lifestyle// nursery deep dive


A FEW WEEKS AGO we did a post on a preview of the nursery. because of shipping delays with so many of the items the nursery wasn’t really done until just before my due date. so rather than waiting to share, i thought it would be fun to give a little sneak peek.

now that the nursery is completed, so many of you have been asking about what items i’ve included! i thought it would be good to RESHARE THE PIECES from our preview post, and add a few new items too.

here is the full list of items we have in the nursery, from furniture to art, window treatments, and more!


i used these storage baskets for blankets and stuffed animals

these bins for storage inside of drawers

i used these bins for the closet

these little labels for organizing the bins

we placed the lamp on this pedestal

these curtains as window treatments

i love this neutral lamp

this rug is non-toxic and sustainably made

which we layered with this rug that is also non-toxic and sustainably made to make it extra cozy

we went with a fun shape for the nursery with this mirror

took a second to find the right size for the space, but we went with this dresser

the cutest crib which is non-toxic

this is the crib mattress we chose! completely non-toxic and from amazon

love this swivel chair as a seating option for the nursery

thought it would be nice to have a side table next to the chair for necessary items

i love art, i started with this pear art piece first

some other pieces i liked were this one, this one, and this one

i love this rocker, also non-toxic

and this precious bassinet, also non-toxic


thoughts// the birth story


lifestyle// postpartum denim