lifestyle// postpartum denim


IF THERE IS ONE THING i’ve been looking forward to about postpartum, it’s my jeans. i can’t wait to be able to wear my favorite demin again. jeans and white tee were my go-to pre-pregnancy, and while i’ve been loving having a bump, unfortunately i’ve had to retire my outfit staple.

as i’ve gotten closer to my due date, i’ve been eyeing a few pairs of jeans that i’m looking forward to wearing postpartum. i thought i’d share with you just a few of the pairs that i currently own or have been looking at!


these remind me of a classic mom jean with a fun twist

this pair was my staple jean before pregnancy and i’m much looking forward to being able to wear them again!

this pair feels like a fun fit for spring and summer around the corner

these are a classic cut and wash to me, i love a distressed full-length denim

i love a good dad jean, these are classic levi’s

i have these now for “maternity jeans” and i will definitely repurpose them for a baggier postpartum fit

for a dressier fit, i can’t wait to try these

a different take on my favorite pair of denim, these are also on sale!


lifestyle// nursery deep dive


lifestyle// organizing the nursery