
Beauty Beauty

hair shots | my secret weapon

If you've been following me for longer than a few weeks now, you've probably gathered that working out and staying active is a big part of my life. I try and work out 5-6 days a week and I love it. The only problem with this though, is showering. I know it's not good for your hair to wash it everyday, but I'm not one of those girls who "glistens" when they work out. It's a full-on, nasty, sweat.Processed with VSCOcam with s2 presetBecause of this hair-washing dilemma, I was SO happy when I discovered Hair Shots. It's an on-the-go hair fragrance that comes in tons of amazing scents. (My favorite is either coconut mango or strawberry!)Strawberry-300x390 Coconut-Mango-300x390These bottles are only $11.99 and so easy to just throw in your purse or gym bag. I rarely have time to come home after a work out, shower, fix my hair, and then head out for the day. So, I carry one of these little bottles around in my purse, spray it in my hair after I work out, and go straight to a lunch meeting or errand-running!I also use Hair Shots after I get out of the shower, either before or after I blow dry my hair. I am all about really expensive shampoos that are good for your hair, but those aren't always the best-smelling ones. Hair Shots makes your hair smell amazing, but without being too overpowering or conflicting with your perfume! It's also heat activated, so it will smell even better once you  hit the gym or start working up that sweat.Just wanted to share this new discovery with you in hopes that you love it as much as I do! :) You can check out their website here and follow them on instagram here

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General General

six02: my one-stop shop


Confession: I've developed a slight addiction to the six:02 website. I've always loved buying working out clothes and truly feel like you can never have enough. However, until discovering six02.com, I've never been an online shopper for fitness apparel.

fitness-apparel womens-fitness-apparel nike-womens-apparel womens-fitness-apparel nike-womens-apparelTank | Headband | Sports Bra | Tights | Tennies

Six:02 in general, but specifically their website, truly is my one stop shop for all things fitness. Their website is super easy to navigate - whether you're looking for running shoes, a sports bra, or a new tank. You can shop by "activity" (ie: running, yoga, dance...), you can shop by brand (I, obviously, am partial to Nike). They also have a "get fit guide" if you're not sure what you need or how to shop for it!If you're needing some extra motivation right now to work out, start with getting one or two work out outfits from six02 that you look & feel great in - I promise it helps!

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Honesty Honesty

Running Mojo


I have a theory that every runner has their "mojo". Certain things they must (or must not do) before a run, in order to ensure a successful run. ie: "don't eat this, must eat this, must sleep __hrs the night before, have to listen to ___ playlist ", etc.I have a  few random "mojo" items like this. For instance, I have to be chewing gum when I run. I don't know why, but otherwise I think my run will be a complete fail. I also always have to be using Apple headphones. Only Apple. I realize there are better headphones out there...but this is my mojo.Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetSo those might be random, but today I want to share 5 things with you that I think are essential to every workout routine, that have truly transformed my workouts!

  1. Shoes. As a runner, if you don't have the right shoes, you are greatly increasing your chance for injury. Shin splints, bad knees, sore feet, etc. Having the right shoe is an absolute must. I personally swear by Newton's - they are lightweight, amazing quality, and teach you to run more on the front of your foot (your "toe box) than the back. (The ones I linked too are 25% off with free shipping!). Newtons aren't for everyone though - if you are a pronator or supinator you will need something with more support. For a more stability type shoe, I would recommend Asics or Brooks
  2. Protein. When it comes to eating before a workout, I know everyone is different. I must have half a banana and 1 T of almond butter before every run though. The potassium in the banana and protein in the peanut butter is just the right amount of fuel to keep me going. I also always have either eggs or a protein shake within 30 mins after my run!
  3. Cuteness. There might not be science behind this, but I personally think you are way more motivated to workout if you have workout clothes you feel cute in! My current favorite brands for running or working out: Athleta (get 20% off today with code "DRESS20"!), Zella, Nike
  4. Fitness watch / steps tracker. I'll be honest - I was hesitant to jump on this bandwagon. I kept thinking "why does it matter how many steps I get in a day??" I have learned to LOVE my Fitbit though. It totally motivates me to workout so I can make sure I get all my steps in! If you don't have one already, I highly recommend it.
  5. Advocare. If there was one thing I absolutely could not live without on those long run days, or the days when working out is the last thing I want to do..it would be my Spark drink by Advocare. In case you're not familiar with Advocare, it's a company that provides innovative nutritional, weight-management, sports performance and skincare products. They have everything from meal replacement shakes, to multi-vitamins, to sports performance products.

When I look at websites like this, I get overwhelmed because there are so many options (based on what your needs are). I personally just take Advocare to improve my workouts, so for that, I would recommend:

1) Spark - it's a sugar-free drink (powder that you put in water) with more than 20 vitamins, minerals and nutrients that work synergistically to provide a healthy, balanced and effective source of energy that won't overburden or over stimulate your body. It serves as an all-in-one solution that gives you a quick boost of energy that lasts for hours. I can tell a HUGE difference in my run when I drink spark beforehand, vs the runs where I don't!

2) Meal Replacement shake - okay, these are actually delicious (my favorite flavor is of course chocolate!). I almost always run in the mornings before starting the day and typically don't have time to make a big breakfast after. So, on those days, these meal replacement shakes are my life saver. This yummy drink has 24 grams of protein and only 210 calories!

3) Rehydrate - also a drink (powder that you put in water) that helps you stay hydrated during physical activity. Unlike other sports drinks, Rehydrate includes antioxidants, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and other nutrients that effectively promote optimal hydration and recovery. Rehydrate Drink has a 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium, two of the most vital electrolytes that are lost when we sweat.

Okay, lots of info. Do you feel inspired to go sweat now?! If you have any questions about workout tips or Advocare products, you can always email me!Shop some cute workout stuff here:[show_shopthepost_widget id="594036"]

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Fashion, Honesty Fashion, Honesty

fashion meets fitness


2015 is now here and moving faster than I can believe! January is a time when gyms are full of people who have made & are sticking with their New Years Resolutions. I just wanted to share a few tips (and outfits!) to help you stay fit in the new year!

  1. Make reasonable goals for yourself. You're way more likely to continue to work out, stay active, if you have something you're working towards. But, if you've never run more than a mile, maybe don't make it your goal to run a marathon by march. Try signing up for a 5K or a 10K to keep you motivated and on track!
  2. Get into a routine. Figure out what time of day is best for you to work out and stick with that. I've heard it takes 21 days to form a habit. So, set your schedule (ie: every Monday, Wednesday Friday from 6:30-7:30am), and stick with that for 3 weeks straight! After that, it should be as easy as breathing...right?
  3. Make it fun! Working out and being active is way more fun when you can do it with a running buddy, or go to a class that you really enjoy. I also love my fitbit because it helps me stay active even when I'm not "working out". Working out is also way more fun when you can look cute while doing it...

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Down Vest: Patagonia | Grey hooded shirt: Gap | Tennies: Nike Frees | Space Dye Leggings: Zella
Which brings me to my next point! Let's all look our best and feel our best when we work out. Here are some of my favorite work out pieces that are not just great for running or yoga classes, but you can actually wear when running errands or grabbing lunch. I wear my Zella leggings...probably way too much.First, start with a good pair of tights. All of these are great for running, yoga, or just everyday wear. I love all the bright colors + fun patterns[show_shopthepost_widget id="515148"]Next, cold weather gear. It's so easy to make excuses in these cold months to not go work out. Layer up in some of these great jackets and then you'll have no excuse, right?[show_shopthepost_widget id="515152"]Lastly, you will get nowhere with your work out regime if you don't have a good pair of shoes! I just started running in these Nikes and have had a great experience so far! I also really like Mizunos. Running shoes aren't cheap, but they are worth the investment if you want to stay away from injury.[show_shopthepost_widget id="515156"]Make sure to check out my pinterest board for more great activewear + fitness tips!

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Fitness, Honesty Fitness, Honesty

Why I run


Nothing defines a "love/hate relationship" like running does, for me. There are days when the thought of going for a run literally makes me want to cry, and there are days when a good run makes me feel like I can conquer the world. So, what makes me keep consistently running when there are days that I absolutely hate it?FullSizeRender-5I recently signed up for my first half marathon (The Dallas Marathon - December 14th), so I've been in training for a few weeks now. Today I did a 9 mile run, which is the farthest I've run in years now. Up until mile 8, it really wasn't that bad, but I was definitely dying between 8 and 9. Once I made it to mile 9 though, I got that "runners high" and suddenly it became clear to me why I love running, and in general, why I run.FullSizeRender-6I have been told on more than one occasion that I'm very "wound up". Like most girls, my mind tends to race and race about anything and everything. I discovered today that running "unwinds me". Especially on these long runs, I go through my list of things that my mind races about, and bring each one of those things specifically to the Lord - my family, work, insecurities, fears, friends, etc. It's a time specifically set aside that I have with just me, the pavement, and the Lord. And I unwind."Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7FullSizeRender-4 copyAlso like most girls, I struggle with insecurities about my body fairly often and consistently find flaws or things I wish were different. When I run though, I'm thankful for my body. Thankful that it is strong, it is carrying me, it is healthy. Running reminds me that the Lord has blessed me with a healthy body and I need to praise Him for that...not constantly complain about its shortcomings."I praise you, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made." - Psalm 139:14So, maybe you're one of those people that running makes you want to cry. But, let me challenge you to lace up your tennis shoes, and try it. Maybe it's just a mile the first time, or running for 5 minutes. But finding time to take care of our bodies, be outside in this beautiful Fall weather, and connect with our Maker truly enriches life tremendously. And I hope each one of you find that enrichment whether it be in running, or something that is equally inspiring and freeing to you.

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Honesty, Recipes Honesty, Recipes



For our 5 Friday Faves this week, we've picked our top 5 fitness items! Working out and running is such a huge part of both mine and Lo's lives, so we wanted to share the items with ya'll that make working out so much more enjoyable for us![show_ms_widget id="7774416" image_id="8055704" width="819" height="609"]1. Favorite sports bra:

This all depends on your activity. If it's for a highly active/intense workout, I love to have a lot of support, which is why the Under Armor Eclipse sports bra is my fave. If its for light activity (walking, yoga, etc.) you can't go wrong with a good Target sports bra. So comfortable and easy to wear all the time (but, try and resist!). I have this in probably 4 different colors...

2. Favorite running shoe:

For everyday running, the Nike LunarEclipse takes the cake. What I love about Nike is that they manage to make an amazing product, but keep style in mind at the same time! I love this turquoise LunarEclipse.

3. Favorite workout companion:

Fitbit flex. I had been wanting a steps tracking device for a while and did my research on the different brands. I was won over by the amazing reviews for the fitbit flex and all of it's capabilities. And, let's be honest, it was the cutest one. It tracks my steps throughout the day, mileage from my runs, and my sleep at night. My husband bought it for me a few months ago and it has not left my wrist since!

4. Favorite running sock:

Crazy to think that such a small item makes such a massive difference in running; but it does! I love these tab back socks because they keep your feet from blistering, the sock doesn't slip down into your shoe, and provides the support your foot needs.

5. Favorite pre-work out snack: banana and almond butter - every time! My favorite almond butter is from Trader Joe's.

Shop our favorite fitness products here!:

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