.  I also do my best to respond to as many comments as possible to show my appreciation to those who take the time to follow along and share their lives and thoughts with me.-Give us a brief description of your personal style. Where are your favorite places to shop? I consider my style feminine casual.  I like to be cute but also comfortable…  Especially now that I’m pregnant!  My favorite thing to do is mix highs and lows.-What is your typical morning beauty routine + a few of your must-have products? I’m big in exfoliation, I try to exfoliate 2 times a week to keep my skin looking and feeling soft.  My basic morning products are: cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream and moisturizer with SPF.  I can’t live without a good eye cream!-How do you stay so healthy & fit!? Share a few tips + a some of your favorite foods.I would love to say that I have this awesome workout routine and diet that I stick to…  But I don’t, lol.  I try to do yoga whenever possible and I’m constantly on the go, so I tend to walk a lot.  We try to make smart choices when cooking and eating out, but I also really love my desserts…  It’s one of my pregnancy cravings for sure.-Congrats on your first baby-to-be! What has been the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far? The most surprising is the amount of symptoms that I have experienced that I was clueless about.  You would think with as many cousins and girlfriends that I have who have had babies, I would know it all…  But no one does.  Each and every pregnancy is different and I made the mistake of thinking that what I’ve seen others experience would be exactly what I experience.-Tell us about your and your husband's podcast, Hello Bump! How did that idea come about? I had been throwing around the idea of launching a podcast for over a year, but my husband’s job moved us to Vancouver last summer and we put that idea on the back burner.  When we found out we were pregnant, we thought, this is the perfect time to jump into the podcast world!  We didn’t even know if we would ever release it, but after listening to what we recorded, we decided it was too fun not to share.-It must be so fun working on the podcast with Matt! Do you feel that sharing the journey with your followers and fans has been a gift for the both of you as expecting parents? I think so.  I’ve had so many women reach out to me after listening who relate to me because of my endometriosis journey, or different symptoms I’ve experienced.  I’ve had a lot of women say that the podcast has been such a fun way for them to relive their own pregnancies, even many years ago.  I think it’s just a fun, easy listen and people can relate to what we’re experiencing and feeling.-What is the one thing that you are looking forward to most about being a Mom? Bonding with my baby.  I wanted a girl so badly, so I’m so excited to get to share things like my love of makeup and clothes with her (hopefully she’ll love those things too, lol!)  I can’t wait to dress her and do her hair…  Basically, just be a girl’s mom!


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General, Lifestyle General, Lifestyle

Monday Reads + Favorites


Happy Monday, friends! Today we are rounding-up our favorite online reads as of lately + clothing items that are currently in our carts and on our wish lists. We hope that you have a great Monday & enjoy this post at home this evening over a glass of wine or cup of tea...don't know about you, but we love downtime to read and browse! xo


*beautiful advice on how to handle fear via Lysa Terkeurst

*Q&A on etiquette via goop

*five healthy habits via Cheetah is The New Black

*best foods to eat for healthy skin via The New Potato

*vintage shopping tips from Amy Abrams via The Zoe Report

*favorite fall fashion moments via goop

*giving up sugar, gluten, and alcohol via Primally Pure

*15 ways to style denim via Vogue

*how to think new via Brilliant Perspectives


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The Beauty of Community


When you think of community, what do you think of? The idea of community has been on our minds a lot lately, specifically the beauty of community and how people loving, supporting, and caring for one another is instrumental and irreplaceable in all of our journeys.What is so cool about community is that it comes in all different shapes and sizes! Whether it is your closest girlfriends, your family, colleagues at work, people in your Church, couples that you are close with, or anyone else in your life, it is so healthy and rewarding to have people that you are able to be open and transparent with and really connect with on a soul level.Inviting people into your lives and sharing your lives with people is the Lord's vision for us as as believers-there is nothing that makes Him happier than to see brothers & sisters joining together and collaborating through life together, in His glory. Romans 15:5-7 May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory (NLT). Another beautiful thing about community is when community grows- when you meet more people, when you share your story, your light, and your faith with others, you are willing and available to receive other's stories, light, and faith. Community develops overtime and the potential is endless! What inspires you to stay connected with others and spread your love? Let us know in the comments!


jacket | jeans | sunnies | tee


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Q&A With Jase On Love, Life, and Marriage


Happy Friday, Friends! We are so pumped to share a Q&A with Jase on love, life, and marriage! I could not be more grateful to be married to a man that is full of the sweetest wisdom and such a refreshing perspective on everything from career decisions to building new friendships to what it takes to balance life! He has helped me tremendously to relax when I get overwhelmed or am overthinking something (hello womanhood!) and enjoy life to the fullest capacity! Melissa and I were chatting about Q&A ideas for the blog and we were so excited when the idea of interviewing Jason came to our minds. As we worked on questions, a clear theme became evident: love, life, & marriage. No matter if you are single, married, or engaged, Jase's words will speak to you and hopefully fill you up with so much love, hope, and wisdom! Scroll down to read and thanks, babe, for doing this! xoWhat was the hardest adjustment after you got married?I would say in the beginning, I was just really worried about what it was going to be like living with somebody else and combining schedules and how that was going to work out. I was concerned if I was still going to be able to hang out with my buddies. Is she going to want to hang out with me all the time? Am I going to want to hang out with her all the time? After doing the dance for a little bit, you just get into a routine, and it’s the greatest routine because you get to spend time with your best friend every day. What have you learned most about yourself the last three years?That it’s important to have someone to do life with. It’s such a refreshing thing and a blessing to have someone in your life that you can talk about work with, your struggles, family...whatever it is. It is absolutely pertinent to have someone in your life that you are open with and knows everything about you.What do you look forward to most in life?Vacations with my wife...getaways. It could be a place an hour and a half away where you don’t have to get on a plane to even do it but just getting refreshed and escaping the craziness that life can bring sometimes is what I look forward to most.What would you say is the key to a healthy marriage?Communication and honesty or honesty and communication...easy as that!What do you love most about Lo? (insert several heart eye emojis here!) I think she is the most sweet and caring person I have ever encountered in my life, and I love the joy she has. I love that she is so encouraging to me, and when I get worked up over the small things, even though I may not like it every time, she’s really good at bringing me back down and reminding me that it’s going to be okay. On a different note, one of my favorite things about her is she tells stories that she thinks are really funny and it’s really not, and it always makes us laugh really hard. She’s also the best travel partner! And last but not least, I love her little arm to death.How has marriage strengthened your & Lo's love and what do you love most about being married?A lot of people say, oh I am so glad I married my best friend, but in reality, it takes a long time to become best friends with someone truly - to know everything about you and feel complete comfortable being 100% transparent. I have just enjoyed that she actually is my best friend now, and she actually knows me and gets me and knows what makes me tick. Any advice for singles with the desire of marriage on their hearts?Don’t start doing things that you normally wouldn’t do to get a guy. Just truly be yourself. Be a woman and let the guy pursue. Don’t change who you are. Trust that God will bring the right person to you in His timing.



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Finding Comfort


Over the past few years, decor & interiors have become something that we are really passionate about here at LSK. Decorating a home is such a special, personal process and results in a haven that is uniquely yours. How cool is that? It is fascinating to us how everyone's home is entirely different; a collection of one's past, things that they love and are drawn to, plus items and pieces that they see as inspiring, practical, beautiful, and comforting, or a combination of all of the above.We definitely believe that as people, we decorate our homes and make certain interior design choices with the goal of finding comfort. Consciously or not, we seek comfort in all areas of life; sometimes though it is just not possible, since the reality is that discomfort is a very normal part of life. However, our prayer is that all of our homes can be a little corner of comfort for us in this world. No matter what you call home, we pray that it is a place of comfort, rest, safety, and peace for you; a little sanctuary where you start your day and end your day, finding peace and hope no matter what sort of day you had or are having .When we discovered this chair from Bakarian Studio, we knew that it had to be a part of our home. The unique design, beautifully simple aesthetic, and comfort factor caught our attention immediately.  We had been searching for the right chair for this corner of our guest room and this one fits perfectly and finishes the room just the way that I hoped it would. My wish is that guests find comfort in this corner while staying at our home; curling up with a blanket to enjoy a cup of tea before bed, reading a book, or making a phone call. Thank you, Lauren, for this amazing addition to our home! Also, friends, be sure to follow Bakarian Studio on IG- their feed is so beautiful and inspiring.


denim (c/o) | tee | jacket (c/o) | the chair (c/o)

images by felicia lasala

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

My Crane & Lion Activewear Capsule Collection


Friends! I truly could not be more excited to announce that I partnered with Crane and Lion active wear to create a capsule collection. This company was built to serve women who inspire daily by pairing sumptuous fabrics with high-performing design to power your journey with balance, strength and style. The words crane and lion are two poses in yoga that requires strength and stamina. I love this parallel to life!They are truly the most lovely company with the biggest hearts, and the most exciting part of this partnership is that 30% of all sales from this capsule collection will be donated to The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation for a year! This is such a blessing because we will provide for four recipients by January of next year, and we are now waiting for donations before we can continue giving to these sweet girls.Check out the sweet interview we did together on their website, and be sure to take a look at the capsule collection I created. P.S. Here is a fun shopping surprise: use this discount code to receive 20% off your entire order: Lauren_Scruggs_Kennedy, and this is limited to one use per customer. Happy shopping! 

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