
General, Wellness General, Wellness

Celebrating Earth Day + Sharing Helpful Tips


Happy Earth Day everyone! I have had this topic on my mind extra much lately as we have been quarantined at home. Bettering the health of the earth can feel like such a big topic, but I think the most effective way to do something good and helpful for our environment is to start by just changing one thing. Start there and I truly believe it will have such a ripple effect. I think we have all been inundated with the push back to simplicity...a slow pace. Besides the heaviness that stands behind our current circumstances, I have found this interruption in our busy lives to be nothing but refreshing. It is humbling to know we are out of control. This time has also shown me that I am more capable that I sometimes believe and has opened up new confidence and joy in activities that have slowly turned into daily burdens in the midst of our go-go-go mentality when they are meant to be a delight. I wanted to share a few things I have incorporated that have been so rewarding.We are in the process of planting our own garden in the back yard. I know it will be such a learning experience, and I can't wait to dive into it! Another great way to do this is to get a tower garden, which waters and sustains itself. We have done this in the past and couldn't recommend it more! Also, another great option is going to the farmer's market to buy produce or a local farm.Another fun thing is growing fresh greens in your home. It requires no effort and is so fun to see them grow in no time! My mom gave me these for my birthday, and it may have been one of my favorite gifts.Use a swag bag to keep veggies and herbs extra fresh for longer. These have been game changers for us, especially during this time!Take these organic produce bags to the grocery store, farmer's market, or the local farm. This helps to cut down on the use of plastic bags!This one sounds so random, but a sea sponge has been my favorite new addition to our shower. It makes body wash last so much longer.Use clean candles! These improve the air around you and don't release more toxins into the air. These are a few of my favorite places to buy: Slow North, Follain, and Heaven Scent Wellness.Make your own almond milk to save money and to lessen the use of plastic bottles. Almond Cow has been a heaven send during this time, and it only takes 5 minutes to make!Use nontoxic cleaning products. This is my go to for everything, but I also love this! This protects your health so much and keeps the environment in your home clean.I have listed out so many other ways, products, and practices I love in my program called The Clean Sweep.

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General General

How Are You Using This Time?


It is wild to think we are over a month into quarantine. Do you feel like the time is crawling or flying by? I feel like the first week or two was full of processing and finding our rhythms, and now we are more settled in and feeling all kinds of emotions. This time can be so triggering to anxiety or fear or a when will this end mentality, and as I reflect on the last 21 days, I am amazed at how easy it is to avoid my internal state. If I am honest, it has been much easier to "task," watch TV, and lounge on my phone. Who's with me? It is vulnerable and a bit intimidating to dig into this, to better our minds, to journal, to start intentional conversations, to address the feelings that arise. We are so used to our fast paced "go" mentality, and now that we have open space and quiet moments, it can be startling and scary and, not to mention, harder to live in a state of avoidance. BUT, this could be the best thing for us. I keep thinking about how this is the pace the generations lived before us, and the wisdom and relationships built during those years are unmatched. It's almost as if this time is a lens into the times before our rush and distraction-filled culture was created, and it is beautiful. Let's embrace it. Let's make changes.It amazes me that the entire world is in this together but circumstances are all different. Some are separated from family, some are home alone, some are at the frontlines risking their lives and serving people during this time, some are learning to homeschool their kids, teenagers are missing their friends, weddings are postponed, struggling marriages are forced to be together, parents are balancing toddlers without help, some are transitioning to balancing two work schedules in the house, many are out of jobs, some are exhausted cooking and cleaning 24/7, extroverts are missing in person connection, and the list goes on. You are not alone. In the struggle, we can all come together.Yesterday I really started feeling moved by the idea that I do not want to waste this time. This is an opportunity to practice self discipline more than ever. This is a time to focus on truth. This is a time to be reminded of how much we can't control. I love this quote that I read this morning in the book Pray Big Things quoted by Oswald Chambers - "all our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God." God has gone before us and is redeeming this time of unknowns, and He is with us through every moment. Let's start noticing Him in the day to day and cast our burdens on Him. Let Him carry them.I started making some intentions and boundaries that I hope can be helpful to you:

  • Limit the news to only the necessary guidelines. This has helped with limiting anxiety and worry.
  • Check in on and encourage your friends every day and FaceTime with family and the people you love.
  • Start your day journaling, reading, and praying before you even look at your phone!
  • Time block your days: working, exercise, chores, and relax time.
  • Make sure you get some vitamin D, whether that's going on your back porch, on a walk, or through opening your windows.
  • Look up a new recipe and cook it!
  • Support small businesses in your area.
  • Ask your husband, wife, family member, or roommate how you can support them during this time.
  • Send people flowers, thoughtful presents, or gift cards.
  • Play music in your house the entire day.
  • Make your bed first thing in the morning.
  • Give your house some love. Organize and clean out your spaces and donate!

What are things you are doing every day to make this time purposeful? Would love to hear your ideas. Hope you are all staying safe and healthy! 

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General General

Bennie Biscuits: A Fun Activity This Week


Good morning everyone! Jase and I did a fun IG Live yesterday with our good friends Michael and Kate. Michael is the master bread maker, and he surprised us with showing us how to make treats for Bennett or any dog of course! It is super easy and can be so fun if you have kiddos, too, to work together to make your pup a biscuit.


-Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
-3 cups flour (any kind)-1 cup water-2 eggs-Spoonful of peanut butter (mix it up)-If too dry, add water-If too sticky, add flour-Roll it into ball-Roll it out
-Oil baking pan
-Put in oven for 20 minutes.
That's it!!
xo Lo.
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Quarantined: When Sweats Become the Everyday #ootd

Who would have imagined that sweats would become the recent #ootd? [show_shopthepost_widget id="3975830"]


Who would have imagined that sweats would become the recent #ootd? I love the #InMyScrubs challenge where people are supporting those in hospital scrubs by staying in your scrubs at home and donating. It is such a beautiful way to feed health care workers with food from local restaurants while committing to stay home. Wearing sweats at your house is such a great picture of respecting the legal protocols, protecting others and yourself, and also doing good while staying put, whether that's caring on overload for your family, cooking, working, or learning! You are making an impact by just staying in.I wanted to show you some sweats I have been living in during this time of isolation.This is the coziest sleep set that is also so perfect for the daytime (top and pants). I literally have been in this for two days straight. I love this more fitted sweat pant with a more oversized top (the comfiest combo that is flattering too!). These classic sweatpants have been my favorite + they are so comfy and a bit oversized. I have this in a neutral color as well as this rose tone, and I wear them both several times a week. This is the best jumpsuit as it starts getting a little warmer! Scroll down to see more picks! xo[show_shopthepost_widget id="3975830"]

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The Gift of Giving & Receiving


Right now is an extra important time to love extra on your friends and family. We all need it! After acknowledging and processing my emotions, my dad would always encourage me to serve someone when I was struggling, and it was some of the best wisdom I have received. We should all pitch in to help each other not feel alone in these unknown times + it takes the focus off of ourselves when we doing something special for someone else. Also, with Easter coming up, it is the sweetest time to send thoughtful little things that will make someone smile. Also, this is the best way to support small businesses!The Magnolia Cookbook is the perfect present to give someone right now, especially because we all have no choice but to cook! I made the cilantro lime rice and roasted carrots as part of our meal last night, and it got me out of my cooking rut + they both were so easy to make, flavorful and tasty!A candle sets such a peaceful tone in the house + these beeswax candles clean the air! What gets better than that at this time?These Jaymes Paper cards are always stocked in my home. You can buy a pack for yourself to write loved ones handwritten notes and send a set to your friend too!I am sending bright flowers to my parents and Jase's parents this weekend for Easter to help make this season feel extra hopeful!Gift an at-home spa night for your bestie or send some nontoxic cleaning products because everyone is cleaning extra right now.For my sweet nieces, I got Kate (who is three), this tee, these pants, and this nontoxic tie dye set to create a fun memory during this time at home. (thank you to Lauren Gores for this idea).This book is so precious for a little one too!Puzzles have been my go to activity during these last few weeks. It is so rewarding, good for your mind, and it keeps you off your phone! These are so fun and they are framable; in my mind, it is a memento to remember all we are learning during this time.Get a cozy pair of jammies. These get extra comfy with time, too, and you and your friend could have matching ones!xo Lo.

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Keep Moving at Home


One of the most helpful ways to stay healthy, sane, and have mental clarity during this time is making it a priority to stay active every day, even if it's just for ten minutes! You can change it up often so it stays exciting. Even commit to a work out every day with a friend over FaceTime to make it something to look forward to. I wanted to share my favorite work outs I have been doing from home these last few weeks + share ways that you can create your own gym in your home!

Favorite Work Outs

Everyday @laurengores posts a circuit training work out on her IG stories. They have been my favorite and only take 15 minutes.If you want to step it up a notch, @johnpeelfitness posts a workout every day on his IG that will kick your butt and whip you into shape.Have you ever heard of The Class? I am starting a trial for two weeks - it is so grounding and creates emotional awareness while moving your body.The Sweat App is so fun and a challenge! It only takes 30 minutes.Try Alo Yoga for free for 14 days!SHOCK Women's Fitness app is a must-try for a great at-home workout!

Items for Home Exercise + Activewear

A good nontoxic yoga mat is an essential for any exercise. An exercise ball is so good for stability and core. Ankle weights are great during any work out or even to add a little resistance on a neighborhood walk. This set has everything you could need. These bands are also great to give your legs + bum a serious burn!!See below and scroll through our favorite activewear! Stay safe and hope you have the best work outs![show_shopthepost_widget id="3971984"] 

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A Small Business To Love: Heaven Scent Wellness


Happy weekend, friends. We are praying for everyone's healthy, safety, and peace during this extremely difficult time. Praying that you are home, healthy, and keeping the faith!Supporting small businesses is something that is close to our hearts always, but especially during this pandemic. We want to support the creative and hardworking small business founders & owners by continuing to purchase from them during this time, if possible! Whether it be your favorite boutique or local restaurant, it is definitely worth reaching out to them by phone, email, or social to see what their operating terms are right now.That being said, we thought now was the perfect time to tell you all of our favorite candle brand: Heaven Scent Wellness. The founder, Kristi, has created the most beautiful and natural beeswax candles. Keep reading to learn more about her incredible company and candles. 

Q&A With Heaven Scent Wellness' Founder

-Tell us about Heaven Scent Wellness! How did it start? “Heaven Scent” started back in 2002 when I did petsitting in my spare time. Since, it has evolved and is now Heaven Scent Wellness where I make the “healthy” candles myself, as well as offer clean skincare + supplements. I also have Home + Gifts Collections where I handpick and put one-of-a-kind gift boxes together for my customers.-Why beeswax to create candles? Would love to know some of the benefits of burning beeswax candles! Why beeswax? Years ago while looking for natural ways to purify the air in our home with plants, I came across the benefits of burning beeswax candles. 100% beeswax is known for releasing negative ions while burning and has purifying abilities. No other wax can do that! Beeswax is the most natural of all candle waxes. I never bought a beeswax candle from the store as I knew they had paraffin in them so eventually I started creating my own. Beeswax candles are great for anyone with allergies or asthma, or who are sensitive to fragrance.-What is one thing you dream about adding to the Heaven Scent Wellness collection? What the future holds? I am always open to new things and love creating and raising the bar. It has taken me three years since I started making candles. I have done so much testing of different wax recipes and containers to hold those creations along with essential oil aromatherapy blends for my essential oil coconut wax candle line. I am very happy with what I offer and just want to make the cleanest, purest, plant-based and natural candles that I can. It is important to me that the ingredients I use are ethically sourced and sustainable.I may add fun, new limited edition candles in the future. Maybe some candle gift boxes. I would love to hear from my customers what they would like! For the most part, I love what Heaven Scent Wellness is now!-With online shopping being so popular these days, what type of customer experience do you hope to create for your online shoppers? I want my customers to know how much I care and appreciate each and every one of them! I want them to feel a sense home + comfort. Everything is of the highest quality with clean, safe, natural ingredients. All of my packaging is recyclable and most of the details are handmade items from women-owned small businesses. With each order I want my customers to feel like they are receiving a special gift and put a smile on their face!-If someone reading this has a dream of starting their own retail business, what would be your biggest piece of advice?My biggest piece of advise would be that these days anything is possible but you must do what you love and are passionate about to be around for the long haul. There are going to be ups and downs. In order to survive and thrive, you must truly be passionate and continue to create. I think growing organically is also very important.

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How To Edit Your Wardrobe


Hey friends!Hope everyone is staying safe, well, and holding on to the faith during this difficult time that we are facing together as a world.Praying that we are all healthy, at home, and with more time than usual to focus on our home surroundings. We are big believers at LSK that our homes should be our havens. Having a haven to call home is especially important during a stressful time like this. Our surroundings impact our moods, so having a decluttered, peaceful place to call home can really give your mind the much-needed peace and space to think and process.

Today we want to talk about your closet! Below are a few tips to tackle your wardrobe and introduce a remix of sorts. Let's make your wardrobe a peaceful place of only things that you love; the items you gravitate toward on repeat! Keep reading for our guide for a simple and successful wardrobe edit.



- Go section by section, working on one category at a time. Scroll through jeans, for example, skipping the ones you know you love. Those are a must-keep!

-Any questionable candidates? Take them out and try on. If they are 100% comfortable and confident-boosting, they are to go!

-Either donate or consign the items that no longer work for you, so they are available to someone who will love them!

-Do this for every category of clothing and accessories...tops, jackets, shoes, and so on. We promise, it is liberating!

-Your closet should be a capsule of clothes you love! Read below for our checklist of qualities that "loved" items should entail:





-Good quality

-Fits with your current style aesthetic

-Something you would buy again today

-Looks like you

-Makes you smile

Not too hard, right? We promise that this time spent will be well worth-it! A edited wardrobe is a happy wardrobe. Have fun with it! xo


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General, Lifestyle General, Lifestyle

A Few Good Books To Read

How is everyone doing during this social distancing season? [show_shopthepost_widget id="3961586"]


How is everyone doing during this social distancing season? We are praying health, wellness, and peace over everyone during this difficult time. It's an absolute blessing if we are healthy and home, as we all are at LSK. With this extra time available, we have been finding ourselves doing a lot of resting, at-home workouts, cooking, puzzles, and reading. As far as what books to read, if you are also finding yourself cozying up more in the mood to read something wonderful, then we have some recommendations for you. See below! 


Pray Big Things 

Inspiration to not only pray, but pray boldly to our great Father

Battlefield Of The Mind 

An encouraging book that teaches us how to think more like how God thinks (very healing to anxious thought patterns)

Your New Name 

Be inspired to live out the unique, loving names that God has for us


Next Year In Havana 

A must-keeping-reading story about love, family, history and so much more!

The Giver Of Stars 

This book is a beautiful balance of friendship, trials, love, suspense, and happiness

All The Flowers In Paris 

I (Melissa!) just started reading this one, but have heard incredible things!

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