
Spiritual Fasting

Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions.[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"]


Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions. Spiritual fasting has always seemed like this incredibly powerful biblical act, and therefore quite intimidating. Part of the intimidation factor could be a fast metabolism and the reality of hanger...it is so real, guys!In all seriousness though, we have been in awe of, talking about, and researching spiritual fasting a lot lately and came across this article. These words really spoke to us about the value of the act of fasting and conveyed freedom in the fact that we can make fasting our own- there really isn't one way right way to do it and the duration and frequency is up to us. The most freeing realization is that it is a building process...start slow and then grow into it. Once we realized this, the intimidation factor went away.Melissa recently fasted a few times by skipping dinner...so she went about 18-22 hours without solid food, but still had water, matcha, tea, and even a cup of bone broth one day. She said that when she would normally be ravenous after work, she had a mug of bone broth or tea instead, then focused on prayer and reading the Bible and a devotional before bed and upon waking up. Getting over the initial hunger was hard, but she stayed focused on Jesus and really enjoyed the experience. Even though it wasn't a full day, she described having a very clear mind during it and after it, plus a sense of being free of worry, extremely trusting and calm, and able to tune out the noise of the world and focus on her relationship with Jesus. As with anything like this, consult a loved one and/or doctor before fasting. We are definitely inspired by spiritual fasting and would love to hear from you in the comments section. Have you tried it? xo


hat (c/o) similar | sunnies (c/o) | tee (c/o) | pants (c/o) similar  | boots (similar + similar)

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"] images by Felicia Lasala 

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Grocery Shopping Gameplan

Everyone in LA (and most likely in any city) knows that the act of grocery shopping alone is quite a task. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3049299"]


Everyone in LA (and most likely in any city) knows that the act of grocery shopping alone is quite a task. First, the planning of the master list. Second, the several stops needed to get everything on the list (Erewhon for Coconult Cult Yogurt and the Farmer's Market for every grass-fed meat and wild fish option on the planet)! Thirdly, going at the right time to miss traffic on the roads and in the stores. Yikes on all accounts. I have talked with Jase for a few years about ways to make this easier because I felt like so many of my days consisted of running to the grocery store, and to preface, swinging by the grocery store in Los Angeles equals a fight for a parking spot and sometimes the only option is valet.In a way to solve this issue, we tried grocery delivery, but I wasn't the biggest fan because a lot of times, not everything was available. We recently came up with a grocery shopping gameplan that we have been celebrating over. Jason only allows me to go to the grocery store one day a week - a hilarious rule that is a lifesaver. I started meal planning, buying enough food when I go to the store (which takes practice), and we go to the farmer's market every Sunday for the meat and the fish.On a more positive note! Grocery shopping is so important to me because I want to feed my body with whole foods that are filled with nutrients + isn't there something so cozy and homey about home-cooked meals? It is one thing I enjoy most! I think I got that from my mama. Postmates or dinners out are always fun, but there is something comforting knowing that a fresh meal can be enjoyed wearing PJs with the fire on and candles lit.Grocery success! I can hardly believe how much time this saves me during the week. That simple change has opened up space for me to focus on work, friendships, and hanging with my husband on the evenings with no plans.I would love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments below!


hat | sunnies | top (c/o) | pants (c/o) | boots (similar + similar)

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3049299"]images by Christy Johnston 

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Travel Talk

With March around the corner, we are having a major travel itch! Do you guys have travel plans coming up? [show_shopthepost_widget id="3043191"]


With March around the corner, we are having a major travel itch! Do you guys have travel plans coming up? Lately, I have been so inspired when traveling to pack simply and pack things that I know are comfortable, versatile, and easy. It sounds obvious, but focusing on this makes a big difference in my overall travel mindset.Traveling is such a sweet experience- a chance to explore a new place, revisit a favorite spot, and connect with whoever you are traveling with. It is so important to me that my mind and heart are in a relaxed, joyful place when traveling so that I get to fully embrace the special time away. When I start the travel process by simply packing tried & true items (favorite denim jacket, easy breezy joggers, comfortable sneaks, forever white tee, and a great hat), I find that it sets a peaceful tone for the whole trip and helps me focus on the journey that I am about to go on, rather that what I am bringing along.What do you guys think? How does your packing strategy affect your travel?


hat (similar + similar) | tee | sunnies | denim jacket (c/o) | pants (c/o) | shoes (similar)

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3043191"]

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10 Things I Love About LA


I moved to Los Angeles a little over three years ago, and although it is very different than Texas, there are so many things I absolutely love about this beautiful city. Keep reading to see my top ten favorite qualities about this beautiful California stop.1. You are always surrounded by beautiful scenery. I sometimes get distracted driving because of the stunning views.2. I love all of the near-by escapes in this state! There are the cutest little beach towns that are so charming and slow-paced. Laguna Beach is our all-time favorite, but we also love Malibu, Santa Barbara, Ojai, Carmel, and Big Sur + we have so many more places to explore!3. Friendships are a beautiful thing in this city. Most residents are from a different state, so you live life so closely alongside people; it is really special and unique.4. I love that there is never an end to exploring this city, and each neighborhood is highly different than the next. Studio City is so different than Echo Park; Beverly Hills is very different from Brentwood, and the list goes on. You truly never get bored here!5. Los Angeles is very ahead in the wellness game. I have always studied health, but being in this city has opened my eyes to so much - it has smoothie shops that use adaptogens, grocery stores with the most pristine tonic bars and the newest of the new everything i.e. bone broth locally made in Venice Beach, coconut probiotic yogurt made locally, and unlimited charcoal-infused juices.6. Spontaneity is extra fun in this city. Jase and I love last minute stay-cations or weekend escapes, and this city makes it extra easy to do. There are endless places to experience - we enjoy everything from driving to Malibu for a beach escape, visiting the most special local market in Echo Park, or visiting the creativity and hustle and bustle of downtown LA.7. There are so many hidden gems here - the facial spa I go to has a special place in my heart. Carasoin is owned by the most lovely couple, and it is an embodiment of a lifelong dream by it’s Founder, Lena Bratschi. It is so special because they personalize your treatment based on your skincare needs that day. While Lena was treating my skin, I asked her how she became passionate about her business. Her answer only made me love her more! She was super close to her granny growing up, who lived in the midst of beautiful gardens in Switzerland, and she would make homemade beauty products straight from plants. #dream8. The church we go to started several years ago in Jason's living room. It started as a bible study with no intention to grow, and now it is an LA church plant. It is so humbling to be a part of, and the impact of the community is extra sweet.9. The opportunities here are endless! I run into the most creative, inspiring, talented people on the daily. It is really amazing to see people with pure ambition pursue their passions whole-heartedly + it is so encouraging to see people walking fully in their skill.10. I love LA because Jason is here ha! It has taken me time to adjust to this city, and he makes it extra easy and do-able to feel like this is home. 

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10 Things I Love About Dallas


It blows my mind when my friends in LA have never been to Dallas, Texas; this sweet southern spot is full of so much charm mixed with city living. Texas is such a gem of a state (all of us locals are a bit biased), and it has the most safe, settling feeling about it. Can I get an amen? After moving to Los Angeles, I appreciate this lovely place more than ever. I miss the gentlemen opening doors, chivalry displayed at its best, predicted traffic, and the genuine smiles you pass on the daily. I was just talking with a local here in California this week about how Southern living is so centered around quality time with people rather than the next task, trip, or adventure. Both are beautiful, but the initial seems to be extra meaningful.Here are my top ten favorite qualities about the Big D.1. The people. There is nothing like the people in Dallas; this city is truly filled with the most genuinely sweet and warm people. I feel like everywhere I go, I run into some one I know - it makes the city feel like a cozy small town in the best of ways. Not to mention, my life long friends are there as well as my family. This is what makes the city the most wonderful place in my opinion!2. I love the little neighborhoods that branch off of the city; there are so many hidden gems such as Bishop Arts District, Trinity Groves, Highland Park, Legacy, Deep Ellum, Uptown, Knox/Henderson, and Preston Hollow. These suburbs each have their own sweet personality and create such special places to call home.3. Everything is so close by! No matter where you are, there seems to be several grocery stores within a five-minute driving span. Every thing is right at your finger tips! Also, a “far” drive in Dallas is on average twenty minutes with no traffic. #adreamcometrue4. Football is life here. For those of you that know me know that I am a huge Cowboys fan, so I love being in the city that represents this amazing football team + the stadium is my heaven. Everyone's schedules are determined around the games, and the watching parties are the most fun excuse to have big get-togethers with all of your loved ones! P.S. I loved growing up tossing the football with my dad and learning how to throw a solid spiral throw from my guy friends.5. My arm prosthetist as well as my eye prosthetist are in Dallas, and they are the best of the best! What a blessing they both have been in my life.6. Travel is extra easy from Dallas since it is in the center of the South.7. The city is so clean. Dallas is so well taken care of; it is one of the things I appreciate most about this city.8. When I land, I feel like I am home. It is so settling, cozy, and comforting. It is very family oriented and every place is filled with the most friendly faces!9. This city is known for its restaurants and shopping. A few favorites: R&D Kitchen, Bird Bakery, Nick and Sams, True Food Kitchen, La Duni, Mi Cocina, Crudo, Sea Breeze, Eight 11, and of course, Northpark Mall + all of the cute villages for shopping.10. I have an obsession with the Tollway. Is that weird? Lol. I know every swist and turn and the traffic patterns + it is just fun to drive. Even though I live in LA, I still thoroughly enjoy reading the Tollway update emails - I can’t help myself ha!11. Oopsies. Can I get a #11? I am so grateful for the Village Church. It was a tool and a community that helped to shape my faith. The staff feels like family, and the impact of their lives, the way they wrapped around my family during hardship, and the heart of the leadership has forever changed my life. 

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

The Year Of Pinterest


We are calling 2018 the year of Pinterest- the year where we will be inspired more than ever by the style, the recipes, the interiors, the words, and the general beauty discovered on Pinterest. Out of all social platforms, it is hands-down the most inspiring, encouraging, and refreshing. In 2017, we were blessed enough to connect with a now dear friend, Lauren Curry. Lauren lives in LA, has a heart for the Lord, loves all things that LSK represents, and has a crazy talent for finding the most lovely pins and curating a page that genuinely reflects the heart and soul of LSK. Below are a few favorite pins from a few favorite boards, but be sure to check out all of our boards, here. Get ready for 2018 too, we are going to do regular inspiration posts featuring current pins and how they are inspiring us. We would love to hear from you in the comments- let us know how Pinterest inspires you and what you would like to see us pin in 2018. xo Lo, Melis, and Lauren. 

sartorial inspo.


pretty tables.

travel goals.

gal pals.


the pins: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6  


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Comfy Clothes To Live In

Who else has been living in comfy clothes lately? The winter season definitely brings upon an urge and desire for coziness, comfort, and relaxation and comfy clothes fit that bill perfectly. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2967563"]


Who else has been living in comfy clothes lately? The winter season definitely brings upon an urge and desire for coziness, comfort, and relaxation and comfy clothes fit that bill perfectly. We rounded up some New Year's Eve outfit ideas last week for the party-goers and dinner dates, but this post is for those that have a movie date at-home planned. From joggers to slouchy sweatshirts and comfortable yet pretty bralettes, scroll down to see a list of comfy clothes to live in. Wear them to ring-in the New Year at home or stock up for nights-in and slow mornings in January and February. Enjoy xo[show_boutique_widget id="675535"]

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Fashion, Lifestyle Fashion, Lifestyle


With Christmas in less than a week, we all know that New Year's Eve is right around the corner. Below are a few things that we are loving for NYE looks, depending on your plans. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2960133"]


With Christmas in less than a week, we all know that New Year's Eve is right around the corner. Below are a few things that we are loving for NYE looks, depending on your plans. We'll be doing a comfy clothes round-up next week if your plans are to stay in with some yummy food and a glass of wine or two :) Today's round-up though is for the ladies who have a fancy soiree to attend. We are loving a variety of metallics, different textures, and of course anything black- the epitome and classic and chic. A gorgeous shade of yellow-gold also has our hearts this year and looks so elegant when paired with black. Let us know what you are planning to wear in the comments and feel free to share any links to things that you are loving. xo[show_shopthepost_widget id="2960133"] 


sunnies | tank (c/o) | denim (c/o) | belt| coat (c/o)

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Dressed-Up In December

There is something about getting dressed-up in December that just feels right. Of course there are days though that wearing jeans, oversized sweaters, and boots totally feels right, too! [show_shopthepost_widget id="2953968"]


There is something about getting dressed-up in December that just feels right. Of course there are days though that wearing jeans, oversized sweaters, and boots totally feels right, too! I love this look because to me it is dressed-up in a practical, casual way. It can totally go from lunch with the girls to a holiday get-together that night. Also, as you guys know, this hat (sold out at Free People, but similar here) and this bag (read more about my love for Cuyana, here) have been on-repeat for me lately. It is fair to say that they are my go-to accessories this season and complete almost any look, dressed-up or dressed-down. Those are the best kind of accessories- versatile, minimal, and tres chic. Scroll down for the rest of the outfit links, xo.


hat (similar) | top (similar) | skirt| bag (c/o) | boots  (c/o)

[show_shopthepost_widget id="2953968"]images by felicia lasala 

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