
Meet the Artist: Lindsey Meyer


Jason and I have absolutely loved choosing art for our home - it makes your living space so unique and meaningful. It is such a personal choice that brings joy to the soul + it is extra sweet doing it together. It definitely does not happen over night, but it is extra special when you find the perfect pieces for the right places. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lindsey Meyer last year, and she happens to be a fellow Dallas-ite! She has so much purpose in her creativity, is a precious mama to the most beautiful little ones, and is able to balance her talent with being a present mom and wife. I learned so much from Lindsey by reading the answers to the questions we sent her way - scroll down to read about her beautiful perspective on art, family, and life + see the painting in our home!

When do you first remember knowing that you were in love with art and painting?

I have vivid memories of art being my favorite class as a child. My mom painted an artist’s palette and a paintbrush on a smock for me to wear during class. I loved it! The smell of crayons brings back so many early childhood memories.As an adult, I decided to return to school a year after graduating college to study graphic design. I enrolled in a watercolor class the first semester back and it sparked in me a crazy love for painting. I began painting every minute I had time. I knew then that I was on to something.

What is the creative process like for you?

I am not really a process person. I basically get in my studio, pray that the work that is done that day would be pleasing to God and turn up some really great music. I'll flip through some inspiration I had set aside and pick out a color palette that draws me in in that moment.

What inspires you the most?

I would have to say that fashion and interior design inspire me more than anything. I am a clotheshorse! Chic put together outfits spin my mind into ideas for a  painting and Architectual Digest brings me inspirational overload. Getting lost on a Pinterest rabbit trail does my soul good too!

Before painting, I worked as a buyer for a small clothing boutique, an assistant for an interior designer and designed invitations for a card company. Design is in my bones and each of my work experiences have helped me so much as an artist.

What do you love most about abstract art?

I love the freedom of abstract art. For me, it’s all about color and the movement of a piece mixed with the relationships of space. I like to paint my mood and bring in the thoughts and feelings of the day into my art. Looking back at pieces and remembering what was going on in my life is an amazing way of remembrance.

Your paintings are truly beautiful! Do you have a favorite piece or a favorite project that you have done? If so, why is it your favorite?

Thank you so much. I just recently finished a painting that is my new favorite. It was quick and free and just felt really good. Like a sipping a smooth glass of wine, and I had sand and water on my mind!

The colors that you use are gorgeous. How do you go about determining the color scheme for a painting?

That is the ultimate compliment for me, thank you! There is a quote from Keith Crown that says, “Color is a language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege”. I could not agree more. It’s almost like color is God’s love language to me. I have stacks of inspiration all over my studio that I shuffle through. I’ll pick an idea that begins the painting that day and the direction comes and go from there. There in no real plan or premeditation.

What do you love most about painting? What about it brings you so much joy?

Art is so exciting! I love the feeling of standing back after the day and literally seeing my creations. It is simple but completely gratifying. I am so grateful for a job that is flexible and allows me to be a present mom and wife, but also feeds my soul as a creative. 

It has been such a joy and privilege for me to be able to use my gifts to give back to organizations that I am passionate about. After the adoption of our daughter two years ago, the Lord began laying on my heart the desire to help support and be an advocate for other orphans/adoption here and abroad. It  has taught me so much and given my work an immense purpose. #artforadoption

Do you have a favorite place to create your artwork? If so, where is it and why?

We recently built a studio behind our house where I work. I share it with the paraphernalia that comes with having three children! I am so grateful for my own space to just be. It is my first real studio and I love it.

Who are some of your favorite artists? What do you love about their work?

I recently went to the Dieberkorn/Mattise exhibit at the SFMOMA and it blew my mind. I was literally standing in the presence of sheer brilliance. I love Joan Mitchall, Helen Frankenthaler, Ivon Hitchens, Gabriel Goddard, Charlotte Seifert to name a few. Each of these artists use color with ease and genius. The greats were paving a new way in their time. Gabriel Goddard has a way with landscapes that in my opinion, no one can match. Charlotte Seifert is a friend of mine and is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a professional artist. Every new piece of her work takes my breath away.

What piece of advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming an artist?

If I had any advice to give someone who aspires to be an artist I would tell them to be patient, pay your dues and be true to yourself. It takes time to come to the place of knowing which path you want to take. What medium do you feel at home with? What style of composition do you want to make your own? What genre does your art reflect? All of these questions and others will be answered with hard work, failure and time.

What is your advice on choosing art for your home? What is the importance of it?Choose art that makes you happy and evokes an emotion in your soul. Ask yourself the question, “What would I love to walk into a room and see on my walls every day?" I believe that artwork is the crowning glory of your space. Let it be the component that allows your personality to shine!Check out her artwork here, and follow her on Instagram here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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Honesty, Interviews Honesty, Interviews

10 Questions with Emily Vendemmia

Hey guys! Melissa here and I am so excited to share a Q&A that we did with an amazing yoga instructor, health coach, and clean-living-guru from my hometown of Annapolis, MD. Meet Emily Vendemmia! Emily is such an inspiring woman and I am so grateful to know her. One day while taking a yoga class taught by her, the thought came to my mind that I should ask her about doing a Q&A for LSK. I am so happy that I listened to that thought and that Emily was on board! Below you will get to know Emily and learn some healthy insights from her; she is such a great source of health and happiness knowledge! Enjoy xo
-When did you start practicing yoga and how did you fall in love with it? 
I started practicing in yoga in 2005. I was going to the gym a lot and could never seem to find the results I wanted! I knew I could build muscle but I wanted to be less puffy and more consistently energetic. From my first yoga class, I could feel my muscles working in a different, healthier way and I immediately understood how the practice would help with anxiety.
-We love how you and your husband own the business together! What is it like working with your husband and managing the three yoga studios? 
I think the the key is delegating the small responsibilities. He and I are both so driven that sometimes we step on each other's toes when we work on too many things together. Over the last ten years, we've figured out which little jobs each of us are better suited for, and that gives us more time to brainstorm together on the bigger projects.
-Your passion for yoga, clean eating, and healthy living inspires us so much! What is your biggest piece of advice for people wanting to make a lifestyle change in order to feel better from within?
Stick to it!! Whatever you try, a new eating plan, a new form of exercise, stick with it! Very few people can understand how their body or mind will change with a plan of doing three new yoga classes, three days of a new workout, or eating grain free for three days. The consistency over 30, 40 or even 60 days is huge! Even if you don't stick with something after a long period of time, you're educating yourself about your overall wellness and you've created a foundation for you to return if you wish.
-Tell us about your coaching career! What do you enjoy most about it? 
The success stories, of course! The various plans work so well when they implemented properly and I love seeing the new clothes people buy or the new confidence that is gained.
-What is your go-to breakfast?
My favorite breakfast would be water and flesh of one young coconut mixed with chocolate Shakeology. My go-to would be just Shakeology with water.
-Your two little ones are so adorable. What is your approach with them when it comes to healthy foods? Are they picky or open to trying new things?
Our approach with our kids' diets has always been to find the healthier substitute of what most kids would normally want. If they want potato chips, we give them these and if they want chocolate, we give them these- the less ingredients, the better! My son (4-years old) is so picky. He's never had Oreos or other really junky foods like that, so he's not obsessed with sugar, but he's still picky when it comes to anything cooked. He does love Larabars and hummus, thankfully.Our daughter (2-years old) eats everything! So, she has no processed foods in her diet. She loves beets, almond butter, coconut yogurt, everything!
-It is no secret that you are one hardworking and successful woman! Any tips on balancing it all between family, work, self care, and other responsibilities?
Among the many benefits of a yoga practice, I have gained more awareness. I've become more aware of when I'm feeling stressed, when the kids need more attention, when Philip and I haven't had a date night in a while, etc. Being aware of myself and the folks around me helps me to balance everything MOST of the time. A good glass of wine helps me to balance everything during the tougher times. :)
-The yoga teachers you have hired at APY are truly amazing. What is the yoga community like? How did you meet most of the girls? 
Most of our teachers were students of ours first and showed an interest in teacher trainings at different times throughout their practice. We spend a lot of time helping the teachers with their continuing education and we see this directly helping our students.
-I always feel so, SO good after taking a yoga class with you. What is it about teaching that keeps you inspired and keeps you going?
Teaching yoga could never get boring for me. In any given class of 20 people, 5 are probably overweight, 5 are probably tight from running, 5 probably have difficulty with strength and 5 probably have probably never done yoga before! Each class is different.
The motivation of the students is always the most inspiring aspect of any given class. It's my job to better understand that motivation and create an environment for the student's practices to grow.
-Do you have a positive mantra that you live by? If so, we would love it if you could share! 
I always liked the Seinfeld quote "Your blessing in life is when you find the torture you're comfortable with." We can all go through life and be unhappy about our responsibilities; to our kids, to our friends, to ourselves. But, when we find that balance, or as he puts it "the torture we are comfortable with" it truly is a blessing and happiness is usually a great consequence.
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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Standing With Confidence: Part 2


We started the confidence chat last week and today we are continuing the conversation with standing with confidence, part 2! In part 1, I discussed inner confidence and how it is connected to how you feel physically. Spiritual confidence is another facet of confidence that is so key in how we feel about ourselves emotionally, mentally, and personally. I have recently been really drawn to Psalm 40: 1-3 and want to share it with you today-

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me

and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,

out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground

and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing,

a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see what he has done and be amazed.

They will put their trust in the Lord. (NLT)

Every time I read this, I become overwhelmed in the most incredible way by the confidence in Him and a thankfulness that it is not all in my hands or on my shoulders. What a blessing that is! As a believer, we have the most amazing gift from the Lord and that is the ability and joy to depend on Him for everything. When it comes to confidence, I have found that my inner-confidence is very dependent to my trust and faith level. If I am in worry-mode, my inner confidence will hit rock bottom. However, when I actively acknowledge the fact that the Lord is 100% in control, holding my hand, and guiding me through the journey of life, then I am able to to enjoy the peaceful place of truly depending on Him for everything, including my confidence. All we have to do is cry out for His help, wait patiently, and surrender to Him.I love every word from the verses above, but the lines that describe God setting our feet on solid ground and steadying us as we walk along, are currently really grabbing my heart. Picture that in your head and you will see a loving God, right by our side, giving us stability and guidance at every turn. Knowing and believing that truth will completely obliterate low self-confidence! There is just no way that we can feel anything but confidence in our Lord, which will bring us peace, rest, and joy. Through Him, we have everything we need to face any situation, get over any hurdle, and climb any mountain. xo Melissa

images by Felicia Lasala

denim // sweatshirt

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Stepping Forward In Boldness

It is so amazing how the Lord continuously restores our fears and heals in ways that are unimaginable and unexpected. I experienced that last week when I was interviewing with the lovely Larry King. He challenged me in his wisdom to free myself up, to stop hiding! I took off my prosthetic arm for the first time in the public eye, and it truly was the most liberating experience. For years, I extended my vulnerable side with those I was most comfortable - my husband, my family, and only my friends in Dallas.
My husband has been encouraging me for a few years to confidentially walk in my full self and story, all the while being gracious in knowing that I needed to feel ready. God is so good in how He provided such a unique opportunity to do this while filling me with such peace and readiness in the moment. I am overflowing with gratefulness and empowerment and have been so humbled by all of the support!
Do you feel like you are hiding something in your life that is keeping you from living in full freedom? I encourage you to step forward in boldness, no matter how hard it may seem. You will not regret it, and we are all in this together!
images by Felicia Lasala
top (c/o) | denim | bandana | sunnies (c/o)
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A Surprise Malibu Escape


My husband might be the sweetest thing in the world. There is a way he loves that is displayed through the most thoughtful actions. He has been planning a secret trip for months, and it's better than I could have imagined! Any getaway with him is magical, but he also surprised me with my entire family for a weekend in Malibu!Time with my family fills me with so much life and joy! Long walks on the beach, competitive Dominoes matches, baby Kate's first time in the ocean, homemade dinners, lunches at Soho Malibu and Malibu Farm, and lots of laughs created memories for the books!

Sending the biggest hugs to our friend, Natalie Kouzouyan for being his partner in crime to plan this special time and leading us to the most darling cabin right on the sand! P.S. Any of you who are looking for a vacation rental home in Malibu, Rent Dream Villas (http://www.rentdreamvillas.com/) is a lifesaver! With vast local knowledge, they offer baby sitting, grocery delivery, private chef services, event coordinating services, car rentals or personal driver services, personal shopper services, and maid services!

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Standing With Confidence


Standing with confidence is such a powerful tool. Being confident in yourself opens doors to possibilities, encourages a state of inner peace, and allows you to be who you are meant to be. My aunt recently bought me this incredible book and the timing could not have been more wonderful. I have been thinking about confidence a lot lately and this book provides great tips on how to stand confidently, think confidently, and live confidently in every aspect of your life.Over lunch the other day, I was telling my aunt how I have recently been feeling a sense of being physically grounded; it is a hard sensation to describe, but basically a sort of heaviness on the ground, not a burdened heaviness, but a sense of being firmly planted on the ground in a strong, stable way.Later that day, she bought me I Want To Be Confident by Harriet Griffey, and as I started to flip through the book I came across this passage in the Physical Confidence chapter: "Stay Grounded. Feel the contact with the ground (or floor) and be aware of how solid, stable, secure, and reliable if feels. Connect with that and this will, in turn, make you feel more secure, stable and confident, up through your body."- Page 55. I was blown away by the timing of reading these words, since it definitely confirmed what I had been feeling! Connecting with the ground in this confident way, will make your body and mind feel confident in its ability to handle whatever might come your way.I believe that it works the other way around as well; as you begin to feel a strengthening of your inner confidence, your physical stance will reflect that strength. Self-confidence is a journey and it naturally has ups and downs, depending on the seasons of your personal life, but the goal is to have an unwavering sense of confidence that cannot be shaken. I am on the self-confidence journey as we speak, and I would love to walk with you if developing inner confidence is something that you are working on, too.Next week we will be discussing spiritual confidence in Part 2 of Standing With Confidence. Until then, we would love to hear your thoughts on confidence in the comment section below. xo melissa

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Faith, Honesty Faith, Honesty

A Constant and Comforting Dialogue


Hey friends! Melissa, here. Today I want to share a spiritual practice that brings me so much comfort and peace. It is something that will help always, no matter what the situation or circumstance is, which is such a blessing! That something is having a constant and comforting dialogue with the Lord. For the life of me I cannot remember where I first heard this, whether it was in Church, Dr. Charles Stanley, in a Judah Smith book, or on Proverbs31, but somewhere along the way a wise person said or wrote that constantly communicating with Jesus throughout your day in a casual, talking-and-listening, informal kind of way, just like you do with a close friend, is a huge part in having a close, trusting, and amazing relationship with Jesus. In the past I would find myself going through my day without intentionally bringing Jesus in during the small, everyday moments. However, by bringing Him in on the big things, the little things, and everything in between, He becomes our focus and friend through everything. Listening to worship music is something else that brings so much comfort and keeps my focus on Him, His love, and His plan. Elevation Worship radio on Spotify is my favorite- it plays a wonderful mix of Elevation Worship, Hillsong United, Bryan and Katie Torwalt, plus many more talented artists. Having worship music play in my apartment in the mornings and evenings while blogging, tidying up, cooking, getting ready is another way to keep my focus on Him while doing other tasks. It creates a peaceful atmosphere, bringing me a sense of lightness and pure joy, free of any doubts or worries that might try to swirl around in my head. Recently I went through a very difficult breakup, and Lo gave me the best advice. I remember her telling me on the phone to just get still, turn on worship music, pray and listen for the Lord. I did just that, and after some time I was filled with a sweet peace and clarity that I had been praying for. No matter what, if things are good or difficult right now, listening to worship music, getting still, praying constantly, listening, and opening up His word are all things that will bring you comfort and peace. xo


shorts (another option) | top | sunnies (c/o) | shoes (c/o)- another option | hat- janessa leone (c/o)

images by felicia lasala

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A Mother's Beauty

My mom has been one of the most consistent examples in my life. I love that there is a day dedicated to celebrate her sweet sacrifices for being the most present mom, her deeply consistent love, and her nurturing spirit. She is a woman that not only represents class and femininity, but carries a passion to impart the importance of understanding who we are as women. It is such a beautiful quality that I will always hold near to me.
Growing up, I watched my mom so closely, and was enamored by her foundational beauty. Her character and her deep-hearted love for people radiate so much intention and joy. I also am amazed by her organically stunning physical appearance - she exudes peace and joy and seeks wellness is all things! Not to mention, she truly is a warrior. What she has so gracefully endured throughout her life has been enlightening to watch, and what I love about her most is that she is always growing in awareness of herself. She is willing to share her story. She is willing to engage in her own faults and shortcomings. She is willing to help others by sharing her mistakes. She is willing to grow and change and shift. What a blessing she is.
My mom was right when she taught us to dress in a way that reflects our self-value. She was right when she showed me the importance of following our passions without fear. She was right when she taught me how to create boundaries by teaching me that saying no is okay! She was right about journaling our prayers, thoughts, and disappointments. She was right about seeking wisdom from truth - the Bible and Jesus. She was right about finding time to rest. She was right about cooking with food that feeds our body with health. She was right about staying active! She was right about living in freedom. She was right about giving endless hugs! I love my mom so much, and I love that there is a day to recognize and celebrate her impact on my life! It was an extra joy getting to do this fun photo shoot together in the Eileen Fisher Spring Collection, too!
images by felicia lasala 
click here to shop my look | click here to shop my mom's look
*thank you to the Eileen Fisher brand for sponsoring this post and including us in their mother's day campaign
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Showing the Love


Moms are the best, aren't they? There is truly nothing quite like the relationship between a mother and daughter; it is a bond that is so special and grows and develops over time with memories, happy times, arguments, experiences, phone calls, and so much more. This Mother's Day we are loving the idea of showing the love to mom through thoughtful gestures and experiences. Below are our ideas! We would love to hear from you in the comments section about what you are doing for your mom for Mother's Day.

*Cook the family dinner- plan to cook your mom (plus additional loved ones) her favorite meal. The act of preparing a meal that she loves will mean so much to her and having her loved ones gathered around the table will be a joyful experience for all.

*Plan a weekend getaway or staycation with her- this doesn't have to be extravagant at all, it can be as simple as just planning on staying the weekend at her house and doing things that the two of you love- going on walks, going out for coffee, making breakfast together, getting your nails done, staying in and watching a movie, or anything else. Or, if there is a town nearby that would be fun to visit, book a hotel room for the night and enjoy a girls getaway with her.

*Book her an appointment at her favorite spa- surprising her with this is such a thoughtful gesture. Not only will she love the time at the spa, but to know that you are treating her will mean so much!

*Write her a letter, include printed pictures of the two of you- for some reason, this idea makes me tear up! In the time of all things online, a handwritten letter expressing your love + printed pictures of memories shared together is truly a special gift.


sunnies | top | denim | jacket (similar here, here, and here) | shoes (c/o)

images by felicia lasala 

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