
Happy Friday + A Pancake Recipe


Feeling Friday vibes right now with this pancake recipe! Just in time for the weekend and still enough time to run to Whole Foods and grab this mix. We were so excited to discover the Birch Benders brand on Instagram via this food blogger and cannot get enough of their paleo pancake mix. Even if you don't follow a paleo diet, this brand is for anyone who values living a healthy lifestyle, but also loves pancakes. Yes, the two things can coexist!The paleo pancakes mix by Birch Benders has an ingredients list that is short and simple, including things like coconut flour, almond flour, eggs, and monk fruit. The directions are so easy too- for 4-6 cakes, mix 2/3 cup of water with 3/4 cup of mix, whisk, and cook over medium-high heat for a few minutes on each side. We love to add a tablespoon of pure moringa powder to the batter for a dose of greens, before cooking the cakes in a cast-iron skillet. Also, if you are more of a waffle person, no worries. The mix also doubles for waffles!We love weekend mornings because they are slow, relaxing, and cozy at home. It's the perfect time to make a special breakfast, enjoy coffee or tea, and stay in your pajamas a little bit longer. What are your weekend plans? Let us know in the comments! We will be making these pancakes for sure. xo 

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Spiritual Fasting

Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions.[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"]


Over the years we have heard people speak about fasting to further their relationship with Jesus, focus on prayer, get still, be open to wisdom, and help to receive clarity in the midst big decisions. Spiritual fasting has always seemed like this incredibly powerful biblical act, and therefore quite intimidating. Part of the intimidation factor could be a fast metabolism and the reality of hanger...it is so real, guys!In all seriousness though, we have been in awe of, talking about, and researching spiritual fasting a lot lately and came across this article. These words really spoke to us about the value of the act of fasting and conveyed freedom in the fact that we can make fasting our own- there really isn't one way right way to do it and the duration and frequency is up to us. The most freeing realization is that it is a building process...start slow and then grow into it. Once we realized this, the intimidation factor went away.Melissa recently fasted a few times by skipping dinner...so she went about 18-22 hours without solid food, but still had water, matcha, tea, and even a cup of bone broth one day. She said that when she would normally be ravenous after work, she had a mug of bone broth or tea instead, then focused on prayer and reading the Bible and a devotional before bed and upon waking up. Getting over the initial hunger was hard, but she stayed focused on Jesus and really enjoyed the experience. Even though it wasn't a full day, she described having a very clear mind during it and after it, plus a sense of being free of worry, extremely trusting and calm, and able to tune out the noise of the world and focus on her relationship with Jesus. As with anything like this, consult a loved one and/or doctor before fasting. We are definitely inspired by spiritual fasting and would love to hear from you in the comments section. Have you tried it? xo


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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3052331"] images by Felicia Lasala 

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Grocery Shopping Gameplan

Everyone in LA (and most likely in any city) knows that the act of grocery shopping alone is quite a task. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3049299"]


Everyone in LA (and most likely in any city) knows that the act of grocery shopping alone is quite a task. First, the planning of the master list. Second, the several stops needed to get everything on the list (Erewhon for Coconult Cult Yogurt and the Farmer's Market for every grass-fed meat and wild fish option on the planet)! Thirdly, going at the right time to miss traffic on the roads and in the stores. Yikes on all accounts. I have talked with Jase for a few years about ways to make this easier because I felt like so many of my days consisted of running to the grocery store, and to preface, swinging by the grocery store in Los Angeles equals a fight for a parking spot and sometimes the only option is valet.In a way to solve this issue, we tried grocery delivery, but I wasn't the biggest fan because a lot of times, not everything was available. We recently came up with a grocery shopping gameplan that we have been celebrating over. Jason only allows me to go to the grocery store one day a week - a hilarious rule that is a lifesaver. I started meal planning, buying enough food when I go to the store (which takes practice), and we go to the farmer's market every Sunday for the meat and the fish.On a more positive note! Grocery shopping is so important to me because I want to feed my body with whole foods that are filled with nutrients + isn't there something so cozy and homey about home-cooked meals? It is one thing I enjoy most! I think I got that from my mama. Postmates or dinners out are always fun, but there is something comforting knowing that a fresh meal can be enjoyed wearing PJs with the fire on and candles lit.Grocery success! I can hardly believe how much time this saves me during the week. That simple change has opened up space for me to focus on work, friendships, and hanging with my husband on the evenings with no plans.I would love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments below!


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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3049299"]images by Christy Johnston 

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Q&A With Branch Basics' Founders : Part One


We are so excited to start a Q&A series today on the blog with the founders of Branch Basics- a toxin-free, completely clean cleaning brand that we love. Today we have Allison on the blog, next month we will have Kelly, and then the following month we will have Marilee. These three ladies all have incredible stories of how detoxing their homes + living a holistic lifestyle have truly impacted and changed their lives. We are so thankful that they teamed up together to develop Branch Basics- a now staple in our homes. We are so inspired by their passion in clean living, their faith in the Lord, and their vulnerability in sharing their stories with us. Also, great news! Branch Basics is offering a promo code for LSK readers. Use code LSK20 for 20% off at branchbasics.com. Enjoy Allison's Q&A below!

Tell us a little bit about how Branch Basics got started + your relationship with Marilee & Kelly!

Marilee is my aunt and Kelly is my best friend (and both are my daughter’s godmothers!). Kelly and I lived together in college, where she witnessed my mysterious onset of debilitating pain and neurological symptoms that stumped the country’s best doctors. After two years of drugs, diagnostic tests and medical treatments, I was still suffering. At that point, I had ears to hear my Aunt Marilee, an environmental and dietary consultant. She explained how our bodies are made to heal, but that removing toxins from what we eat, breathe and put on our skin is crucial to that God-given process. Kelly’s and my interest was piqued when, within a few months, my symptoms drastically decreased. We were approaching graduation and felt called to spend the summer with Marilee in the Texas Hill Country to soak up her knowledge before starting our careers. Little did we know!! Within a few months of eating only real food and living in a home completely free of harmful chemicals, I was a walking testament of the “power of pure” - off all medication and virtually symptom-free. The transformation was nothing short of a miracle (Kelly also felt the effects...no more cramps, itchy eyes, etc.), and as a result, we shared a burning passion to help others experience the same. Within a year, Branch Basics (based on the verse John 15:5) was born.


Share a little bit about your experience with PCOS and how a clean lifestyle really helped your struggles with that condition.

I was a senior in high school when I sought the help of a world-renowned fertility specialist because I hadn’t had a period since my first one in 6th grade. My sonogram – later shown in a medical textbook – revealed thousands of cysts on each ovary, and I was diagnosed with one of the worst cases of PCOS my doctor had ever seen. The only answer was to be on birth control until I was ready to conceive, and that I’d never be able to conceive without the most advanced fertility treatments.

Fast forward five years, I had adopted my newfound “clean” lifestyle for over a year when my fiance encouraged me to get a sonogram. Although I still wasn’t having a period, he had seen my health transform and was convinced my ovaries had followed suit. Having had the doctor’s dismal report ingrained in my head since high school, I wasn’t as optimistic. But upon receiving the scan, the doctor (who had been too booked to see me that day) rushed into the room holding my sonogram next to the original in disbelief. I had reversed my PCOS, having only a few small cysts on each ovary. He wanted to know what I had done and what medicine I had been taking. When I explained that I had gotten off birth control and ditched toxic home/body products, processed food, refined sugars, and bad oils, he was shocked and asked me to speak to PCOS support groups at his clinic. (Interestingly enough, his NP who had prescribed the birth control in high school, is very passionate about natural healing and reached out to me after reading my fertility journey to find out ways their fertility clinic can implement some of my lifestyle tips to address PCOS. How great is God!?)


If you are comfortable with sharing, give us a little bit of insight into your personal story with becoming pregnant and how a toxin-free lifestyle impacted that journey.

Having proof of the power of this new lifestyle, I knew my body was headed in the right direction and that my period would come back. Often the reproductive system is the last to repair, as it exists to usher in new life and is not vital to our survival. It’s no wonder, as the body should be in good health before conceiving a baby!

We began working with Dr. Dittman, author of Brighton Baby: A Revolutionary Organic Approach to Having an Extraordinary Child). He coaches couples on how to conceive, birth and raise children naturally, and has helped hundreds of couples reverse the trends that our existing diet and lifestyle have led to: an exponential rise in autism, ADD/ADHD, birth defects and infertility. Will and I were ecstatic when just six months of taking supplements and implementing some dietary additions, I had my second natural period, 12 years after my first. Because our choices in the perinatal period directly affect the fetal brain development and overall health of our future children, Will and I continued working with Dr. Dittman to completely normalize my cycle and further strengthen our health. When our vitamin and mineral levels were optimized , we were ready and conceived our daughter (surprisingly!) easily, just as Dr. Dittman had predicted.

Through the journey that you outlined above + the journey of starting your own business with your two-co founders, how did your strong faith play a role in it all + how was it impacted by everything?

Simply put, this story wouldn’t exist without my faith. Depending on the season of my healing journey (the dark days following the bright ones were hardest), my faith carried me, pushed me on, kept me from spiraling, picked me up when I did, and gave me hope for healing. I would call Marilee when I was feeling overwhelmed, bursting in tears when I heard her voice. She’d launch into speaking Truth over me, reminding me that “by His wounds we have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24), that “the joy of the Lord is my strength” (Neh. 8:10), and that despite what the world and my body is telling me, I am able to rise above and take the Spiritual viewpoint on my situation. Had it not been for my faith, I would have given in, seen the doctor’s prognosis as ultimate truth, taken the path of least resistance...and I can’t help but think it would have involved continued pain, increased medication and infertility heartache.


What makes you most excited about the future of Branch Basics?

More than ever before, people need the information and story of hope that we are sharing. We never set out to sell soap, but to use our products as a vehicle to educate people on the transforming power of a clean diet and lifestyle. I am beyond-words excited for the day that Branch Basics is a household name, because that means so many people will have been empowered to make changes and choices that will positively affect their health.


As a mom, what new wellness challenges have you faced + what are your top 5 clean mom/baby products that you swear by?

Gosh I’d say my biggest challenge is finding the right baby + business balance. It seems there’s always something to be doing and different directions I can be pulled. But the saying “too busy not to pray” is so true. While time spent in the Word and seeking His peace and direction is time away from work and family, it never fails to center my compass and put everything into perspective.

As for clean mom/baby products, I may be taking this in a different direction, but these are really the few products I use for Sloane and me: Branch Basics, of course. It’s used all day every day on all things cleaning and laundry. Next, an organic mattress is one of the best investments you can make. Conventional ones are a main source of exposure to toxic chemicals, especially for developing infants who spend so much time sleeping. Naturalmat is our personal favorite. AustinAir makes the best air purifier on the market, and Sloane and I each have one in our rooms. We also each take a vial of Quinton daily, a seawater mineral supplement that contains all the minerals that the body requires to function optimally. (I can’t recommend it enough for those struggling with fertility issues.) We also each take Restore, the best product for gut health I’ve found.


What originally made you passionate about clean products and clean living?

I got well when I started using them! No one could have convinced me that ridding my diet and environment of toxins would eradicate thousands of ovarian cysts, open up my endocrine pathways and enable me to easily conceive a perfectly healthy baby. I now fully grasp that the things we choose to put in our mouths, rub on our skin and use in our homes can serve to nurture our bodies, enabling us to heal, or rob us and prevent us from moving forward.

Besides Branch Basics of course, what other clean brands do you love? They can be home, beauty, or anything else!

I truly use my own product more than any other out there, simply because it does so many things, from removing stains and to removing my eye makeup! However, some of my other everyday clean brands are Primally Pure and KEYS skin care, W3LL People makeup, Premier Research Labs food-based supplements, and PACT lounge/workout wear.


Can you share a little encouragement for people who might be feeling overwhelmed about purging old, toxic products + replacing everything with clean alternatives?

It may seem hard to throw out our “perfectly good” products, especially if they’re costly and not near empty. However, what’s harder is keeping them around, knowing they contain ingredients that are working against our health. It’s a mindshift, really, and it helps to think of throwing out toxic products as freeing versus restricting. Because, the truth is, this one step is the most important in creating a healthy home, which can save money that might later be spent on doctor visits, medication and missed workdays. The ultimate preventative healthcare! :) It’s important to not get overwhelmed, but to determine your priorities, and begin making changes as you are able.


We are so thankful for your openness about your personal story and are beyond inspired by it!! What do you hope people take away from reading about your experiences?x

I am so honored to be able to share my journey with your readers. My hope is for people to realize that we have more control over our health than we likely realize, and for that to be empowering, not overwhelming. Our bodies are strong and beautiful and have the God-given ability to heal. Every effort you make toward creating a healthy home will be a step towards strengthening your immune system and enhancing your (and your family’s) health.

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Faith, General, Honesty Faith, General, Honesty

We Find Rest In Him

You guys probably know by now our love for the devotional by Paul Tripp-  New Morning Mercies. We could go on and on about what an incredibly well-written, spiritually sound, and filled-with-hope resource it is...[show_shopthepost_widget id="3038857"]


You guys probably know by now our love for the devotional by Paul Tripp-  New Morning Mercies. We could go on and on about what an incredibly well-written, spiritually sound, and filled-with-hope resource it is, but for now we will just stick to raving about one entry in particular! If you love devotionals or are looking for one, this is the one to get, no questions asked.If you have the book already, February 18th's entry spoke to me so much. It is about about the idea that we are always trying to figure out our lives. Whether it is going through the past, dealing with the right now, or worrying about the future, there is always something about our lives on our mind. Tripp's writing style and truth-filled thoughts are so incredible and mind-opening, that there is no way I am doing the topic justice right now, so definitely get a copy for yourself and be blown away! In the meantime though I had to share, because it caused me to have one of those "Wow, Yes, Amen." moments.He goes on to explain that of course it is okay to try to understand our circumstances, but the issue comes when we think or expect that we will find rest and peace through doing that. His point is...not going to happen. There is just no way! Life will continue to be unexpected and surprising no matter what. So sure, we might figure something out and that might temporarily give us rest, but not longterm. Tripp confirms the truth that true rest is only found through Him, in Him, and by His grace alone! Tripp says it perfectly here: "Rest is only ever found in trusting the One who has everything figured out for your good and His glory." Amen to that!What a blessing, a gift, and a relief that He has it figured out for us and we can access perfect, peaceful, sweet rest...but only through Him. We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments below! xo

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images by Christy Johnson[show_shopthepost_widget id="3038857"]

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Top 10 Clean Beauty Brands

Today we are sharing current top 10 clean beauty brands that we find ourselves recommending to friends again and again.[show_shopthepost_widget id="3035887"]


Round-up time, clean beauty lovers! We get so excited when we find a site/blog that serves as a resource of great clean brands and clean living tips (like goop, because I'm addictedlee from america, well + good and more), and our hope for LSK is to be a resource like that as well- a haven of wellness information and a place where you can be inspired to try new products, meet new brands, and learn new things.Today we are sharing current top 10 clean beauty brands that we find ourselves recommending to friends again and again. You have probably heard us talk about these before here on the blog or over on IG (+ @thecleanstuff account), because they are just that good. So enjoy the list below, check out the brands' websites + IG accounts, and share this post with friends and family members that are also interested in discovering clean beauty brands that have been tried, tested, and loved!

1. primally pure- We adore all things primally pure! From the deodorant to the cleansing oil to the lip balm, primally pure products are in our daily routine and their ingredients list is as pure as pure gets!
2. rms- Most popular for their "un cover-up" concealer, rms beauty is one of our all-time favorite clean beauty lines. Their bronzer is incredible + their lip2cheek product (which doubles as blush and lip color) is a must-have. Their products enhance your natural beauty, making you feel extra beautiful with only the most natural ingredients on your skin.
3. true botanicalsAn amazing collection of face oils, serums, and cleansers; all crafted with safe and nurturing ingredients to promote healthy skin. Their pure radiance oil is so amazing- truly causes your skin to be radiant with a natural glow.

4. juice beautyMelissa's favorite brand for concealer + she loves the cream blush and plans to try the foundation soon. Fun fact, juice beauty's creative director is Gwyneth Paltrow.
5. stranded- Founded by yours truly + my best friend, Anna! We are so thrilled by our dry shampoo powder, made for all hair colors, and we hope that you love it. Crafted with pure ingredients, it is safe to use + prevents you from having to wash your hair too much, which benefits hair health.
6. rahuaMy favorite brand for clean shampoo + conditioner. It is a little expensive, but so worth it in my opinion. A little goes a long way, too.

7. w3ll people- Well-known for their mascara + concealer stick, w3ll people products are crafted with clean ingredients and have a reputation for being beautiful, long-lasting, and safe.
8. kosas- The must-have lipstick brand! This is our go-to collection for beautiful shades of lip color, plus they recently launch a blush duo palette that looks so dreamy.
9. may lindstrom-  Beautiful skincare products that are rich in healthy ingredients and so good for your skin; some of my all-time favorite skincare products are from may lindstrom, including the honey mud.
10. goop skincareThe organic skincare line from goop is unreal! Their "essential six" collection includes six items for your skincare routine to achieve the "goop glow"...yes, please! I especially love the moisturizer and night cream.

We hope you enjoyed this post! Let us know your favorite clean beauty brands in the comments section below- we always love to learn of new brands. If you have tried any of these and love them as well, let us know! xo


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images by Christy Johnson [show_shopthepost_widget id="3035887"]

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Faith, General, Wellness Faith, General, Wellness

10 Recent Reads On Faith + Wellness


Hello, LSK readers! Today we are sharing 10 recent reads on faith + wellness...five for faith and five for wellness! As you know, both are topics that we are so passionate about and enjoy writing about and discussing with you here on the blog. We hope you enjoy these articles as much as we did and as always, let us know your thoughts in the the comments section below. xo


heavenly-minded thinking via brilliant perspectives

be brave & wait via live original

finding beauty in the struggle via proverbs 31

when we can't change our circumstances via live original

growing closer to God via proverbs 31


the power of a clean fringe via because I'm addicted

boosted self-confidence via cupcakes & cashmere

staying healthy when your other half has the flu via well + good

five energy-boosting morning drinks via well + good

all about adaptogens via lee from america

 image by Felicia Lasala 

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Primally Pure Q&A


Friends! We are so excited to have Bethany & Courtney here on LSK today from Primally Pure. Bethany is the founder of Primally Pure and Courtney is the brand's natural esthetician + marketing strategist. We connected with Bethany & Courtney a while back and have since become loyal, forever fans of their natural skincare line. We have raved about Primally Pure before on the blog, specifically their deodorant and cleansing oil. Today we are sharing a Q&A that we did with them via email and let me tell you- it is packed with some serious information! If you love clean and natural skincare, you are in the right place. Enjoy the read and be sure to check our their website + follow them on Instagram.

MEET BETHANY What inspired you to start Primally Pure? I dealt with sensitive, acne-prone skin for most of my teenage years and well into young-adulthood. I tried every mainstream product you could imagine, many of which offered short-lived results but didn't truly make a difference in the health of my skin. It wasn’t until after I discovered the power of eating real food that I purged my bathroom cabinet of toxic skincare products and began formulating my own replacements made with real, recognizable ingredients. Much to my surprise, the products I made actually worked better than the dozens I had tried in the past. My acne cleared up and my skin felt (and looked) better than it ever had. But most importantly, I enjoyed using them. I started selling my creations on my family farm's website and a few months later I started a website of my own. Today, I have a team of 11 and we work out of a beautiful office/warehouse space in sunny Southern California. What is your personal skincare routine? My skincare routine is always changing! I love mixing things up based on the season and what I feel like my skin needs most at the time. Lately, I've been using our Cleansing Oil for a deep clean at night 3-4 times a week, and then cleansing with our Baby Bar on the remaining days. I'll usually follow either of those up with a few spritzes of Complexion Mist (I rotate between Neroli, Lavender and Geranium) as a light, hydrating toner. And last but not least, I've been using our Blue Tansy Beauty Cream for its calming + nourishing properties. In the morning, I usually just rinse with water and sometimes use Complexion Mist (really obsessed with Complexion Mist at the moment)!Tell us a little bit about the work environment at Primally Pure HQ! I'm extremely grateful to have a sister-in-law who is an incredibly talented interior designer, and she designed our whole space! From our "spa-ffice" where Courtney works and gives our team facials, to our sitting area, my office, our coffee bar, etc. it's really a simple, clean and inspiring place to be - which is always great for dreaming up new product ideas or visions for the brand. As for the team dynamic, we work hard and play hard. It's difficult to know exactly what to expect with a growing company, but our team has been amazing at adapting as we go along and jumping in to fill in gaps as needed. Everyone is always willing to help with whatever needs to be done. And we reward ourselves with monthly trips to a local winery, spa days and other fun outings together.We can’t help but notice how many bloggers are gushing over your products! What makes you most excited about the following of clean-beauty-lovers that you are curating? I have to pinch myself every day as we notice more and more amazing women (Lauren being one of them!) sharing Primally Pure with their followers. There's no way we'd be where we are today without them, and we're always super grateful and tickeled whenever someone shares their experience with PP!What are you most looking forward to in the future for your brand? So many things! 2018 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for us. We have plans to move into a new + bigger space this summer, launch a few new products (including a coffee mask), hire on some additional members to our team and start a subscription program for our deodorant. Owning a business has been a more challenging undertaking than I ever could have imagined, but it's also more fulfilling than any job I've had and I'm more excited than ever for what's to come.

MEET COURTNEY What do you love most about being a part of team Primally Pure? Oh my goodness, so much! But what tops my list is the people I have the privilege of working with.  It’s so refreshing to be a part of a team that genuinely gets along, encourages + supports one another and enjoys spending time with each other (even outside of the workshop!).  The women I’m surrounded by on a daily basis make coming to work everyday such a JOY.  Plus, the people I have the opportunity to connect with through partnerships, collaborations and customers are some of the most beautiful + inspiring people on the planet (ahem, Lauren + Melissa!).  My mom shared a quote with me recently that said, “Your tribe matters as much - if not more - than your task.” And I’m so deeply grateful that I get both - a career that I’m passionate about with people I dearly love.  What is your day-to-day like as the holistic esthetician? Currently, I’m splitting my time between being Primally Pure’s in-house holistic esthetician and Director or Marketing.  But I love how these positions actually complement each other so perfectly!  As a holistic esthetician, I’m passionate about helping others experience health + balance not only in their skin, but in body, soul and spirit.  A powerful way to do that is through educating and empowering others - and that’s where the marketing piece plays a big part in my day-to-day.  I spend the majority of my days creating content for our blog, social media, newsletters, videos and other creative projects to share clean skincare + holistic wellness with the world.  I work in our brand new “spaffice” which is beautifully designed to function as an office for content creation + communication as well as a spa for curated skincare services!  A couple days a week I give our team members facials (sorry, we’re not open to the public just yet!) using only Primally Pure products and customizing masks with the pure, natural ingredients we have on hand in our workshop.  Like raw + local honey, colorful clays, powdered herbs, natural exfoliants and essential oils.  Our plan (hopefully in the near future!) is to open a Primally Pure concept spa offering non-toxic skin treatments, stress relieving services and a space to holistically care for your whole being.  But right now I just get to play, dream and design on the daily!What inspired you to become so interested in and passionate about natural and clean personal products? As I started to learn about the science of skin and the reality of how our largest organ reveals imbalances within the body and that the products we apply can actually contribute to these imbalances, I was inspired to search for skincare that was naturally derived and delivered results. Clean skincare just makes sense to me.  Why would we want to put anything less on (or in!) our body?  I think that awareness first started for me as I began to cultivate my own self love journey several years ago. Genuinely wanting the best for my body, for myself and for others.  On that journey, I quickly became fascinated by how food, lifestyle and product choices have the power to positively or negatively impact the state of our health - not just for our skin, but for our mind and soul, as well.  This inspired me to start to take a whole person approach (including products, nutrition, lifestyle, stress levels, etc) when caring for skin.  I wanted to treat more than what we simply see in the mirror - which can be merely symptoms of something so much deeper.  I’ve also developed a deep belief that we’ve already been given everything we need - specifically, from nature.  The colors are radiant, the aromas are intoxicating + therapeutic and the benefits are truly healing, inside and out. Life is already too short and too stressful, why add the burden of chemicals and toxic buildup?  Clean skincare is a conviction I carry with me, and as a holistic esthetician (and simply, a human being!) I’m committed to caring for myself and for others with only ingredients that are life-giving, to our skin cells and entire self.  Tell us the scoop about your natural deodorant- we know that it is a top-seller for Primally Pure and we are so amazed and pleased by the ingredients and effectiveness of it! Aw, thank you! That always makes us SO happy to hear.  Our natural deodorant was the first product our founder, Bethany, ever formulated and she’s been on a mission to disprove the stereotypes surrounding natural deodorants (i.e. they don’t work, they’re just for hippies, etc.) ever since. And I’d say she’s doing a pretty good job at it :)  It’s so incredible to be a part of a company that offers a clean and effective option to conventional, chemical-filled deodorants.  Seriously, their ingredient lists (and the risks of disease + dangerous side effects) are scary!  Our formula is so unique because one of its main ingredients is tallow from grass-fed cows.  This vitamin-rich animal fat is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties to protect and nourish even the most sensitive skin.  Our good-for-you, organic ingredients (fair-trade coconut oil, baking soda, beeswax, arrowroot powder, non-nano zinc oxide, kaolin clay and essential oils) work together to keep you smelling fresh all day long while leaving your skin feeling smooth + soft.  And how great is it that you can actually pronounce each ingredient on the back of the tube?!  As a brand, we’ve been able to show the world that it doesn’t have to be scary switching to natural deodorant.  It’s actually a simple, powerful way to take control of your health (and unwanted odor!).What is your personal skincare routine? PM // First step, Baby Oil to remove my mascara (there’s no essential oils so it’s super gentle around my delicate eye area!) and then Cleansing Oil.  I LOVE oil cleansing (and love that you do, too!).  There’s so many benefits: facial massage, boosting circulation, deep pore cleansing, steaming with a warm washcloth and a balanced, clear complexion. After cleansing, I apply Everything Spray with an organic cotton pad which heals + calms any current breakouts or inflammation. Or if I feel like my skin needs a bit more moisture (which is definitely this time of year!), I’ll spritz Complexion Mist all over my skin.  This step is a must for me before applying our Palmarosa + Mint Beauty Cream as it helps it to absorb better and hydrate more deeply.  Final step, I always apply lip balm before bed!AM // I’m still training myself to become a morning person, so I keep my skincare routine super short + simple.  After splashing my skin with warm water, I spritz Complexion Mist and I finish with our Fancy Face Serum to help even my skin tone and lightly hydrate.  I love using this serum every morning because it gives my skin a healthy, natural glow and I feel like I rarely need makeup anymore!And of course, my daily skincare routine goes beyond the products I apply. I’ve noticed such a difference in my skin since using collagen peptides for smooth + strong skin, dandelion tea (supports healthy liver function) for clear skin and of course, water - we can never get enough of this miracle beauty beverage.

feature image by Christy Johnston  + product images via Primally Pure 

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10 Things I Love About LA


I moved to Los Angeles a little over three years ago, and although it is very different than Texas, there are so many things I absolutely love about this beautiful city. Keep reading to see my top ten favorite qualities about this beautiful California stop.1. You are always surrounded by beautiful scenery. I sometimes get distracted driving because of the stunning views.2. I love all of the near-by escapes in this state! There are the cutest little beach towns that are so charming and slow-paced. Laguna Beach is our all-time favorite, but we also love Malibu, Santa Barbara, Ojai, Carmel, and Big Sur + we have so many more places to explore!3. Friendships are a beautiful thing in this city. Most residents are from a different state, so you live life so closely alongside people; it is really special and unique.4. I love that there is never an end to exploring this city, and each neighborhood is highly different than the next. Studio City is so different than Echo Park; Beverly Hills is very different from Brentwood, and the list goes on. You truly never get bored here!5. Los Angeles is very ahead in the wellness game. I have always studied health, but being in this city has opened my eyes to so much - it has smoothie shops that use adaptogens, grocery stores with the most pristine tonic bars and the newest of the new everything i.e. bone broth locally made in Venice Beach, coconut probiotic yogurt made locally, and unlimited charcoal-infused juices.6. Spontaneity is extra fun in this city. Jase and I love last minute stay-cations or weekend escapes, and this city makes it extra easy to do. There are endless places to experience - we enjoy everything from driving to Malibu for a beach escape, visiting the most special local market in Echo Park, or visiting the creativity and hustle and bustle of downtown LA.7. There are so many hidden gems here - the facial spa I go to has a special place in my heart. Carasoin is owned by the most lovely couple, and it is an embodiment of a lifelong dream by it’s Founder, Lena Bratschi. It is so special because they personalize your treatment based on your skincare needs that day. While Lena was treating my skin, I asked her how she became passionate about her business. Her answer only made me love her more! She was super close to her granny growing up, who lived in the midst of beautiful gardens in Switzerland, and she would make homemade beauty products straight from plants. #dream8. The church we go to started several years ago in Jason's living room. It started as a bible study with no intention to grow, and now it is an LA church plant. It is so humbling to be a part of, and the impact of the community is extra sweet.9. The opportunities here are endless! I run into the most creative, inspiring, talented people on the daily. It is really amazing to see people with pure ambition pursue their passions whole-heartedly + it is so encouraging to see people walking fully in their skill.10. I love LA because Jason is here ha! It has taken me time to adjust to this city, and he makes it extra easy and do-able to feel like this is home. 

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