
Q&A With Jase On Love, Life, and Marriage


Happy Friday, Friends! We are so pumped to share a Q&A with Jase on love, life, and marriage! I could not be more grateful to be married to a man that is full of the sweetest wisdom and such a refreshing perspective on everything from career decisions to building new friendships to what it takes to balance life! He has helped me tremendously to relax when I get overwhelmed or am overthinking something (hello womanhood!) and enjoy life to the fullest capacity! Melissa and I were chatting about Q&A ideas for the blog and we were so excited when the idea of interviewing Jason came to our minds. As we worked on questions, a clear theme became evident: love, life, & marriage. No matter if you are single, married, or engaged, Jase's words will speak to you and hopefully fill you up with so much love, hope, and wisdom! Scroll down to read and thanks, babe, for doing this! xoWhat was the hardest adjustment after you got married?I would say in the beginning, I was just really worried about what it was going to be like living with somebody else and combining schedules and how that was going to work out. I was concerned if I was still going to be able to hang out with my buddies. Is she going to want to hang out with me all the time? Am I going to want to hang out with her all the time? After doing the dance for a little bit, you just get into a routine, and it’s the greatest routine because you get to spend time with your best friend every day. What have you learned most about yourself the last three years?That it’s important to have someone to do life with. It’s such a refreshing thing and a blessing to have someone in your life that you can talk about work with, your struggles, family...whatever it is. It is absolutely pertinent to have someone in your life that you are open with and knows everything about you.What do you look forward to most in life?Vacations with my wife...getaways. It could be a place an hour and a half away where you don’t have to get on a plane to even do it but just getting refreshed and escaping the craziness that life can bring sometimes is what I look forward to most.What would you say is the key to a healthy marriage?Communication and honesty or honesty and communication...easy as that!What do you love most about Lo? (insert several heart eye emojis here!) I think she is the most sweet and caring person I have ever encountered in my life, and I love the joy she has. I love that she is so encouraging to me, and when I get worked up over the small things, even though I may not like it every time, she’s really good at bringing me back down and reminding me that it’s going to be okay. On a different note, one of my favorite things about her is she tells stories that she thinks are really funny and it’s really not, and it always makes us laugh really hard. She’s also the best travel partner! And last but not least, I love her little arm to death.How has marriage strengthened your & Lo's love and what do you love most about being married?A lot of people say, oh I am so glad I married my best friend, but in reality, it takes a long time to become best friends with someone truly - to know everything about you and feel complete comfortable being 100% transparent. I have just enjoyed that she actually is my best friend now, and she actually knows me and gets me and knows what makes me tick. Any advice for singles with the desire of marriage on their hearts?Don’t start doing things that you normally wouldn’t do to get a guy. Just truly be yourself. Be a woman and let the guy pursue. Don’t change who you are. Trust that God will bring the right person to you in His timing.



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10 Questions with Molly Abrigg

Hi, friends! We are so excited to have Molly Abrigg here on LSK today for a 10 question Q&A. For those of you that know Molly Abrigg, you understand how she has a contagiously vibrant personality that is truly captivating to everyone that she is around. She is a pure bundle of joy with a heart of gold, and not to mention, her singing voice is seriously a dream! She recently reached out to me about my interest and passion in making our home a haven of clean, pure, toxin-free products and I was so thrilled to chat with her and learn from her. Molly is a wealth of knowledge and I am so thankful for her tips and guidance, and I am even more thankful that we are able to share her tips and guidance with all of you! Read on below, xo.
1) Hi Molly! Tell us a little bit about yourself in 2-3 sentences!
My name is Molly Abrigg and I am a momma of 2, or 3 if you count my furry child. I have also been married to Peter for almost 11 years! My passions include chemical free living, my Young Living business, design and decorating and singing. :)
2) What do you think is the biggest benefit + most important aspect of creating a clean, pure, toxin-free home?
The biggest benefit in creating a pure, non-toxic environment in my home is peace of mind. There are so many toxins out there that we cannot control.  So making good choices IN your home helps to alleviate some of the worries of being a momma. Many of the products we use in our home can actually BENEFIT your family. How crazy is that? That's a huge bonus to me. I can purify my home and boost my kids immune system at the same time.
3) How surprised/worried were you when you first learned that so many everyday products (household cleaning products, personal care items, and more) include toxins? 
Honestly, I felt duped and hurt. But, when you really sit down and think about it, the FDA isn't really responsible for my family's health and wellness. I am. So that really empowered me. I first realized this about 7 years ago when my son was 1.  I realized that there were things in my home that could potentially be making my child sick.  My son was suffering from food allergies, outdoor allergies, eczema, and many other things.  So, I wanted to cut out what I knew could be potential triggers for him. It was pretty shocking to me.  Fragrance was the biggest culprit I found in my house - it was in EVERYTHING like bath products, cleaning products, face products, baby wipes, laundry detergent, etc. I was horrified to know I might have been the person making it harder for my kid to thrive in my own home. Fragrance is a generic term found on labels in all these products.  The term fragrance is considered a "trade secret," so companies are not legally bound to disclose what chemicals make up the scent.  There are often DOZENS and sometimes hundreds of chemicals reeking havoc on our endocrine systems! Companies can slap "fragrance free" on a label and it still may contain hundreds of hidden toxins.  It's just so scary.
4) What are a few of your go-to resources (websites, blogs, or books) for information on clean living? 
There are many resources I go to when I am researching and looking for toxins.  Think Dirty is a huge one for me. Some of the products I use haven't even made it on the app yet. I have also really relied on other moms who are in this journey with me.
Some of my favorites include: www.thehomeademommy.net + www.thechemicalfreehome.com (I own all her books. They contain recipes that I love!) + www.safecosmetics.org (This resources gives a great list of the toxins we should stay away from in our beauty products. I feel like there are a few more that should be added to this list too, but this is a great place to start.)
5) Any tips for people who want to transition from products that they have been using to clean products? 
If there is ONE tip I would share about turning over your home, is to not give in to the pressure of needing to do it ALL at once. I know that some of the products out there can hurt your pocket book, so doing your research is important. I would suggest starting with cleaning products first. Look under your kitchen sink. Do you have ten bottles of cleaner that you use for different things? The good news is, YOU DON'T need all of that!! We use ONE cleaning product in our home along with baking soda and vinegar. Thieves Household Cleaner relates to the frugal husband in your life. :) Bath and beauty products come next. I will say, I'm not an all or nothing person. It took me TIME. But, if you are an all or nothing type of gal, more power to ya!
6) Have there ever been certain clean products that you have tried, just to find that they don't work for you? If so, what have you learned from those experiences? 
So, to a fault, I'm a pretty trusting person, and I listened to marketing on accident. Never rely on marketing. Companies don't always have your best interest at heart.  I used a certain brand of diapers that ended up having a toxic ingredient that would cause yucky rashes. I also was using a brand of makeup that I thought was clean. Come to find out, it had Bismuth in it. Bismuth isn't a product that I wanted to use on my face. Ever. So, the moral of the story is, do your own research.  I have a list of toxins that I keep in my phone.  I always scan my Think Dirty app, and then google ingredients that I am unsure of and go from there.
7) Do you have a few favorite brands for clean care products for your little ones? 
Some products for my littles that I absolutely love are from the Young Living Seedlings Line.  This collection has some baby wipes in it that I use on my face and use as dryer sheets as well as on my babes! How amazing is that?? The bath gel and seedlings lotion are divine. I don't have to worry about any nasty chemicals or toxin seeping into my kid's skin.  There aren't many products that I use outside of Young Living.  It's simple for us and it's delivered right to my door step. Because they are such a trusting company, I don't have to worry about doing any scanning or googling! Dr. Bronner's unscented Castille Soap is also used often in our home. I'll add essential oils to them to make our own scents as well.
8) How do you find balance between sticking to clean living, but also surrendering to the fact that there are some things you can't control when it comes to toxin exposure? 
Oh man, like I said before, there is a balance. There are so many toxins out there that we breathe in every single day that are out of our control. But, it's important to me that I make good choices for my family in my own home.  Daily, I'm trying to do better but ultimately know that the Lord is in control of me and my family's health.
9) What are your top five favorite toxin-free household cleaning products? 
- Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner - this stuff smells like Christmas. Who wouldn't want their house to smell like Christmas? We actually use this cleaner for EVERYTHING...including glass and wood floors.  - Good old Distilled White Vinegar - I use this as a fabric softener in my washer along with a few drops of essential oil. It also gets used in my homemade soft scrub too. - Baking Soda - This stuff is amazing. It is also an ingredient in my DIY toilet bowl cleaner and soft scrub recipes.- Young Living Essential Oils - I specifically use Thieves, Tea Tree, Lemon and Purification to clean around my house. I also have room refreshers and mattress cleaners made out of oils, witch hazel and a little water.  - I do love a good Norwex cleaning cloth to dust. :)
1o) How about your top five beauty/personal care products? 
-Young Living's ART Renewal Serum - this stuff is HEAVEN on my face. It's my secret primer even though it is typically used before your moisturizer. It also helps my skin maintain a youthful appearance. I need all the help I can get at age 37. It has Jasmine essential oil in it and it's my JAM!
-Soignee Anti-Wrinkle Cream - THIS STUFF! Whew! It is just so amazing. It has MSM in it. Will you google that? Your mind will be blown. Everyone needs some MSM in their system to help protect us from the free radicals and toxins in the environment. I add Frankincense, Neroli, Jasmine and Rose essential Oils to this cream. It is also a decent price. My husband thanks me. :)-Young Living's Orange Blossom Facewash - this also contains MSM.  Clearly I'm passionate about getting MSM onto my face. Haa! A little goes a long way with this wash. I use it in the morning and at night.-Young Living's Savvy Minerals makeup line - this line of make up meets all of my standards for a chemical free face. It does not have nasty chemicals such as phthalates, parabens, SLS's, formaldehyde, toulene, propylene glycol, mineral oil, bismuth, lead or fragrance. I don't wear makeup much and love a natural look. - Last but not least, good old fractionated coconut oil! Yep! It's the best. I whip some of this up in my mixer with shea butter and add some essential oils and boom. Smooth as silk!!!!


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Isaiah David by Hannah Burton


You know those moments when you meet someone and you immediately click and feel like you have known that person for a lifetime? Enter Hannah Burton. She has a true heart of gold for Jesus and for other people, is full of adventure, and intentionally lives out her vision like I have never seen before in the most fearless of ways. What a special time we had photo-snapping on Mulholland in the middle of the beautiful LA canyons - her internal confidence and the nature of her heart made me feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever had before + it was a deep, magical experience I will never forget. What a gem she is, and not to mention, loads of fun!Today is such a special day on LSK. Meet our dear friend, amazing photographer, and beautiful soul, Hannah Burton. Hannah is the creative heart and brilliant mind behind Isaiah David, a collection of scripture-inspired photographs.  The collection consists of eleven bespoke, limited edition art prints that all have bespoke concepts based on Psalm 23.  The images are beyond powerful and Hannah's inspiration for the collection is heartfelt and deeply meaningful. Learn more about Isaiah David and get to know Hannah by reading our q&a with her below. Enjoy! xoHey Han! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Such as, what do you love most in life and where did you grow up?I love my friends and family. I am blessed with incredible leadership and am thankful for the gifts I have been given to steward. I love what I do and am so passionate about making Jesus famous through photography.I have been fortunate enough to grow up in the countryside of England and the city of London; I loved having the best of both worlds. It has helped me appreciate both environments and has influenced my work greatly!Tell us how you and Lo met!I reached out to Lo when I was in LA last year and had the privilege of working with her. I was challenged and inspired by her courage, her work ethic, her bravery, and her contagious joy. What do you love most about being a photographer?I LOVE what I get to do. I love that everyone I photograph has become a friend, and I love that every shoot is unique. I love that I get to show people the way God sees them, that I get to concept and research and create with no limitation. I love that I am able to travel the world, too! When you think about your favorite photography memory, what comes to mind?There are a few:The most humbling memory was a trip to Uganda, where I was able to capture beautiful stories of restoration.  It impacted me so much personally, and I left changed and challenged.The most inspiring memory creatively was with Isaiah David; it has been so rewarding as I get to study the Word so intimately.The most bizarre memories range from shooting with Katy Perry, throwing paint on a man, shooting with tigers, and holding a bond girls bra.Did you always want to be a photographer/ how did you discover your love for photography?I wanted to be an interior designer from the age of 14, and I studied it and really did not enjoy it.  I fell into photography and fell in love. I trained with amazing people and was blessed to learn from the best. I loved being around people, and I loved getting to know new people. I don’t believe you can be a photographer without having a relationship with your subject, expecting great results. You need to have fun and build trust in order to really show a true reflection of who they are. Tell us about the inspiration behind Isaiah David. What is the mission of the photography project?For some time, I had struggled to understand the Bible for myself. For many years, my prayer was to know God’s word deeper and more intimately. I struggled to understand Him for myself.  One day I remember reading about Gethsemane and was able to see visually in my mind what that could look like. As a visual person, I struggled to comprehend the Word of God just as text. I have always admired the adaption of the word as visuals so people like me could see it better. I wondered if others had struggled too. I wondered if I could create Scriptures as visual mandates - creating reminders of the faithfulness of God's Word. I also thought that this could be an amazing talking point. Knowing that specific Scriptures have carried you enables easy conversation to others that don't know Jesus. What inspired the philanthropic component of Isaiah David?I have been inspired by Lo, her courage and bravery, and her tenacity to help others. I love that through her story, she is able to help walk others through their own story. Something that we take for granted every day is the use of our limbs. I love that she is helping restore dignity and ignite faith in others. I can't imagine walking through what Lo and these women have walked through, so I knew I had to support in any and every way I can! I am behind LSKF 100%.The photographs are incredible and beyond beautiful. What was the creative process like when creating the photographs?I have LOVED this creative process. I get to read, study and dissect the Word and within that, grow deeper with God. I pray and ask God for direction in what He want me to create. I want the images to speak power and gentleness to people; I want the photographs to have a timeless simplicity. Once I feel like I had a strong concept to each picture of Scripture, I bounce each of them off of a few strong theologians and pastors.I would then start to bring a team together briefing elements of the shoot. This collection was shot over a year in NY and LA with different teams. My heart for this is to build a creative community, to inspire others and work together to build the Kingdom creatively.It has been a labor of love. The next collection is going to be shot in London, and it will be easier now considering there is a structure to the process.The scripture verses for each photograph are so powerful. How did you decide on the verses to include?I wanted to start with Scriptures that were well known whether someone is Christian or not. I want to give the viewer the option to appreciate either the image first or the Scripture first because it is so well known.The alignment of the Scriptures has also been very prophetic for me personally, and I am so pumped to see how God uses the images to reveal things to others.What is your hope when it comes to the impact that Isaiah David photographs have on individuals that purchase them?My prayer is that questions are asked, hearts are softened, salvations are made, conversations happen, faith is strengthened, and that people will know the faithfulness of God through His word and are visually reminded of that through these images.  I am so passionate about Isaiah David. I have vision to see exhibitions, books, testimonies, more donations to LSKF, visual bibles, and the formation of a creative community. I hope to inspire others to create and communicate the Word in a new way.  


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The Influencer Podcast: My Career Path


I was so honored to chat with the lovely Julie Solomon on her recently launched podcast, The Influencer Podcast. It is an innovative behind-the-scenes community with successful influencers, bloggers and industry elites in conversation to share how they engage, persuade and grow their unique influence. Each episode is filled with so much insight - I have already learned so much.Julie is such a dear friend and was the key component to my re-brand, which led to the launch of LSK, so it was extra special chatting with her about my career journey + important tips and tricks I have learned in the blogging industry from the beginning to the present. I also share how to create healthy business boundaries. Easier said than done, right? Listen here and check out the show notes here!

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Meet the Artist: Lindsey Meyer


Jason and I have absolutely loved choosing art for our home - it makes your living space so unique and meaningful. It is such a personal choice that brings joy to the soul + it is extra sweet doing it together. It definitely does not happen over night, but it is extra special when you find the perfect pieces for the right places. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lindsey Meyer last year, and she happens to be a fellow Dallas-ite! She has so much purpose in her creativity, is a precious mama to the most beautiful little ones, and is able to balance her talent with being a present mom and wife. I learned so much from Lindsey by reading the answers to the questions we sent her way - scroll down to read about her beautiful perspective on art, family, and life + see the painting in our home!

When do you first remember knowing that you were in love with art and painting?

I have vivid memories of art being my favorite class as a child. My mom painted an artist’s palette and a paintbrush on a smock for me to wear during class. I loved it! The smell of crayons brings back so many early childhood memories.As an adult, I decided to return to school a year after graduating college to study graphic design. I enrolled in a watercolor class the first semester back and it sparked in me a crazy love for painting. I began painting every minute I had time. I knew then that I was on to something.

What is the creative process like for you?

I am not really a process person. I basically get in my studio, pray that the work that is done that day would be pleasing to God and turn up some really great music. I'll flip through some inspiration I had set aside and pick out a color palette that draws me in in that moment.

What inspires you the most?

I would have to say that fashion and interior design inspire me more than anything. I am a clotheshorse! Chic put together outfits spin my mind into ideas for a  painting and Architectual Digest brings me inspirational overload. Getting lost on a Pinterest rabbit trail does my soul good too!

Before painting, I worked as a buyer for a small clothing boutique, an assistant for an interior designer and designed invitations for a card company. Design is in my bones and each of my work experiences have helped me so much as an artist.

What do you love most about abstract art?

I love the freedom of abstract art. For me, it’s all about color and the movement of a piece mixed with the relationships of space. I like to paint my mood and bring in the thoughts and feelings of the day into my art. Looking back at pieces and remembering what was going on in my life is an amazing way of remembrance.

Your paintings are truly beautiful! Do you have a favorite piece or a favorite project that you have done? If so, why is it your favorite?

Thank you so much. I just recently finished a painting that is my new favorite. It was quick and free and just felt really good. Like a sipping a smooth glass of wine, and I had sand and water on my mind!

The colors that you use are gorgeous. How do you go about determining the color scheme for a painting?

That is the ultimate compliment for me, thank you! There is a quote from Keith Crown that says, “Color is a language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege”. I could not agree more. It’s almost like color is God’s love language to me. I have stacks of inspiration all over my studio that I shuffle through. I’ll pick an idea that begins the painting that day and the direction comes and go from there. There in no real plan or premeditation.

What do you love most about painting? What about it brings you so much joy?

Art is so exciting! I love the feeling of standing back after the day and literally seeing my creations. It is simple but completely gratifying. I am so grateful for a job that is flexible and allows me to be a present mom and wife, but also feeds my soul as a creative. 

It has been such a joy and privilege for me to be able to use my gifts to give back to organizations that I am passionate about. After the adoption of our daughter two years ago, the Lord began laying on my heart the desire to help support and be an advocate for other orphans/adoption here and abroad. It  has taught me so much and given my work an immense purpose. #artforadoption

Do you have a favorite place to create your artwork? If so, where is it and why?

We recently built a studio behind our house where I work. I share it with the paraphernalia that comes with having three children! I am so grateful for my own space to just be. It is my first real studio and I love it.

Who are some of your favorite artists? What do you love about their work?

I recently went to the Dieberkorn/Mattise exhibit at the SFMOMA and it blew my mind. I was literally standing in the presence of sheer brilliance. I love Joan Mitchall, Helen Frankenthaler, Ivon Hitchens, Gabriel Goddard, Charlotte Seifert to name a few. Each of these artists use color with ease and genius. The greats were paving a new way in their time. Gabriel Goddard has a way with landscapes that in my opinion, no one can match. Charlotte Seifert is a friend of mine and is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a professional artist. Every new piece of her work takes my breath away.

What piece of advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming an artist?

If I had any advice to give someone who aspires to be an artist I would tell them to be patient, pay your dues and be true to yourself. It takes time to come to the place of knowing which path you want to take. What medium do you feel at home with? What style of composition do you want to make your own? What genre does your art reflect? All of these questions and others will be answered with hard work, failure and time.

What is your advice on choosing art for your home? What is the importance of it?Choose art that makes you happy and evokes an emotion in your soul. Ask yourself the question, “What would I love to walk into a room and see on my walls every day?" I believe that artwork is the crowning glory of your space. Let it be the component that allows your personality to shine!Check out her artwork here, and follow her on Instagram here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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Honesty, Interviews Honesty, Interviews

10 Questions with Emily Vendemmia

Hey guys! Melissa here and I am so excited to share a Q&A that we did with an amazing yoga instructor, health coach, and clean-living-guru from my hometown of Annapolis, MD. Meet Emily Vendemmia! Emily is such an inspiring woman and I am so grateful to know her. One day while taking a yoga class taught by her, the thought came to my mind that I should ask her about doing a Q&A for LSK. I am so happy that I listened to that thought and that Emily was on board! Below you will get to know Emily and learn some healthy insights from her; she is such a great source of health and happiness knowledge! Enjoy xo
-When did you start practicing yoga and how did you fall in love with it? 
I started practicing in yoga in 2005. I was going to the gym a lot and could never seem to find the results I wanted! I knew I could build muscle but I wanted to be less puffy and more consistently energetic. From my first yoga class, I could feel my muscles working in a different, healthier way and I immediately understood how the practice would help with anxiety.
-We love how you and your husband own the business together! What is it like working with your husband and managing the three yoga studios? 
I think the the key is delegating the small responsibilities. He and I are both so driven that sometimes we step on each other's toes when we work on too many things together. Over the last ten years, we've figured out which little jobs each of us are better suited for, and that gives us more time to brainstorm together on the bigger projects.
-Your passion for yoga, clean eating, and healthy living inspires us so much! What is your biggest piece of advice for people wanting to make a lifestyle change in order to feel better from within?
Stick to it!! Whatever you try, a new eating plan, a new form of exercise, stick with it! Very few people can understand how their body or mind will change with a plan of doing three new yoga classes, three days of a new workout, or eating grain free for three days. The consistency over 30, 40 or even 60 days is huge! Even if you don't stick with something after a long period of time, you're educating yourself about your overall wellness and you've created a foundation for you to return if you wish.
-Tell us about your coaching career! What do you enjoy most about it? 
The success stories, of course! The various plans work so well when they implemented properly and I love seeing the new clothes people buy or the new confidence that is gained.
-What is your go-to breakfast?
My favorite breakfast would be water and flesh of one young coconut mixed with chocolate Shakeology. My go-to would be just Shakeology with water.
-Your two little ones are so adorable. What is your approach with them when it comes to healthy foods? Are they picky or open to trying new things?
Our approach with our kids' diets has always been to find the healthier substitute of what most kids would normally want. If they want potato chips, we give them these and if they want chocolate, we give them these- the less ingredients, the better! My son (4-years old) is so picky. He's never had Oreos or other really junky foods like that, so he's not obsessed with sugar, but he's still picky when it comes to anything cooked. He does love Larabars and hummus, thankfully.Our daughter (2-years old) eats everything! So, she has no processed foods in her diet. She loves beets, almond butter, coconut yogurt, everything!
-It is no secret that you are one hardworking and successful woman! Any tips on balancing it all between family, work, self care, and other responsibilities?
Among the many benefits of a yoga practice, I have gained more awareness. I've become more aware of when I'm feeling stressed, when the kids need more attention, when Philip and I haven't had a date night in a while, etc. Being aware of myself and the folks around me helps me to balance everything MOST of the time. A good glass of wine helps me to balance everything during the tougher times. :)
-The yoga teachers you have hired at APY are truly amazing. What is the yoga community like? How did you meet most of the girls? 
Most of our teachers were students of ours first and showed an interest in teacher trainings at different times throughout their practice. We spend a lot of time helping the teachers with their continuing education and we see this directly helping our students.
-I always feel so, SO good after taking a yoga class with you. What is it about teaching that keeps you inspired and keeps you going?
Teaching yoga could never get boring for me. In any given class of 20 people, 5 are probably overweight, 5 are probably tight from running, 5 probably have difficulty with strength and 5 probably have probably never done yoga before! Each class is different.
The motivation of the students is always the most inspiring aspect of any given class. It's my job to better understand that motivation and create an environment for the student's practices to grow.
-Do you have a positive mantra that you live by? If so, we would love it if you could share! 
I always liked the Seinfeld quote "Your blessing in life is when you find the torture you're comfortable with." We can all go through life and be unhappy about our responsibilities; to our kids, to our friends, to ourselves. But, when we find that balance, or as he puts it "the torture we are comfortable with" it truly is a blessing and happiness is usually a great consequence.
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Stepping Forward In Boldness

It is so amazing how the Lord continuously restores our fears and heals in ways that are unimaginable and unexpected. I experienced that last week when I was interviewing with the lovely Larry King. He challenged me in his wisdom to free myself up, to stop hiding! I took off my prosthetic arm for the first time in the public eye, and it truly was the most liberating experience. For years, I extended my vulnerable side with those I was most comfortable - my husband, my family, and only my friends in Dallas.
My husband has been encouraging me for a few years to confidentially walk in my full self and story, all the while being gracious in knowing that I needed to feel ready. God is so good in how He provided such a unique opportunity to do this while filling me with such peace and readiness in the moment. I am overflowing with gratefulness and empowerment and have been so humbled by all of the support!
Do you feel like you are hiding something in your life that is keeping you from living in full freedom? I encourage you to step forward in boldness, no matter how hard it may seem. You will not regret it, and we are all in this together!
images by Felicia Lasala
top (c/o) | denim | bandana | sunnies (c/o)
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Honesty, Interviews Honesty, Interviews

Indego Africa: Empowering Women


I stumbled across this beautiful brand on social media recently and quickly felt inspired to do a little research about what this organization was all about. I am so moved by the mission and purpose of Indego Africa - it is such a breath of fresh air and so encouraging to see the huge change happening in families, communities, and the confidence and value of these precious women in Rwanda and Ghana. It is just beyond beautiful.  Scroll down if you are ready to be inspired to the core. P.S. Standing ovation to Anthropologie for carrying this brand, too! I love companies that desire contributing to change. How was the idea of Indego Africa born?Indego Africa was founded in 2007 with a simple idea: Empower women artisans in Africa by showcasing their beautiful craft and investing in the power of education. Since our founding, Indego's mission has always been to help artisans lift themselves and their families out of poverty and become empowered businesswomen. The artisan sector is the second largest informal employer in the developing world. Despite its potential, the industry remains untapped as a resource for income generation, job creation, and economic growth in under-resourced communities. Since 2007, Indego Africa has played a critical role in changing this by providing artisans, especially women and young people, with access to markets, vocational training, and education. We believe that women around the globe have the capacity, creativity, and determination to uplift themselves, their families, and their communities—all they need are the opportunities!What is your favorite part of working with the artisans in Rwanda and Ghana?All of it! I love how collaborative the process is. These groups of artisans look to us for market and business opportunities, and we look to them for production and a chance to show the world their exceptional artistry and craftsmanship. Seeing how much dedication to and passion for craft they have is so inspiring to me. It helps shape the vision of our brand in the best possible way. I also love how, as partners, we’ve being able to grow together. I started at Indego Africa 6 years ago, when many of our partners were also just forming their businesses, and looking back, I feel like we were all babies in this journey! We’ve worked through cultural challenges, business related bumps in the road, collaborative successes, (epic) failures and, most importantly, we’ve experienced moments of incredible joy, growth, empowerment and pride – all together as partners. I consider the commitment of these women to our shared mission to be the most essential element to the success of our company. I love, love, love building this brand together, hand in hand with them!How often does your team travel to Africa and what is that experience like?Indego Africa is a global team that truly prides itself on maintaining a collaborative culture. Our design, marketing, fundraising and operations team members are based out of New York City and our wonderful local teams in both Rwanda and Ghana oversee and implement the direct to artisan social impact programs and production logistics. We believe in having a connected and collaborative relationship with the artisans we partner with and try to visit our cooperative sites as often as we can (and have our local teams visit NYC whenever possible)!The artisans we work with share our passion for education, artistry, and the future of their country and it's a common bond that connects us as partners. Our local teams in Rwanda and Ghana are with them, day to day, sitting down with these women and discussing their lives, their goals, and their insights into our work and or partnership. So many of our programs and educational initiatives (which you can learn more about here) were started because of the direct feedback from our partners. We are invested deeply in these communities, and it is so important to us to make sure the opportunities and support we are providing is relevant and helpful in their lives and our local teams are the ones making sure this is happening on a daily basis.On a personal note, I am forever in admiration of these hardworking women and visiting our artisan partners is an inspiring, invigorating and motivating experience. I have learned so much about grace, strength and pure hard work from them, especially when I’ve had the opportunity to see in person the way they carry themselves, to sit down next to them and observe them at work and to talk to them, woman-to-woman, about all the things that make them who they are.Indego Africa items are all so lovely and unique- we would love to hear about the design process in NYC. What is that process like?Thank you! For me, the design process looks different for every product but always has the same creative spin behind it. The first thing it always starts with is the artisan element itself. What can our partners make with the skills and materials they have? What will be a good fit for our brand aesthetically and will it showcase their artistry? Whenever I’m seeking – or seeing – inspiration these are the parameters front and center in my brain. From there, I focus on using color and pattern to tell a story but also showcasing the power of texture through neutrals. I want our products to feel happy, well-made, and to evoke a sort of casual chic design element.  We sell home goods, baby and kids décor and apparel, women’s accessories, art and objects, but we always make sure our product line feels cohesive and comprehensive. What are the designs that would be able to tick all these boxes while also following trends in the markets we serve? The design process can feel sort of like a puzzle sometimes - and that’s before we even start sampling! ☺ Once we have an idea that will work, I communicate with our production teams in Rwanda and Ghana, who then sit down and work with the artisans to see if the piece can come to life the way we want through a traditional sampling process. From there, we review, redesign, and resample. Then within a few weeks, months, or seasons, we have a new product. It is my favorite part of the job to be a part of this global design process!What is the inspiration behind some of your favorite pieces in the collection?Right now I’m really loving our woven hat and bag collection. A few years ago it occurred to me that these artisans, while experts in basket-weaving, had the perfect skill set to make the ever popular “straw” summer bag and hat but just didn’t have the right vision. It took a few months – or maybe closer to a year ☺ - of sampling but when we got the shapes and look right it was easy to think of creative ways to make the traditional woven bag feel on brand and interesting to our customers. This year we added lots of textured raffia pops and fun hand-embroidered bag charms and accents. I love how these pieces at the same time feel both traditional and of the moment and add a handmade and possibly unexpected pop to any outfit (or bathing suit for the beach beauties out there!).Your mission is so beautiful from start to finish, but the part of profits earned going to education programs for the artisans is truly extraordinary. What are some of the education programs that the artisans enroll in?Indego’s education programs include foundational business education and financial management, technology training for the workplace, skills-based vocational education, and advanced leadership and entrepreneurship training. It’s through these programs that women and youth in both Rwanda & Ghana develop the skills they need to grow their own businesses, become entrepreneurs, and create economic growth in their communities. Combined with access to global markets and work opportunities, Indego’s education programs ensure that our partners are not solely dependent on us for their livelihoods, but rather, are actively building the knowledge, tools, and expertise to achieve financial independence and realize their full potential as leaders and change-makers.Recently, we’ve also partnered with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency on a special project providing artisan vocational training to Burundian refugees in the Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda. The goal of this project is to help female refugees improve their livelihoods by building the skills necessary to participate in the artisan economy. We’re excited about this new program and the potential Indego Africa has to help create opportunities for a group of incredibly deserving and hardworking women!Is there anything else you would like to add?We’d love for you to bring a piece of Indego Africa to your lives! Please use code IndegoShop for 25% off your purchase from Indego Africa.Save

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Q&A with lysa terkeurst


q&a with lysa terkeurst | lolo magazine

image via the proverbs31 facebook page

Lysa Terkeurst is the author of quite a few books including The Best Yes, Unglued, and most recently, Uninvited. She is also the founder of Proverbs31, a ministry that seeks to help women find and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Lauren and I are both big fans of Lysa, her books, and Proverbs 31 and are so excited to share with you a Q&A series that we recently did with Lysa. Our questions and her answers are below! xo

-Hi Lysa! We are such big fans of yours and are so excited to be chatting with you today. First question- what was the inspiration behind Uninvited?Thank you for this opportunity! The process with Uninvited was a bit different than my other books. Most of the time when I write a book I’m on the other side of whatever issue I’m tackling. So, when I wrote Uninvited, I thought I was writing from the vantage point of looking back at past rejections to admit they were still affecting me and seeking healing. But God saw what was about to hit me and had me knee deep in studying how to handle rejection with a deep assurance of His unwavering love because He knew I would need this message most of all. I had no idea that the words I wrote in this book last year would be a pure gift from God I desperately needed this year. I didn’t know I would find myself curled up with the rough draft pages of Uninvited thanking God through my tears for the healing balm this message has poured over my soul. Rejection isn’t just a complicated emotion. It’s an utter devastation of what we thought was real and safe and secure. And it affects us all way more than we’d like to admit. We are all either trying to heal from a past rejection, deal with a present rejection, or fear that an unexpected rejection is just around the corner. So this book is about finding the acceptance and love we’ve always longed for and starting to pick up the pieces that we’ve been trying to put back together for years. I chose this topic because I want us to dig in to the core of who we are and expose and finally heal rejection’s deep infection. It’s not a tidy process. But it’s honest. And it’s good.-I am currently reading Uninvited and one of my favorite messages so far is the concept of Living Loved. It’s truly amazing how much better everything is when you come from a place of love, instead of insecurity, rejection, and fear. Do you have any quick tips how to get back to the feeling of Living Loved, if you have found yourself slipping away from that loving, safe place?Satan’s lies flee in the presence of God’s truth. So I think the best thing we can do is saturate our hearts with Scripture when we start to lose sight of God’s love for us. Some of my favorite passages to go to are:Psalm 91 | Zephaniah 3:17 | Colossians 3:12 | Psalm 139:13-16-You seem to have an amazing and tight-knit family! I follow your daughters Hope and Ashley on Instagram and love seeing their pics. Can you tell us about your family and how you guys stay so close, despite different locations and busy schedules?Four out of my five kids live in town which is an amazing blessing. Several years ago, our family started a tradition called Monday Night Dinners where we all gather together at our sticky farm table to share a meal and spend time together. It’s a constant in the midst of everyone’s busy schedules and our favorite day of the week. I think the secret to staying close is intentionality.-We know that you had three family weddings this year- so crazy and incredible! What was that like? Give us a few details :)I never thought or dreamed in a million years that three of my kids would get married in the same year. It was quite a journey filled with lots of planning and late night crafting sessions. Our oldest daughter, Hope, wed in February with an elegant, formal, uptown wedding complete with the unexpected twist of playing corn hole in our formal gowns. Ashley was married in the Alabama countryside in April with market lights, vintage furniture, a pizza and hamburger reception, and her favorite popsicles and donuts! Our son, Jackson, just said “I do” this fall in a lovely garden ceremony in Knoxville, Tennessee. I told each of my kids before their special day, “Embrace the unexpected. Smile at the crazy. Laugh at the unplanned. And relax. If you bring the happy, your day will be beautiful.” But this advice was really for day one of their marriages as well. The happiest couples are the ones who are able to embrace imperfections!-I am a loyal reader of Proverbs31 and follower of the Instagram! I don’t know what I would do without the daily encouragements that you and your team provide on the site and on social media. Can you share with our readers the concept behind Proverbs31?Over 20 years ago, I helped start a place where women could gather and learn God’s perspective on how to do life through the pages of His Word. Proverbs 31 Ministries exists because I desperately needed someone to help me connect life with God’s truth. And I still do. So, every day my team and I gather together to think through life-giving resources like our free devotions, First 5 app, online Bible studies, social media encouragement, and more. We’re so very grateful to be able to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth!-After writing that last question, it occurred to me that you are one busy lady!! Do you have any tips on how to wear several different hats, as many women do?Honestly, I have to say “no” to many things so I can give my “best yes” to the unique things that God has called me to. This doesn’t come naturally to me because I struggle with being a people pleaser! I wrote a book about this called The Best Yes where I share Biblical ways to prioritize in a world full of endless demands.-Your Facebook page is a favorite of mine and I am so thankful for your daily posts, quotes, and words of encouragement. What is your strategy when using Facebook to connect with fans?My deepest desire is to meet women where they are – whether it’s a mom in a carpool line, a wife facing a hard marriage, or a single gal trying to figure out what God has for her. So with that in mind, I weave together encouraging words to whoever might be on the other end of that computer screen or smart phone. It’s an amazing privilege to get to speak life into women around the world.-It’s tough to just pick one, but we would love to know your all-time favorite biblical verse, that you always keep in mind?That really is a tough one! I love God’s Word so much. I don’t think I could pick a favorite. But I do love Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” This brings me so much peace and helps me to remember that a pure heart doesn’t mean a perfect person. If my pure intention is to see God, I will. And while I can’t see the Lord’s physical form, I can see evidence of His activity all around me. This is my hope in the midst of hurt and the great joy of my life despite painful circumstances. The Lord really is the greatest love of my soul!

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