
My Favorite On-The-Go Snack Recipe


It's snack time! I was so excited when Public Lives, Secret Recipes reached out and asked for me to share a favorite recipe of mine on their website. Of course I had to share my favorite on-the-go snack recipe!Head on over to their site to get my recipe for fig balls- an easy snack to grab and go when you are headed out the door. It is also the perfect at home bite when you are craving something sweet. They are filled with healthy ingredients that give you energy and keep you full until mealtime. The only ingredients are almonds, figs, and coconut flakes making this a simple, pure recipe for a gluten-free, grain-free snack. Enjoy! xoImages: Shannan Leigh Photography for Public Lives, Secret Recipes 

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

Why Wellness

Wellness is a big focus here on LSK, and it dawned on me that a post talking about my passion for wellness could be helpful for those reading along! [show_shopthepost_widget id="3334522"]


Wellness is a big focus here on LSK, and it dawned on me that a post talking about my passion for wellness could be helpful for those reading along. Whether you are new to LSK or a longtime reader, I am so thankful you are here and love the journey we are on together when it comes to learning about what wellness means to us and implementing wellness practices in our lives!When it comes to wellness, I really think we don’t realize how good we can feel! Fueling our bodies with the good stuff, taking time to rest and rejuvenate, and using products that are free of harmful chemicals are a few ways basic ways to take care of yourself and promote your own wellbeing. There is so much we can do to prevent problems later in life. We often think we don’t have to focus as much on health in our younger years, when those (in my opinion!) are the most important years to focus on it.Health is the best thing you could ever spend money on. Some health habits are expensive, and by no means should you feel pressure to spend more than you are comfortable! Do what you can, but know that the money you are investing is money very well spent! It is going directly back into you- how you feel and how you function from the inside out.How cool is it that our bodies are meant to heal themselves if we let them. Food is so powerful and the right foods are truly made for our bodies and our bodies are craving the nutrients in good, healthy foods. Also, did you guys know that 80% of our immune system is in our gut? That means that a healthy gut will promote a strong immune system! Yes, please.NSAIDS have sadly become so common but they destroy our gut health. Antibiotics do the same. If you are in need of an antibiotic after trying holistic things, you can take probiotics after to protect your gut. Also, there are so many more powerful anti-inflammatories than any NSAID. It is pretty wild, but seriously just one pill has the biggest effect on your gut.These are just a few wellness thoughts, but the beautiful thing is you can take one step at a time and slowly change your life. It is so empowering to know that this wellness journey is on your terms! Do what works for you and your gut, on your time. We hope that LSK serves as a place of information for you as you take one day at a time to a healthy you!xo Lo.

THE OUTFIT (* = c/o)

sunnies | jacket* | tee* | denim | boots*

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3334522"]images: felicia lasala 

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Loving On Others Well

This topic has been on my heart and mind lately- loving on others well. What does that look like for you? [show_shopthepost_widget id="3327649"]


This topic has been on my heart and mind lately- loving on others well. What does that look like for you? For me, I think of making a phone call to a family member or friend just to catch up and listen to them, sending flowers to my bestie as a surprise, leaving my other half a love note, leaving a server at my favorite lunch spot a big tip, saying hi and smiling to strangers as I pass by, offering a lending hand to someone at the grocery store, or taking the time to reach out to someone at work or Church who I might not know that well. Our lives have so many opportunities to reach out to someone and show love in little, sweet ways. It is all of these little ways that add up to a big, beautiful way of spreading the love! Speaking of, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. xo


skirt* | boots* | bag* | tee* | sunnies

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3327649"]images- felicia lasala 

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Let's Talk Hair Care

Hey friends! Today we are talking hair care. As y’all know by now, beauty is a passion of mine (clean beauty, especially), so I really care about health-conscious hair care. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3326051"]


Hey friends! Today we are talking hair care. As y’all know by now, beauty is a passion of mine (clean beauty, especially), so I really care about health-conscious hair care. A healthy physical body and wellness of course starts with diet and internal wellness, but taking care of your hair is definitely a fun aspect of wellness! I also have my own dry shampoo company, so, of course I love hair. :)Carachele from Nine Zero One Salon in LA has been the first person that I fully trust with my hair, and I didn't realize that until I started going to her! You can check out some of her amazing hair work on her Instagram. I have tried nearly every color with her, from platinum to light brown. What I love about her is that her main priority is the health of your hair, so the way she colors and cuts goes through that desire.Below are details when it comes to my hair care routine and products I love. Enjoy!


Shampoo: this / this / or this

Conditioner: this / or this

Heat protector

Hair mask: this / or coconut oil

Dry shampoo

I also make and use this DIY hair toner once a week- 

1 Tbsp ACV

8 ounces of water

3 drops of rosemary oil

3 drops of lavender oil


top / denim


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Beauty, General, Wellness Beauty, General, Wellness

Clean Stuff Edit | No. 6

It's clean beauty time- something I love to talk and share about, as you guys know! If you are new to clean stuff edits, catch up here! [show_shopthepost_widget id="3320188"]


It's clean beauty time- something I love to talk and share about, as you guys know! If you are new to clean stuff edits, catch up here and follow my clean stuff IG account for regular beauty buys to consider. Scroll down beyond the pics to see five clean beauty items I use and love.

primally pure flower bath

a whimsical, relaxing, pure bath that I love to unwind in

january labs eye cream

say goodbye to under-eye puffiness and dark circles

ilia eye shadow palette

add a little color on your eyelids with ilia's palette

ilia lip conditioner

keep your lips conditioned and moisturized all winter long

juice beauty lip crayon

love's this lip crayon for everyday color or a night out



tee | overshirt (love this one) | jeans | booties | sunnies

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3320188"] images: felicia lasala 

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General General

The LSK Foundation x Marc Fisher

Y’all may have seen my stories last week of our sweet adventure in Texas to gift Clare her new beautiful prosthetic leg. She is the 6th recipient of The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation,


Y’all may have seen my stories last week of our sweet adventure in Texas to gift Clare her new beautiful prosthetic leg. She is the 6th recipient of The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation, and one of the things that has amazed me most is the immense support and generosity from brands and people! Marc Fisher sponsored Clare’s new cosmetic covering for her leg + sent her the cutest shoes that she wasn’t able to wear with her old prosthesis.Clare lost her leg due to chemo complications. She has a heart of gold + to see her feel extra loved on and whole was one of the greatest joys! Mike is the most amazing painter with the biggest heart and makes the most beautiful cosmetic coverings for our prosthetic limbs. We are all so thankful for his incredible influence on our lives.Thank you Marc Fisher for the #makeyourmarc nomination and for your incredible generosity. We are forever grateful! Scroll to see the entire process of her leg being made.

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All The Fall Feels

Oh fall, we just adore you. Even on the West Coast where it is a little warmer a little longer, all the fall feels are still in full force. I am a big believer in cozy vibes this time of year, especially as the holiday season nears in a month's time. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3312129"]


Oh fall, we just adore you. Even on the West Coast where it is a little warmer a little longer, all the fall feels are still in full force. I am a big believer in cozy vibes this time of year, especially as the holiday season nears in a month's time. Any excuse to cook a heart-warming meal like a yummy soup or tasty pumpkin bread is right up my alley. When it comes to fall fashion, sign me up for all the shades of denim, oversized sweatshirts, combat boots, wide brim hats, and chunky knits. And don't even get me started on football...as a forever Cowboys fan, the fall season brings me so much joy and excitement around my favorite team.What do you love most about fall? Let me know in the comments below and keep scrolling to see one of my new favorite fall outfits! Links at the bottom to shop. P.S. who is loving these free people plaid pants  as much as I am!?


sweater (c/o) | sunnies | pants | bag (c/o) | shoes (c/o)

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3312129"]

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The Imperfect Art of Seeking Wisdom

When I typed this title at first, I typed the art of seeking wisdom and then I chuckled to myself because it is an art, but it is an imperfect one at best! [show_shopthepost_widget id="3298102"]


When I typed this title at first, I typed the art of seeking wisdom and then I chuckled to myself because it is an art, but it is an imperfect one at best! However, the imperfect art of seeking wisdom is so beautiful at every hesitant yet hopeful, slightly uncomfortable yet incredibly helpful, painful yet promising, unwanted yet so needed moment. Every effort of the act of seeking wise counsel is so worth it.The Bible is full of instruction on seeking wisdom. First and foremost, the one who fears the Lord is on the path to wisdom. Fearing God is the first and most necessary step to live a life close to Jesus and needed to obtain wisdom and knowledge. Proverbs 9:10 reads: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.After fearing the Lord, seeking Him always, and meditating on His word, the Bible also instructs us to seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 reads: A fool's way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise. This is where community is so important. Having people in your circle that you can count on, trust, and go to when you need guidance is so important. If we are left to a path that we see as right in our own eyes alone, we would essentially be quite lost. This is because we can't trust what we see through our own eyes, since our sight is so severely limited compared to that of the Lord. The Lord makes His way known to us through His Word, the Holy Spirit, and biblically sound counsel from wise people in our lives here on earth.When I picture a person fearing God with their mind, heart, and soul, seeking Him constantly, and then calling on wise counsel from Biblically-minded people they trust, I see a person that is well-prepared and totally equipped to make wise choices and walk through life confidently, faithfully, and wisely.Have you sought counsel from trusted ones in your life lately? Share with us in the comments below about how that experience impacted you and what you learned from it! Prayers and love to all, xo.


sunnies | top | pants | bag (c/o) | boots

[show_shopthepost_widget id="3298102"]images: felicia lasala 

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Three Fitness Routines I Love

Hey guys! As you know, fitness is a super important part of wellness. In order to feel my best, staying active is key. I love to be outside and that is part of the reason why I absolutely love the beach and being by the water. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3277216"]


Hey guys! As you know, fitness is a super important part of wellness. In order to feel my best, staying active is key. I love to be outside and that is part of the reason why I absolutely love the beach and being by the water. Whenever Jase and I go to the beach, we have time to rest and relax, but we are also up and out exploring and adventuring.

Regardless of where I am, home or at the beach, keeping fit is so important to me and brings me such joy! Below are three fitness routines that I love:


*Sweat App (BBG)

I do the Sweat App (BBG) about three days a week.


Doing pilates once a week works out really well for me- I love the strength and flexibility focus of the classes.


I love hiking and try to do that at least once a week - we live right on a canyon with a great hiking trail, so that makes it extra easy!


We would love to know what fitness routines ya'll love! Let us know in the comments below. xo


bikini top | bikini bottoms | shorts (sold out) similar | sunnies

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