
Fashion, Lifestyle Fashion, Lifestyle

Daily Uniform


What is your daily uniform? I love comfortable denim + an easy, relaxed top. The style of the top depends on the day and my mood, but I often find myself reaching for and rotating between an off the shoulder blouse, a button down, or simple tee. For some, realizing and accepting that you have a daily uniform, a look that you gravitate to regularly, can help simplify shopping, curating a wardrobe, and getting dressed each day. Below are some great options from the current sale at Nordstrom, open to card holders now. xo

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image via felicia lasala 

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Cozy Home Items from the #NSALE


We are so inspired by beautiful interiors and love the simple, cozy, and comfortable aesthetic. Last week we shared five ways to make home a happy place and today we are sharing cozy home items from Nordstrom's Anniversary sale, early access happening now!

SHOP: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine

Shop the collage above + additional favorites below. If you don't have a Nordstrom card, don't fret. The sale will open to all at the end of this week! xo

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Bar Cart Goals


Is it just me, or do you guys have a bar cart obsession too? There is something so put-together, organized, and party-ready about bar carts that make me absolutely love them. If you like having people over, or you just enjoy a cool set-up, a bar cart is definitely something for you. The below items are currently all part of the Nordstrom anniversary sale (early access for now, with your Nordstrom card) and the deals are so good. Plus, talk about bar cart goals! That gold frame + mirrored surface is a dreamy combination, and the style is very timeless, simple, and chic. Links are below to shop, enjoy. xo


bar set | stemless glasses | wine glass | coasters

the bar cart | decanter | copper mug | old fashioned glass

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17 Nordstrom Sale Items That Sell Out Fast


To all of my fellow Nordstrom sale shoppers, I don't know if y'all are experiencing this too, but a few of my wish list items have been out of stock before I ordered. I created a list of the pieces are selling out fast to help us combat this! See the collage below for 17 Nordstrom sale items that sell out fast. Happy Shopping! xo








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Red: The Color of Confidence


Red: the color of confidence. There is something about this magnificent color that brings about so much joy, freedom, energy, creativity, and confidence. Whenever we wear something red, it is as though we can conquer the world! Being ladies that love neutrals (all shades of grey, black, white, cream, ivory, and everything in-between), red is a pretty big statement, but we always feel confidently pleased with the choice when we do decide to rock the color with with confidence.Red + denim has such an Americana vibe about it, red + black is totally cool in an edgy, rock n' roll way, and red + white takes us back to the 50's. We are so inspired by this look on Pinterest, as well as this one, and this one. Bohemian-inspired outfits featuring the color red are so dreamy and always make for the best street style moments; they inspire us to explore new cities or re-explore our own. The boldness that red outfits exude is exciting and refreshing, especially in the summer, a season defined by adventure and sun-filled memories.What color do you love to wear for an extra dose of self-confidence? Let us know in the comments section and shop our favorite red pieces below. XO


maxi set | shoes (c/o) | sunnies (c/o) | clutch (c/o)

images: felicia lasala 


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Five Ways To Make Home A Happy Place


Today we are sharing five ways to make home a happy place. We are big believers in filling our homes with things that we love and creating an atmosphere of love and peace. From fresh blooms to cozy throws and everything in-between, below are five ways to make your home the place that you love to be the most.


There is nothing that brings us more joy than fresh blooms. We love the way it adds color and life to a room in such a pure, natural way.  It is easy to fall into a routine of only shopping for blooms when having guests over, but we encourage the idea of buying blooms just because they make you and your home happy.


Keeping things orderly is key for a happy space. The way to achieve this easily is to not have too much stuff and make sure that everything has a "place". Doing so will prevent clutter and make it easy to put things away. A neat and tidy space makes for a clear and focused mind! Plus it is so much easier to relax and unwind in a room that is free of unnecessary clutter.


Bring on the pillows, rugs, and throws. Having cozy textures and soft things to snuggle up with on the couch or bed is so important. It is so comforting and peaceful to unwind after a long day on a cozy couch with a warm throw. Soft textures definitely create a sense of safety and comfort which are both home-y feelings that everyone desires inside a home.


No home is perfect and that is such a refreshing truth. There is such a beautiful, authentic, and real thing about a home that is clearly lived-in and enjoyed on a day-to-day basis. Yes we are against clutter, but there is a certain element of imperfection that makes a house a home. For example, don't fret if you haven't vacuumed when you should have or if there is some laundry back-up occurring. This is life! Embrace it and let it go :)


When it comes down to it, it is not the things in your home that matter; it is the people and the love inside the home that are most important. The true substance of a home is the love that is found inside and the positive, loving, encouraging, and happy atmosphere that is found within the walls. If you live alone, this is possible as well! Love yourself and show love to others by inviting people over, calling loved ones, and having loving thoughts.  A home filled with love is one that you will look forward to coming home to day after day.

a few home things that we are loving...

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Table for One


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and asked for a table for one? If not, we are here today to encourage you to do so and talk through the initial discomfort that ultimately brings so much confidence, growth, and joy! Last month in NYC, I had lunch for one at the cutest restaurant, Friend of a Farmer, and enjoyed it so much. I walked into the restaurant excited to do something independently, but also a tad apprehensive. It was so worth it though, because I left the restaurant feeling empowered, strong, and happy.  Below are a few tips/thoughts on the dining alone experience that we hope inspire you! -M

Getting over the fear

For many, it is the fear of what people will think that causes us to hesitate from going to a restaurant or cafe alone. However, I have good news! More than likely other diners don't even notice you, and if they do, they are more than likely totally focused on themselves, the people they are with, and the amazing food they are enjoying. In the very slim chance that they do notice you and have a thought about you- it is a positive one, not a bad one! They are probably admiring you for being confident enough to be there by yourself and enjoy it. Also, who knows, you might be inspiring them to dine alone soon, too!

Smile and enjoy yourself

Even if you feel nervous about the whole thing, act confident and soon your confident body language will translate to confident thoughts. Before you know it, you will truly feel confident about dining alone, instead of feeling nervous. As always, don't take yourself too seriously :) Not taking ourselves too seriously frees us to walk life confidently and joyfully, without worry or self-doubt. Smile and enjoy yourself! Having a light, carefree, and joyful demeanor will not only make you feel happy, but it will also give and attract positivity. So keep smiling, order your favorite meal, and enjoy.

Make the time yours

Having time to yourself is something to treasure, so make the most of your time while out alone. Bring a book or tablet if you want, or simply sit, relax, and reflect. Since you are alone, you can certainly be on your iPhone if you wish; text those that you haven't had the time to get back to, answer emails, or scroll through Pinterest for inspiration. The time is yours, so make it what you wish! Being able to take the time to notice details about the restaurant, people watch, and just take in your surroundings is a special experience that is only possible when dining alone.

We hope we have inspired you to go to a restaurant or cafe and ask for a table for one! It is such an opportunity for growth and a great way to get to know yourself even better. If you have additional tips or stories about dining alone, we would love to hear them in the comments section below. xo

images by felicia lasala  

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Meet the Artist: Lindsey Meyer


Jason and I have absolutely loved choosing art for our home - it makes your living space so unique and meaningful. It is such a personal choice that brings joy to the soul + it is extra sweet doing it together. It definitely does not happen over night, but it is extra special when you find the perfect pieces for the right places. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lindsey Meyer last year, and she happens to be a fellow Dallas-ite! She has so much purpose in her creativity, is a precious mama to the most beautiful little ones, and is able to balance her talent with being a present mom and wife. I learned so much from Lindsey by reading the answers to the questions we sent her way - scroll down to read about her beautiful perspective on art, family, and life + see the painting in our home!

When do you first remember knowing that you were in love with art and painting?

I have vivid memories of art being my favorite class as a child. My mom painted an artist’s palette and a paintbrush on a smock for me to wear during class. I loved it! The smell of crayons brings back so many early childhood memories.As an adult, I decided to return to school a year after graduating college to study graphic design. I enrolled in a watercolor class the first semester back and it sparked in me a crazy love for painting. I began painting every minute I had time. I knew then that I was on to something.

What is the creative process like for you?

I am not really a process person. I basically get in my studio, pray that the work that is done that day would be pleasing to God and turn up some really great music. I'll flip through some inspiration I had set aside and pick out a color palette that draws me in in that moment.

What inspires you the most?

I would have to say that fashion and interior design inspire me more than anything. I am a clotheshorse! Chic put together outfits spin my mind into ideas for a  painting and Architectual Digest brings me inspirational overload. Getting lost on a Pinterest rabbit trail does my soul good too!

Before painting, I worked as a buyer for a small clothing boutique, an assistant for an interior designer and designed invitations for a card company. Design is in my bones and each of my work experiences have helped me so much as an artist.

What do you love most about abstract art?

I love the freedom of abstract art. For me, it’s all about color and the movement of a piece mixed with the relationships of space. I like to paint my mood and bring in the thoughts and feelings of the day into my art. Looking back at pieces and remembering what was going on in my life is an amazing way of remembrance.

Your paintings are truly beautiful! Do you have a favorite piece or a favorite project that you have done? If so, why is it your favorite?

Thank you so much. I just recently finished a painting that is my new favorite. It was quick and free and just felt really good. Like a sipping a smooth glass of wine, and I had sand and water on my mind!

The colors that you use are gorgeous. How do you go about determining the color scheme for a painting?

That is the ultimate compliment for me, thank you! There is a quote from Keith Crown that says, “Color is a language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege”. I could not agree more. It’s almost like color is God’s love language to me. I have stacks of inspiration all over my studio that I shuffle through. I’ll pick an idea that begins the painting that day and the direction comes and go from there. There in no real plan or premeditation.

What do you love most about painting? What about it brings you so much joy?

Art is so exciting! I love the feeling of standing back after the day and literally seeing my creations. It is simple but completely gratifying. I am so grateful for a job that is flexible and allows me to be a present mom and wife, but also feeds my soul as a creative. 

It has been such a joy and privilege for me to be able to use my gifts to give back to organizations that I am passionate about. After the adoption of our daughter two years ago, the Lord began laying on my heart the desire to help support and be an advocate for other orphans/adoption here and abroad. It  has taught me so much and given my work an immense purpose. #artforadoption

Do you have a favorite place to create your artwork? If so, where is it and why?

We recently built a studio behind our house where I work. I share it with the paraphernalia that comes with having three children! I am so grateful for my own space to just be. It is my first real studio and I love it.

Who are some of your favorite artists? What do you love about their work?

I recently went to the Dieberkorn/Mattise exhibit at the SFMOMA and it blew my mind. I was literally standing in the presence of sheer brilliance. I love Joan Mitchall, Helen Frankenthaler, Ivon Hitchens, Gabriel Goddard, Charlotte Seifert to name a few. Each of these artists use color with ease and genius. The greats were paving a new way in their time. Gabriel Goddard has a way with landscapes that in my opinion, no one can match. Charlotte Seifert is a friend of mine and is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a professional artist. Every new piece of her work takes my breath away.

What piece of advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming an artist?

If I had any advice to give someone who aspires to be an artist I would tell them to be patient, pay your dues and be true to yourself. It takes time to come to the place of knowing which path you want to take. What medium do you feel at home with? What style of composition do you want to make your own? What genre does your art reflect? All of these questions and others will be answered with hard work, failure and time.

What is your advice on choosing art for your home? What is the importance of it?Choose art that makes you happy and evokes an emotion in your soul. Ask yourself the question, “What would I love to walk into a room and see on my walls every day?" I believe that artwork is the crowning glory of your space. Let it be the component that allows your personality to shine!Check out her artwork here, and follow her on Instagram here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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The Joys Of Summer


What do you think of when you think of summer? We think of lighter schedules, more downtime, longer days, sweet memories, and relaxed vibes. The joys of summer are like no other- simple, fun, and relaxing. Growing up, summer is greatly looked forward to in anticipation as a break from school and basically a season-long vacation.As an adult, summer is different, but we still have that lighthearted-summer-feeling in our hearts. Even though work continues throughout the week, summer nights are a special thing. When people are in summer mode, they are definitely in the mood to hang out more, which makes us think of summer as a season of socializing- how fun!There is nothing like the feeling of summer sunshine on your skin; it is refreshing and warming to the soul! Let's hold on to the childhood memories of fresh squeezed lemonade, running in the sprinkler, and eating chunks of watermelon as we build new summer memories as adults; ones that include late nights with friends, beach escapes, dining al fresco and so much more. xx


sunnies | dress (similar + similar) | lip color | sneaks

images by felicia lasala 



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