
The Joys Of Summer


What do you think of when you think of summer? We think of lighter schedules, more downtime, longer days, sweet memories, and relaxed vibes. The joys of summer are like no other- simple, fun, and relaxing. Growing up, summer is greatly looked forward to in anticipation as a break from school and basically a season-long vacation.As an adult, summer is different, but we still have that lighthearted-summer-feeling in our hearts. Even though work continues throughout the week, summer nights are a special thing. When people are in summer mode, they are definitely in the mood to hang out more, which makes us think of summer as a season of socializing- how fun!There is nothing like the feeling of summer sunshine on your skin; it is refreshing and warming to the soul! Let's hold on to the childhood memories of fresh squeezed lemonade, running in the sprinkler, and eating chunks of watermelon as we build new summer memories as adults; ones that include late nights with friends, beach escapes, dining al fresco and so much more. xx


sunnies | dress (similar + similar) | lip color | sneaks

images by felicia lasala 



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Beautiful Skin with True Botanicals


Finding skincare products that are made with organic, safe ingredients is something that we are so passionate about at LSK. We love taking the time to build a skincare routine that we look forward to each morning and night; one that is simple, enjoyable, and nourishing. True Botanicals was so kind to send us products to test and we are so grateful for the opportunity! Achieving beautiful skin with True Botanicals is more than possible, but better than that, your skin will be healthy, pure, and well-nourished from deep within. Their mission is to create a line of luxury skincare products crafted with a high quantity of high quality ingredients; completely free of ingredients that are harmful to our health. We are so inspired by the founders of True Botanicals and their passionate commitment to creating products made of botanicals that help heal. We are blown away by the products that we tested and cannot wait to share the details- see below!Hydrating Cleanser: A refreshing cleanser that is effective in removing dirt and leaving your skin feeling cleansed, refreshed, and hydrated.Resurfacing Mask: Intended to be used once or twice a week in the evening; deeply exfoliating and encouraging of luminosity of the skin.Pure Radiance Oil: For use during the day or at night before bed; during the day it can be used pre-sunscreen to help sunscreen apply flawlessly. Pre bedtime, it will help encourage a healthy glow that develops over time.Nutrient Mist: A refreshing spritz for a daily-pick-me-up for your face. Made with nutrients and anti-oxidants that leave your face feeling hydrated and healthy.Pre Cleanse Oil: Created to be used before your cleanser, the pre cleanse oil removes gunk from your pores and prepares the skin for cleansing, promoting beautiful dewy skin.



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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

Standing With Confidence: Part 2


We started the confidence chat last week and today we are continuing the conversation with standing with confidence, part 2! In part 1, I discussed inner confidence and how it is connected to how you feel physically. Spiritual confidence is another facet of confidence that is so key in how we feel about ourselves emotionally, mentally, and personally. I have recently been really drawn to Psalm 40: 1-3 and want to share it with you today-

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me

and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,

out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground

and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing,

a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see what he has done and be amazed.

They will put their trust in the Lord. (NLT)

Every time I read this, I become overwhelmed in the most incredible way by the confidence in Him and a thankfulness that it is not all in my hands or on my shoulders. What a blessing that is! As a believer, we have the most amazing gift from the Lord and that is the ability and joy to depend on Him for everything. When it comes to confidence, I have found that my inner-confidence is very dependent to my trust and faith level. If I am in worry-mode, my inner confidence will hit rock bottom. However, when I actively acknowledge the fact that the Lord is 100% in control, holding my hand, and guiding me through the journey of life, then I am able to to enjoy the peaceful place of truly depending on Him for everything, including my confidence. All we have to do is cry out for His help, wait patiently, and surrender to Him.I love every word from the verses above, but the lines that describe God setting our feet on solid ground and steadying us as we walk along, are currently really grabbing my heart. Picture that in your head and you will see a loving God, right by our side, giving us stability and guidance at every turn. Knowing and believing that truth will completely obliterate low self-confidence! There is just no way that we can feel anything but confidence in our Lord, which will bring us peace, rest, and joy. Through Him, we have everything we need to face any situation, get over any hurdle, and climb any mountain. xo Melissa

images by Felicia Lasala

denim // sweatshirt

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Stepping Forward In Boldness

It is so amazing how the Lord continuously restores our fears and heals in ways that are unimaginable and unexpected. I experienced that last week when I was interviewing with the lovely Larry King. He challenged me in his wisdom to free myself up, to stop hiding! I took off my prosthetic arm for the first time in the public eye, and it truly was the most liberating experience. For years, I extended my vulnerable side with those I was most comfortable - my husband, my family, and only my friends in Dallas.
My husband has been encouraging me for a few years to confidentially walk in my full self and story, all the while being gracious in knowing that I needed to feel ready. God is so good in how He provided such a unique opportunity to do this while filling me with such peace and readiness in the moment. I am overflowing with gratefulness and empowerment and have been so humbled by all of the support!
Do you feel like you are hiding something in your life that is keeping you from living in full freedom? I encourage you to step forward in boldness, no matter how hard it may seem. You will not regret it, and we are all in this together!
images by Felicia Lasala
top (c/o) | denim | bandana | sunnies (c/o)
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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Standing With Confidence


Standing with confidence is such a powerful tool. Being confident in yourself opens doors to possibilities, encourages a state of inner peace, and allows you to be who you are meant to be. My aunt recently bought me this incredible book and the timing could not have been more wonderful. I have been thinking about confidence a lot lately and this book provides great tips on how to stand confidently, think confidently, and live confidently in every aspect of your life.Over lunch the other day, I was telling my aunt how I have recently been feeling a sense of being physically grounded; it is a hard sensation to describe, but basically a sort of heaviness on the ground, not a burdened heaviness, but a sense of being firmly planted on the ground in a strong, stable way.Later that day, she bought me I Want To Be Confident by Harriet Griffey, and as I started to flip through the book I came across this passage in the Physical Confidence chapter: "Stay Grounded. Feel the contact with the ground (or floor) and be aware of how solid, stable, secure, and reliable if feels. Connect with that and this will, in turn, make you feel more secure, stable and confident, up through your body."- Page 55. I was blown away by the timing of reading these words, since it definitely confirmed what I had been feeling! Connecting with the ground in this confident way, will make your body and mind feel confident in its ability to handle whatever might come your way.I believe that it works the other way around as well; as you begin to feel a strengthening of your inner confidence, your physical stance will reflect that strength. Self-confidence is a journey and it naturally has ups and downs, depending on the seasons of your personal life, but the goal is to have an unwavering sense of confidence that cannot be shaken. I am on the self-confidence journey as we speak, and I would love to walk with you if developing inner confidence is something that you are working on, too.Next week we will be discussing spiritual confidence in Part 2 of Standing With Confidence. Until then, we would love to hear your thoughts on confidence in the comment section below. xo melissa

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Summer Vibes From Zara


We are feeling all of the summer vibes from Zara right now! Their current editorial page is so good and has us feeling inspired for easy breezy summer days, long summer nights, and clothing that is relaxed, effortless, and cool. Below you will find a few pieces from Zara right now that we are loving from denim to white tops and easy slides. These pieces would be perfect to pack for a weekend getaway, wear to a summer cookout, or just throw on for a day of errands, maybe a coffee date, or market run.

embroidered floral denim

denim skort

top with lace-up back

linen shirt

buckled leather slides


gingham mini dress

long dress with exposed shoulders

embroidered high waisted shorts

multicolored shorts

wide open neck shirt


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Green Smoothie Bowl Recipe


Melissa, here! I am sharing a green smoothie bowl recipe that I make almost every morning for breakfast. On the mornings that I don't have this, I have a smoothie drink, plus an english muffin with almond butter (or avocado), or scrambled eggs with turmeric. Since this smoothie bowl is so filling and satisfying, having it is definitely enough for me. It keeps me feeling full and energized throughout the entire morning. Below are the ingredients and directions!


1 frozen organic banana

1 handful of organic spinach

1 handful of organic frozen blueberries

1/2 avocado

1 cup almond milk

1 tablespoon spirulina (I like the one from Whole Foods)

1 tablespoon hemp powder

1 tablespoon bee pollen

1 tablespoon maca

1 tablespoon ashwagandha

1 tablespoon of a moon dust (I have tried beauty and spirit)


Put everything in the blender and blend it up until smooth and creamy! Then top with granola + a scoop of almond butter. It would also be so yummy with fresh berries on top. Enjoy! -M


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Lo's Favorite LA Restaurants


Hey guys! Today we are sharing Lo's favorite spots in LA for good food, lattes, acai bowls and more. Scroll down for the spots + her favorite things at each place. Send this list to anyone you know in LA or save it if you are considering taking a trip to the west coast. P.S. Reading this will make you hungry, just a heads up! xx

Soho Malibu


*forbidden rice bowl and the squash soup

The Montage

(Beverly Hills)

*acai bowl with crunchy almond butter

Moon Juice

(West Hollywood)

*matcha pearl and chai tea spirit dust latte


(West Hollywood)

*reishi cappuccino

M Cafe

(Beverly Hills)

*teriyaki bowl and almond milk matcha latte


(Laurel Canyon)

*the best salmon with sauteed spinach and green beans, vegan soup of the day



*homemade pomodoro pizza


(West Hollywood)

*wagyu short rib tacos, hellfire roll


(West Hollywood)

*spaghetti squash primavera, sesame crusted salmon



*crispy rice spicy tuna, baked hand crab roll, spicy acai martini


(West Hollywood)

*long-cooked cavalo nero, sweet potatoes, grilled pork tenderloin, arctic char

Son of a Gun

(West Hollywood)

*chilled peel & eat shrimp, fried chicken sandwich, crispy brussel sprouts

The Springs


*sweet miso salad, spaghetti alla carbonara

 images of Lo via ragdoll LA 

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May Mood


Our May mood when it comes to style is all about shades of white- ivory, cream, and everything in between. With summer around the corner, the fresh, light, and carefree color is calling our name. An all-white outfit is so versatile and the pieces on their own can easily be mixed and matched with other items in your wardrobe. Traveling this summer? Timeless pieces in white are the way to go- light sweaters, white denim, bone color leather slides, etc. Scroll down for links to the items below.*feature image via Anthropologie 

skirt | sweater | hat | slides | dress

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