
Tips On Purging Your Home Before A Move


Hi friends!If you are following along on Instagram, you may know that Jase and I moved out of our first house together a month ago! We didn’t post a lot about it as it has been a bit of a whirlwind, but the circumstantial events that led to this move brought so much clarity and peace that it was time to leave. We are moving to a new area that is in the middle of nature and 15 minutes from one of our favorite beaches, so our excitement level is through the roof.A little update: we are living in a hotel for a few months because we are about to fully jump into renovating our new house. This is a story all in itself, so stay tuned for that + we are doing a completely nontoxic remodel from the stones, tiles, and paint we use to the glue, furniture, and lighting we buy. I have learned a lot and will have so much to share with you guys!Now to the topic I have been dying to jump into: purging the home before a move! I think we can all agree that although moving can be stressful in some ways, but the best part about it is cleaning out every inch of the house, from the closets to the kitchen cabinets to the office shelves.I tend to clean out our home every few months because if you do it often, the process becomes super easy and far from daunting. But there is something about moving that sparks an even greater purge. Jase and I donated or tossed out about ten to fifteen super large bags of stuff. Isn’t it crazy to think that we had that much in our already non-cluttered home being unused? We donated loads of clothing and shoes, work out attire that sat in the bottom of our dresser drawers, beauty products, handbags, candles, books, lamps that were lounging in the garage, and we tossed products that were recently expired!I know we probably all know of Marie Kondo and her new series on Netflix; it’s creating such a beautiful movement! A friend recommended her book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, to me a few years ago, and the two things that stood out to me were:1) Everything should have a place.2) If something doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it.It’s easier said than done, right? But from implementing this and purging extra recently, doesn’t it lift such a weight off your shoulders when you empty your house of things that are unnecessary? I also read this article recently that connects clutter to health; it’s so fascinating!! Not to mention, it brings more intention when purchasing things because it feels so refreshing to live with less.I would love to hear your experiences with tidying up in the comments below! xoxoimages: The Home Sort- best organizers ever!

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The Clean Beauty Journey With Tara Foley Of Follain

Alright, clean beauty lovers, today is a BIG day. We have no other than the founder of Follain, Tara Foley, with us to chat all about clean beauty and skincare. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3524398"]


Alright, clean beauty lovers, today is a BIG day. We have no other than the founder of Follain, Tara Foley, with us to chat all about clean beauty and skincare. Specifically, Tara is going to be covering the transition from toxic to toxin-free; a journey that is so important but can feel overwhelming. Don't fret though, Tara's approach to the transition is practical, achievable, and so worth it.One of the many things that I love about Follain is their belief that clean products aren't to only be praised for the ingredients they don't include (i.e. toxic ones!), but celebrated for the nourishing, nutrient-rich ingredients they do include. It isn't enough to only eliminate the bad stuff; the replacement ingredients must be of utmost quality because those minerals and vitamins are what your skin is really wanting to soak up. With that in mind, we are going to hand it over to Tara to talk more about the clean beauty journey.5 Steps for Kick-Starting Your Clean Beauty Journey with Tara Foley, founder & ceo of Follain When I first met Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, I was immediately impressed by her deep knowledge and passion for clean living. We share this passion and also love promoting the importance of clean living to as many women (and men!) as possible. I was beyond honored when Lauren suggested that you’d like to hear from me about how to switch over to a clean beauty routine!To begin, I want to put it out there that I know how hard it can be to know where to start, when switching to cleaner beauty products—and it can be even harder to decode product labels that contain buzzwords like “natural,” “organic,” and “non-toxic.” I opened Follain in 2013 to create a destination for beautiful, high-performing, and truly clean skincare products. When you shop with us, you don’t have to worry about confusing labels, because we’ve vetted every single product long before it makes it onto our shelves and our website. In fact, we have an always evolving restricted ingredient list that we maintain with input from scientists, dermatologists, and other experts. We also put all products through a rigorous approval process, meaning the team and I test them out over several weeks to make sure they live up to their promises and will work wonders for your skin.If you’re like me, you use A LOT of products, and it would be overwhelming to swap them all at once. That’s why I always recommend thinking about what you use most often and the most of. Those are the best products you should switch out first. Here are 5 categories to consider switching early on, as you start your clean beauty journey.

  1. Deodorant

Conventional deodorants are usually antiperspirants, designed to clog pores and block sweat, rather than allow your body do what it was designed to when your temperature rises: sweat! Clean deodorants won’t stop you from sweating (which is a good thing), but they typically include essential oils to kill odor-causing bacteria and moisture-absorbers such as baking soda or cornstarch. -

  1. Facial Cleanser

Many conventional cleansers contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), an additive that makes products foam up; however, it’s thought to contribute to a bunch of health problems. I don’t think the foam is worth the risk—and it’s definitely not doing anything for skin. In fact, SLS can be irritating and trigger allergies. Natural and non-toxic cleansers opt for clays, oils, and plant extracts to get you squeaky clean while nourishing your skin, too. If you need help finding the best cleanser for your skin, try our matchmaker tool!-

  1. Hand & Body Soap

Since you use soap and body wash all over, this is an important swap to make. I’m partial to our Follain Hand & Body Soap, which is gentle enough to be used for just about everything. If you’re a fan of bar soap, though, there are a bunch of clean options that take your dad’s old-fashioned bar to the next level. With the beautiful essential oils and a soft lather of non-toxic soaps, you’ll never want to go back to your old shower routine. -

  1. Facial Moisturizer

Since you probably use your facial moisturizer twice a day, this is a good candidate for a clean swap. Traditional formulas can contain fillers, preservatives, and chemically derived emulsifiers. The best thing about their clean counterparts—and clean skincare in general—is that they replace those fillers with ingredients that actually make a difference for your skin and can help you target your skincare concerns. It can be hard to figure out which moisturizer is right for you, but at Follain, we created a our skin quiz to solve this problem. By answering a few questions, you’ll get recommendations for a personalized routine from our selection of high-performing favorites.  -

  1.  Body Moisturizer

Conventional moisturizers often include petroleum derivatives, which are touted for their ability to seal in moisture. But there are plenty of safe and wholesome alternatives that will feed your skin. I’m personally a big fan of body oils, which is why I’m so excited about Follain’s new Instant Glow Body Oil. We crafted it from 10 oils and it comes in a spray bottle, so it’s easy to apply. But if oil isn’t for you, there are plenty of lotions, butters, and balms that will do the trick, without any of the nasty stuff! In my personal opinion, the best part about making the switch to cleaner beauty is that these products are so much more enjoyable to use than conventional products! Their beautiful nourishing ingredients make you feel like you’re doing something super healthy for yourself--because you are! As you have more questions when making the switch to cleaner products, we’re here and happy to help! Thanks for reading and enjoy the journey!



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General, Wellness General, Wellness

All About That H20

Water is essential to wellness. Drinking enough water allows us to thrive, function and feel our best. When it comes to my personal water intake, I drink at a minimum 120 oz a day. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3514301"]


Let's talk water. First off, having clean drinking water is such a blessing and my prayer is that clean drinking water becomes more available in developing countries where it is not as accessible as it is here in the States. The Water Project is a great charity on the mission of making clean drinking a reality in African countries. If you are passionate about this cause, definitely check them out and prayerfully consider a monetary contribution. Water is essential to wellness. Drinking enough water allows us to thrive, function and feel our best. When it comes to my personal water intake, I drink at a minimum 120 oz a day. If I have a particularly hard workout and sweat a lot, that amount will be more. Investing in a quality water filtering system is a good idea to ensure water purity, so we use the Kangen filter at home. It is definitely an investment but one of the most important ones you can make. Not to mention, it gives options for different alkaline levels, supplies beauty water for washing your hair and face, and offers acidic water for cleaning dishes and disinfecting countertops! For water on the go, I love using a glass water bottle that I can refill with filtered water. When I don't have a glass bottle with me, the bottled water brand that I always reach for is Essentia. Essentia water is supercharged ionized alkaline water that is proven to hydrate more effectively. As you can tell from the images above, it's my go-to! #notsponsored


top | denim | water | sunnies

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Feeling Thankful For The People In My Life


Hi everyone!As we all know, this past Friday was International Women's Day. It was such a special day on social media, seeing everyone celebrate women in their life! Of course every single day is a day to celebrate those in our lives, but having a specific day to celebrate women is so awesome.I woke up on Friday feeling so compelled to not only celebrate women, but also the men who walk alongside us, encourage our femininity and passions, and who help us become the best version of ourselves: the women God created us to be! As women, there are always men in our lives (dads, brothers, husbands, significant others...) who are cheering us on and loving us, which is a support system that I am so thankful for.I was challenged from a friend a few months ago with the idea that it is part of our role as women to encourage men and support them, too. We often feel that chivalry is dead, but what can we as women do to help keep it alive? Chivalry is a beautiful, instinctual truth and should be encouraged.As women, we should ask ourselves if we shut men down because we don’t want to accept help, are wanting to prove that we are capable of being independent, and are potentially bitter toward past hurts or resentments. Something as little as accepting help from a man to carry our bags out to our car at the grocery store empowers men to be gentlemen and simultaneously empowers our femininity. It is such a beautiful interaction of God's creation in everyday life!A day dedicated to celebrating women is a reminder for me to take seriously my responsibility to fully celebrate other women in my life who I admire, love, and respect, as well as celebrate the men in my life who I also admire, love, and respect. It is so important that we all strive for unity, pray diligently for each other, and show grace toward ourselves and others through our thoughts, words, and actions.To conclude, I am just feeling so thankful this week. Thankful for the beautiful, inspiring women in my life who I am constantly learning so much from, and thankful for the solid men in my life who have supported and empowered me in the most beautiful of ways.xo.

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Hopeful In The Wait


Let's be real with something real quick; waiting is hard. It is usually unwanted, it requires patience, endurance, and perseverance, and as humans it is not our strongest of talents. However, in His grace, God equips us to wait well. Praise Him for that! If we lean on Him, trust Him, and follow Him, we will soar through seasons of waiting victoriously, but it takes discipline and faith.I recently read this article on waiting via the Desiring God website, and it really hit home in my heart. This part especially made my eyes wide open and jaw drop: "We need God to help us want the future he has for us — the future he has written in his inscrutable wisdom. Seasons of waiting train us to relinquish our role as the author of our own story and take up our role as a character in God’s story." -Scott Hubbard "Seasons of waiting train us to relinquish our role as the author of our own story..." HELLO. I mean, does it get more spot-on than that? While we wait, He is training us to loosen our grip on the story we have penned, so we will be able to live out the story he has penned FOR us! As we all know, He is a better author than we are, so His story is no doubt the best for us...end of story!! :)I love thinking of waiting as a training season. Just like athletes train in the off-season, we are going to have "off-seasons" in life that are periods of prolonged waiting. Instead of letting anxiety and angst take over and cause us to be antsy all the time, we have the beautiful opportunity to partner with Jesus and let Him train and prepare us for what is to come. If we do this, waiting doesn't become a miserable, passive experience. It becomes an expectant, fruitful season of preparation.Are you in a season of waiting? If so, we invite you to practice with us rejoicing as God refines us as we wait! Challenging? Yes. Worth it? So much yes. xo


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What My Mornings Look Like

Before getting ready for the day, there are a few things I always do that set the tone for my day. Having that special morning time is a gift, and I love to make the most of it. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3500002"]


Before getting ready for the day, there are a few things I always do that set the tone for my day. Having that special morning time is a gift, and I love to make the most of it. Below is a short list of what my mornings look like.Do you have a morning routine? I would love to hear about it in the comments! xo

Devo time
Having time with the Lord first thing in the morning is a must and non-negotiable for me. It is the sweetest time and starts my day in the best way. Whether it is a devotional or the Bible while listening to worship music, I love this time with Him when I wake up.
Celery juice
Every single day!! You know my love for celery juice from Instagram, this post, and this one. If you are signed up for the Clean Sweep Program, then you REALLY know that celery juice is a must for me (and my digestive system!) first thing in the morning.
Work out
Working out in the morning is a great way to get my day going. Not only is exercise a great way to get the body physically moving and blood flowing, but it clears my mind and relieves stress first thing in the morning. It also doesn’t give me the option to avoid working out because it happens first thing.
Smoothie making
I love making my morning smoothie! I literally look forward to it each morning and I love how this recipe fills me up with so many nutrients.
Time with Jase
Spending time together in the morning before our days get busy is seriously the sweetest. I cherish this time together over celery juice and our smoothies so much!
Answer emails
Last but not least, going through that inbox in the morning is a great way to get into work mode and start checking things off the to-do list!
images: felicia lasala 

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Guarding Your Heart Well

The book of Proverbs in the Bible is such a treasure chest of wisdom, direction, and truth. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3489872"]


The book of Proverbs in the Bible is such a treasure chest of wisdom, direction, and truth. There are so many phrases filled with wise truths that the Proverbs is more than likely something you find yourself returning to again and again in order to find a favorite verse, re-read something that stood out to you, or pull from when giving advice to someone in your life.There is one verse in particular we have been meditating on lately that we wanted to share with ya'll...Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. -Proverbs 4:23From this verse, it is clear that guarding your heart is beyond important, because it is where life flows from. The first time I read this verse, I remember being overwhelmed by the weight and importance of this statement. Overwhelmed in a positive way, though, since it is truth being shared with us for our good.So, what does guarding your heart entail? I believe it means taking matters of the heart seriously and knowing that your heart is strong, yes, but so precious and to be handled with care. Our hearts are very much the source of life because we dream, love, worship, do, give, work, play, create and everything else with and from our hearts. Therefore, protecting it is a non-negotiable."Guarding your heart" might first sound like you need to be closed off or unloving, but that is the opposite of the truth! Guarding your heart actually allows you to love others well because you are protecting the foundation of your capacity to do just that. However, failing to guard your heart will lead to situations, people, and environments that are more than likely not good for your soul and are certainly not life-giving.The most important command is to love God with all our heart and then to love our neighbors (Luke 10:27). By guarding your heart from things that are not best for it, you will find yourself able to love God fully and love others sweetly. Life will be flowing from your heart so abundantly, so guarding your heart will be second nature. Discernment will come easier with practice and you will be able to easily turn toward life-giving and good-for-your-heart situations, practices, and decisions and turn away from those things that will not be heart healthy for you.Wishing you love & peace as you guard your heart well! xo


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My Favorite Herbal Tea Brand

When it comes to what kind of tea I enjoy at home, I definitely have a favorite herbal tea brand and that is hands down, Traditional Medicinals. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3484674"]


Hey friends! Who agrees that tea time is the best time? I always look forward to a hot cup of tea and am always so happy while enjoying it and afterwards, too, since it warms me up, calms me down, and quenches my body with ultimate health benefits. There is something so cozy and comforting about the ritual of drinking tea...I just love it!When it comes to what kind of tea I enjoy at home, I definitely have a favorite herbal tea brand and that is hands down, Traditional Medicinals. If you are signed up for my Clean Sweep program, you will know that I share this fact in there as well. If you are members of Thrive Market (which I highly recommend!), they sell the teas on their website for less than you will find at stores like Whole Foods or Target, both which carry Traditional Medicinal teas, but for a little bit more. Traditional Medicinal teas are also sold on Amazon!As I shared in the Clean Sweep, my favorite teas from Traditional Medicinals are: ginger, raspberry leaf, licorice root, red clover, nettle leaf, rose hips, tulsi with ginger, and dandelion. LSK editor, Melissa, loves the chamomile with lavender, elderberry, ginger aid, and lemon echinacea throat coat. This is one of the best ways to fill your body up with powerful antioxidants as well as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and mood balancing properties.Do you have a favorite tea brand or tea flavors that you always reach for? Let us know by leaving a comment below! xo

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Five Books I Always Recommend

You know when you read a book that has SUCH an impact on you that you want to tell everyone you know all about it? I just love it when that happens! There are several books that have caused me to sing their praises for months and years after reading them. Books are such a gift and it brings me so much joy to share book recommendations with people in my life. Scroll down to get links to five books I always recommend. Enjoy and share any titles you love in the comments below. xo

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THE OUTFIT: sweater (similar) | jeans* | boots* | sunnies*
* = c/o the brand

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images: felicia lasala 

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