
A Mother's Beauty

My mom has been one of the most consistent examples in my life. I love that there is a day dedicated to celebrate her sweet sacrifices for being the most present mom, her deeply consistent love, and her nurturing spirit. She is a woman that not only represents class and femininity, but carries a passion to impart the importance of understanding who we are as women. It is such a beautiful quality that I will always hold near to me.
Growing up, I watched my mom so closely, and was enamored by her foundational beauty. Her character and her deep-hearted love for people radiate so much intention and joy. I also am amazed by her organically stunning physical appearance - she exudes peace and joy and seeks wellness is all things! Not to mention, she truly is a warrior. What she has so gracefully endured throughout her life has been enlightening to watch, and what I love about her most is that she is always growing in awareness of herself. She is willing to share her story. She is willing to engage in her own faults and shortcomings. She is willing to help others by sharing her mistakes. She is willing to grow and change and shift. What a blessing she is.
My mom was right when she taught us to dress in a way that reflects our self-value. She was right when she showed me the importance of following our passions without fear. She was right when she taught me how to create boundaries by teaching me that saying no is okay! She was right about journaling our prayers, thoughts, and disappointments. She was right about seeking wisdom from truth - the Bible and Jesus. She was right about finding time to rest. She was right about cooking with food that feeds our body with health. She was right about staying active! She was right about living in freedom. She was right about giving endless hugs! I love my mom so much, and I love that there is a day to recognize and celebrate her impact on my life! It was an extra joy getting to do this fun photo shoot together in the Eileen Fisher Spring Collection, too!
images by felicia lasala 
click here to shop my look | click here to shop my mom's look
*thank you to the Eileen Fisher brand for sponsoring this post and including us in their mother's day campaign
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Showing the Love


Moms are the best, aren't they? There is truly nothing quite like the relationship between a mother and daughter; it is a bond that is so special and grows and develops over time with memories, happy times, arguments, experiences, phone calls, and so much more. This Mother's Day we are loving the idea of showing the love to mom through thoughtful gestures and experiences. Below are our ideas! We would love to hear from you in the comments section about what you are doing for your mom for Mother's Day.

*Cook the family dinner- plan to cook your mom (plus additional loved ones) her favorite meal. The act of preparing a meal that she loves will mean so much to her and having her loved ones gathered around the table will be a joyful experience for all.

*Plan a weekend getaway or staycation with her- this doesn't have to be extravagant at all, it can be as simple as just planning on staying the weekend at her house and doing things that the two of you love- going on walks, going out for coffee, making breakfast together, getting your nails done, staying in and watching a movie, or anything else. Or, if there is a town nearby that would be fun to visit, book a hotel room for the night and enjoy a girls getaway with her.

*Book her an appointment at her favorite spa- surprising her with this is such a thoughtful gesture. Not only will she love the time at the spa, but to know that you are treating her will mean so much!

*Write her a letter, include printed pictures of the two of you- for some reason, this idea makes me tear up! In the time of all things online, a handwritten letter expressing your love + printed pictures of memories shared together is truly a special gift.


sunnies | top | denim | jacket (similar here, here, and here) | shoes (c/o)

images by felicia lasala 

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You Be You


You be you. This is so much easier said that done, isn't it? But, why? I have really been digging into this ever since I moved to Los Angeles, as I initially felt surrounded by people that just didn't "get me" - they didn't know me growing up, they didn't know my twin, they didn't know my parents, or what healing was like after the accident like my best friends did at "home," and the list continues on.This is such a real feeling but a binding excuse to keep falling back on. After countless conversations with my sweet husband, I realized I was trying to take the easy way out. I would avoid the effort rather than the pursuit; I was seeking easy comfort (AKA watching Friends cuddled on the sofa at home), which in turn, developed into loneliness. I was exhausted from the daily adjustment to a brand new city and often depleted of energy to put in the effort of being vulnerable with new friends. Not to mention, the root of the problem was fear of man coupled with the desire to be accepted as I walked into a community of Jason's friends who felt like family to him, but not to me yet. This all seemed so intimidating at the time, but Jason encouraged me to just be me. Simple clarity: that is what everyone desires. For you to be you.What I came to discern is that I was making this so complicated. It really is quite simple. How do you act around your best friend or your closest family member? You can be free and honest and thoughtless (in the beautiful sense of the word). I still have to remind myself to be this way sooner rather than later with new friends. What are your fears of being fully who you are? What holds you back?Tips to be you:

  1. Keep it simple. Take it at your own pace. Have grace on yourself for not doing it perfectly. New friends are not being your harshest critic.
  2. Go outside of your comfort zone. You will be so glad you did!
  3. When you are overwhelmed, remind yourself of why you are grateful. This mind set has changed my life and depletes so much negativity!
  4. Don't doubt yourself. It is so easy to get in your head, questioning if people like you.
  5. Admit your fears and aim to conquer them.

I have to share with you this brilliant Ted Talk where Renee Brown discusses the power of vulnerability. #gamechanger


jacket (and here) | top | denim | sunnies | boots (similar)

images by felicia lasala 

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Long Distance Love


I have come to notice that I am often caught up in the excitement of the reason for a life change and forget to stop and ponder the adjustment that lies ahead. To explain: almost three years ago, I packed up a u-haul and moved permanently to the beautiful and bustling city of Los Angeles. After a year and a half of long distance dating, I was over-the-moon about being in the same city as my fiance, and I could not wait to marry my best friend. The wedding planning was in full force, we were looking for a house, I was trying to make my short-term apartment cozy, and the city was so new - where do I get my favorite almond milk latte? Pilates? Yoga? Friends? So much adrenaline and anticipation filled my body, that the thought of leaving the comfort of home did not fully enter my brain. Reality started kicking in slowly but surely, and Jason was the sweetest comfort and helper in making this adjustment do-able!It is so interesting how adjustment truly takes time. After three years, I feel like my family and I are all finally getting into such a good and manageable routine of visiting each other and intentionally carving out quality time together. There is always the effort of keeping life at a healthy balance - we all have jobs and husbands and travel and friends and on and on the list goes. It has taken a lot of learning and missing (aka homesickness), and trial and error to get this rhythm in tact.What has helped the most in this long distance scenario is being aware of what truly fills up my soul: long walks with my mom, bike rides with my dad, long conversations around the kitchen table, my parent's health-filled home cooked meals, sweet time with my twin, holding precious baby Kate, Pilates with my bestie, coffee with my friends. I have to create trips that are not filled with appointments and work events. I have to plan trips where my time is open and my family is first priority. I now leave feeling so renewed and full of life, filled with fresh ambition to return home and continue adjusting to a new state.Another key that has brought so much freedom: accepting life as it is and walking confidentially in the path the Lord has put in front of me (thank you to my dad for this nugget of wisdom and truth!). For so long, I was daydreaming about moving back to Dallas with Jason, and it limited me from flourishing in this new city. Live in freedom. Be grateful. Accept new shifts and seasons, and live fruitfully in the change.Are you going through any big life changes? How are you learning to adjust? We would love to hear from you in the comment sections! xo 


top | sunnies (c/o) | pants | shoes (c/o) | scarf (c/o) similar option

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Learning To Forgive


After many minimal circumstances on the daily and bigger life altering occurrences that I have encountered in life,  I have come to realize that forgiveness and freedom walk hand in hand. Strangely enough, the easy way out is to hold on tightly to the hurt and pain cause by someone close to us, or to focus on how that road rager on the way to work ruined our mood. It is so easy to live in a state of annoyance and play the blame game, when in reality, we can choose to forgive, rise above hostility, and live in gratefulness. Why is the positive solution the harder solution? It seems backwards that existing in negativity requires less effort than flourishing in a life of freedom. Why is this?I truly believe forgiveness derives from self-awareness. It stems from a humble spirit and a desire to step back and understand the full story. It requires the acceptance that we are all human, that we all share differing values and opinions that are neither right nor wrong, that we each have triggers from the past that ignite our present reactions. If we walk in surety of who we are, the temptation to walk in broken friendships and negativity disperses quickly. A new desire for fullness and life-giving relationships becomes the goal, and the effort to create that becomes a joyful practice. But digging into the heart of who we are is intimidating and one of the things that so many of us avoid, but if you step through the immediate discomfort, there is so much abundant life on the other side. It's ironic that forgiveness stems from us making a change, rather than someone else making a change.Are you holding a grudge against someone? What is keeping you from confronting the issue? I must mention that I want to run away from difficult conversations. I often assume the worst - that I will not communicate clearly, that I will lose a friend, that I will hurt my husband's feelings. Assumption often causes pain before it is even present. What I always come back to before I need to have a tough talk is that it is a loving gesture. If my intention is for fullness in relationships, hard honesty is key. It ultimately breaks down walls and ignites living genuine lives alongside each other. What is better than that? Vulnerable, but better. Also, remember that if you lovingly discuss a problem, and the reaction is friendship-threatening, know that their response is their own issue, and you have done all that you can. xoxo

This series is in collaboration with some stellar ladies.  Be sure and check out their posts on Self Care too: Kat Harris, Tutti del Monte, Danielle Bennett, Kate Labat, Joanne Encarnacion, Nikia Phoenix, and Chelsey Korus.


dress c/o (and here) | sunnies c/o | shoes

images by felicia lasala


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Making Time For The Girls


Making time for the girls in our life is so important, but sometimes finding the time is hard. It's a reality that most of us face due to busy schedules. Things like work, precious family time, and other obligations such as that yoga class, the errands you need to run, or the honest desire to be a homebody are all real reasons to pass on plans. However, we know that we always feel so good after an evening with our best girlfriend. There is a fine balance between making plans and passing on plans and below are some tips to navigate through the planning. Lo's outfit details are at the bottom! xo

*Listen to your body - sometimes we go through seasons that are quite exhausting. Be aware of these seasons, and don't make as many plans during this time when your body needs rest. This will allow yourself a week or two to "recharge" and be your best self when you feel up to plans.

*Choose wisely - this might sound harsh, but it's really out of love. As we mature, we realize the girlfriends that are truly meant for us. These are the ones that we connect with on a deep, personal, and authentic level. Make time for these girls and really dedicate your time to nourishing these friendships.

*Stick to it - do your best to stick to plans once you have them. Take time to think through the planning and make sure you are committing to something that works before you say yes.

*Quality time - quality time is more important than length of time. An hour coffee date with your bestie on a Saturday morning can be the sweetest, even though it's short. Don't feel pressured to carve out hours on a weekend for girlfriend time if realistically it doesn't work.

*Be honest - following up on the above point, be honest and upfront with your girlfriend before making plans. Talk it out with her so you both know how much time the two of you have to hang out.

*Show the love - one of the sweetest things you can do after spending time with a girlfriend is to follow up with her. Send a text to just say thank you and express how good that hangout time was for your soul- it will mean so much to her!


dress | sunnies (c/o) | bag | boots (and here)

images by felicia lasala

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Relationship Talk


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Today we are talking love- with Valentine's Day next week, it's on the mind :) As you know, Lo is married to her best friend, Jason, and we thought it would be fun for her to dish on their married life! Keep reading for more! xoMARRIED LIFE WITH LO //Jason and I have been married for a little over two years, and I must say first that being a wife is the best gift I have ever received. My abs have improved due to my consistent belly laughs, my character has strengthened from being lovingly challenged, my walls have slowly been knocked down due to feeling safe to communicate the good, the embarrassing, and the hard. I moved to an apartment in California six months before we got married, and have lived here over two years now. I must admit, marriage is such a learning process. It took us time to truly get each other on the most internal level and create a rhythm as a couple (and we are still learning and adjusting!).  It took productive fights and misunderstandings and vulnerability to get there, but man is it worth it. I know we still have so much learning ahead of us, but it has been the most enriching journey to experience thus far. Not to mention, these two years have created such a solid foundation. Our priority is creating intentional time together to talk deeply, to not talk deeply, to crush, to flirt, to be adventurous and random, to lay in bed all day. We were both saying last night that we have never enjoyed spending time together as much as we do now! Jason is truly my best friend and my favorite travel partner, and life is so much better with him + living with a boy is so much greater than I ever imagined! I am thankful for how he leads our family spiritually, supports my passions, loves me fully despite my quirks, communicates with his whole heart, listens, takes care of me emotionally, intentionally develops community, and makes me feel like a priority! I am often overwhelmed with gratefulness that the Lord chose me to be his wife.


denim jacket | shirt | the jeans | sunnies

*images by felicia lasala

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Valentine's Day Wishlist


We are big fans of Valentine's Day. It's such a sweet, love-filled day and we can't help to get giddy over it. Below is our Valentine's Day Wishlist- it includes a few girly items that we would love to receive + they make great gifts for your bestie, sister, or mom. Links are below to shop and feel free to send this link over to your guy...:) Ideas can be so helpful! XO

stranded dry shampoo powder

french girl lip polish

heart socks

voluspa candle

cream blush

kosas lipstick

love themed undies

slip silk sleep mask

+ the denim jacket featured in the main image :) XO

*featured image by felicia lasala

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the wine country.


To preface this post, Jase and I are not big "wine" people (enter laugh emojis). We like it on occasion, and my dad has taught me a lot about it, but we still have not developed a big desire to enjoy it often. Enter the wine country + I am going to tell you what won us over.c699d4ec-b2ab-4a3c-bc64-9e1800329656Living in the beautiful state of California has so many benefits, one being the stunning destinations within hours of our backyard. We have heard the most lovely reviews of Napa Valley and the charming little towns surrounding it, so we decided that we would escape for a week early celebration of J's birthday and our two year anniversary. December is always so full of the most wonderful festivities!img_9023Jase and I flew into San Francisco and had the most beautiful drive to the wine country. Side note: our trip started out on an extra good note because I noticed an R&D Kitchen when we were starving and nearing our hotel. It is one of my favorite restaurants in all the land. After a fun dinner, we drove into our home for the next few days - the magical Auberge du Soleil. They totally spoiled us with a room upgrade for the special occasion, and we slept like babies in the coziest bed. P.S. Their bathtub was a dream, and the bathroom floors were heated. Those little details made the weekend extra special and relaxing.img_9068On the first day, we had the yummiest breakfast at the hotel overlooking the valley. Then we adventured to Del Dotto winery first. We had a dry-humored tour guide who made the excursion and wine tastings extra fun and informative. It was such an experience to try the wine from aged barrels that were stationed in a cave. We then went to Cakebread. The sweetest man took us on such a lovely tour; it was extra special, and their wine is delicious. What I love most about the wine country is the stories behind the wineries and the families that started these farms so long ago. We ate at Press that night, and it was such a sweet time together, and it was the coziest atmosphere accompanied by the most delicious food.img_9003img_9056Day two was our most favorite. We went to Nickel & Nickel and had the time of our lives. Our tour guide, Walt, was so passionate about wine and grapes and people + he was an absolute blast. We were with a group of Georgian dads who go every year and knew Walt well, so it was such a bonus! I was so thankful for our time there. We laughed our hearts out and cancelled our next winery because spa time at Auberge sounded just perfect. After a restful afternoon, we indulged in the most wonderful Italian food at Bottega. We couldn't recommend it more.img_9135Day three was our final day, and we loved the outdoor infinity pools and steam rooms too much to part. We each had the most incredible massages, packed up, and explored the darling town of Yountville. Also, I must say the wine country has extra delight in the holiday season. Beautiful wreaths, fully lit trees, and the comforting smell of garland only added to the stunning scenery of these farm towns. We had so much fun making this trip our own, and we are already excited to go back soon!Save

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